One time they asked Danial Boone if he had ever been lost. His answer was that although he had never been lost, he was very confused for 3 days one time. While it is a joke, it also shows his mind set, I think in our search for the ultimate prepping tool, Bug Out Bag, firearm, etc, we often overlook Boone's gift. In the very short run, ducking when you see the flash of the reflection off the rifle, rather than falling when the bullet strikes, or in the long run, knowing how to grow those heirloom seeds and save their seeds for next year, 10 years after TSHTF. All will depend on your mind set and knowledge. We are at present in uncharted wilderness, as at drift as Boone was when he was exploring new lands. He had talked to the people who lived there, the natives who traveled to his lands, and had a general idea of what was ahead. But he had no maps, etc, to guide him. We are at present firing missiles at each other. Ones filled with either regular explosives or with ballast. People living in the early iron age are lobbing missiles into ships and near carriers. While others build, deliver, service, aim with satellites, and monitor how effective their tools of war are. We are in many senses in a situation like the Spanish Civil War in the late 1930's, each side testing their weapons and tactics. We haven't put the nuclear warheads on, but we are checking out the carrier rockets. We have also found that we can not fight WW2 over. Drones, AI, world wide accurate targeting, all have changed the nature of the conflict. Most mass bombing during WW2 had the goal of getting half the bombs within 5 miles of the target and used bombs with a damage zone measured in 10's of feet. There was a reason we fire bombed targets that we really wished to destroy. Recent attacks IRBM have indicated Iran has fairly crude missile that are impacting within a couple hundred feet of intended target point and Russian missiles hitting within 10's of feet. While we may if we wish see the damage down to the navy ships at the Bikini tests, the small nuclear weapon, 23 kt, missed its intended target by about a mile. We may well be dependent on the wisdom of a few good men on both sides to escape the drift we are now in towards war. Sad fact is that the drift was not stopped for WW1 or WW2 and arguments can be made for all of the troubles during the present cold wars. I believe in my mind that it is a good time to evaluate both the world and our survival tools. Since I did all I could to try to ensure sanity in government a few weeks ago, now it is time to look at my chances of survival. Being 86 years old and in bad health, my situation is different than yours. But in the end it is the same. I worry more about friends and family than myself, but hope to die in the comfort of family and without pain, rather than of starvation, thirst, or exposure. I have,to the best of my ability passed the torch down to the next generation. I admit that I have not been that good at passing it to family as I would like, but it has been passed down, what knowledge and attitude I have, as well as physical goods, to people of like mind. I do not think it is necessary to run out and take a loan out on the house to build a shelter. I do think that the chances of either depression, civil unrest, war, or natural disasters are high enough to encourage one to check out your physical stores, have some cash on hand, and minimize your debt. I find comfort in trying to do this in good times and bad as a personal insurance policy. I have wood for this winter and thus neither worry about either the cost or the availability of heat. I have 2 sources of water, one a hand pump, totally independent from all outside power or chemical inputs. I have paid my estimated taxes for next year and have some cash and other things stored for a bank event. We eat and rotate our food. We have enough first in first out non perishables for several months, a greenhouse, seeds and fertilizers, foods that do not require extensive prep or outside energy stored for several months and long term food storage that does require more extensive preparation. As little as a cleared space in an area that FEMA indicates might help with shelter, a few cans of Dinty Moore Beef Stew, heated over some mashed potato is good, eaten cold is useful, a few jars of sauce and some spaggetti noodles and in season add green peppers, summer squash, onions, meats, etc, before or after SHTF , hot chilli and beans over rice or noodles is good, cold is ok, a few boxes of things you eat and a way of cooking them could make a difference between survival and not and at least make you feel full. In our case, most of the decisions were made many years ago, lived very well in my Bug Out location for 50 years now and the "hostile" natives and their children check on us to make sure we are OK and have enough food and take us to the doctor's visits. Don't mean to preach, but seems like a good time to sit down with friends and family and look around us. A good time to evaluate our living situation, good and bad, and see what could be done in the short run and at little cost to improve things.
What's gunna happen is gunna happen. We have some food put up and have alternate heating systems. Most importantly, we are 'jiggy' with the Lord. So, come what may - we can look at 'it' with calmness and decide what we can do to try to cope. overcome or accommodate the situation.
DKR I long ago made my peace with the Lord. While you can lead a horse to water, you can't make the horse drink. The Lord's word is out there and I can not force mankind to read it. We each have to make that decision. Tend to try not to preach to others. It is God's will to help them see the way, but it is their decision to follow. I also believe that the Lord helps those the most that help themselves and others. As the old saying goes "Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition".
(smiles) My saying is "The helping hand of the Lord is screwed onto the end of your arm." ie - Don't whine, get up off your ass and help your own bad self....
All my life I have been a borderline atheist/agnostic --been a show me kind of person. Just recently when they proved the Shroud of Turin was of Jesus I had an awaking
This forum has been active since 2005. I remember when I first arrived, I posted my usual about how the whole system was designed to enslave us, how the monetary system was really a usury scheme in private hands and we were all going to witness a collapse that would make the Great Depression pale in comparison. I thought I knew so much, but as it turns out, hindsight is 20/20. As the year 2012 approached, I remember saying I would sell off most of my stocks and return to normal life if nothing happened. Well, nothing really happened and I did get rid of all my canned goods and it wasn't long before I started storing freeze dried and prepping again. What changed? I found new information. Up to this point in time, I didn't know what tied everything together. Sure, we have a corrupt system, everything is a corporation and we are being lied to about everything. People are being slowly killed, made sick and weak so they can be treated for the remainder of their pitiful lives with medication and a bloated healthcare system which profits off their ignorance. But, I couldn't tie all of this together with the population decline and come to a sound reason "why". Who are the people at the "top", pulling all the strings, and does it even matter? Is it Freemasons, or Jesuit radicals, the Vatican or the Royal incestuous families of the UK, maybe the Sheiks and oil tycoons? Who really wanted to control the world, or more to the point...who wants to turn it all into a corporate oligarchy managed as a technocratic nightmare? Well, the Mayan prediction wasn't remotely accurate, not by the translation uncovered at the time. We may never put all the mysteries together, but there is one aspect to it all that came into view and gave a new perspective. I had forgotten about the massive underground cities. And I didn't learn about the 12,000 year cyclical cataclysm until later. We may be nothing of importance if we live on the surface. Our lives may truly be inconsequential in the end, so what worry should we have if we've got no control over any of this? We're not stopping an extinction level event. Sure, we can fight to stay out of a global war that could turn nuclear, but we aren't turning off the Sun any time soon. The magnetic pole is shifting, our magnetic shield is weakening and will continue to do so for perhaps another 20 to 40 years or so. And the 12,000 year mark passed and that means we are already long overdue for another big one. The greedy and power hungry people conspire to control and they plot and scheme over our lives. It doesn't matter if they all know about the true state of everything. As it turns out, what really exists is what we are left with. The end might be near, we also may still have another 50 years...hell I won't be around by that time. So, am I really living for today if I am too busy focusing on the end of the world? Life is happening right now.
^^^^^Excellent. This is how I view things. I will weather snow,ice, hurricanes, war, whatever. If it goes nuclear may the first one veer off course and land in my back yard. If a comet hits I hope it hits the old outbuilding I need to tear down. Live for now because tomorrow isn't guaranteed.
It's hard to worry about the 'End of the World as we Know It" when you have to step over the steaming pile on the sidewalk in front you of now....every day.
Let's Live For Today (Uncensored Version) 1967 The Grass Roots also going on in 1967 'Ride of the Valkyries' | Apocalypse Now the reality of 1966. Raw Uncut Vietnam Footage