Federal Judge Denies Gun Rights Claim of Illegal Immigrant with 170 Firearms

Discussion in 'Firearms' started by stg58, Nov 25, 2024.

  1. stg58

    stg58 Your message may have been removed or altered. Founding Member

    flex, Zimmy and duane like this.
  2. duane

    duane Monkey+++

    Interesting, one paper I read said that you had to be here legal to pass the check for firearms and lists it as a reason to fail the back ground check and was one of the major reasons for failing. If you don't lie on the form and the check people foul up, who is at fault?

    The 12 Reasons Why Americans Fail Federal Gun Background Checks

    And here is the sheet that is supposed to help you fill in the back ground check form.


    We lost the member who not only been able to quote the law but have used it many times. I often miss B T Post and his comments. Guess it will have to be sorted out again as different jurisdictions read the supreme court decision and if a person who is either an uncaught criminal, illegal alien, or one that doesn't have a legal status, released on parole awaiting for a court appearance, has the federal right to bear arms under the second and fourteenth amendments. Problem is again in the fourteenth which in the process of granting rights to a class of people with little or no documentation and whose rights were often under attack, left many legal questions. Expanding it into a civil rights catch all for voting, etc, has not simplified things either.

    Here is the New York State Rifle & Pistol Assn. Inc v. Bren decision. June 20, 2022. If Trump in his 4 years as President accomplished anything, his appointees to the Supreme Court and their decisions have made his 4 years a success. For gun rights, this and a couple other decisions are of the utmost value.


    Don't expect people to read the details, but your rights to firearm use and ownership for the next few years will be dependent on how this plays out and who appoints the judges. The selection of the President and the Senate will see who selects and approves the judges and like it or not, they will "determine" what the laws are. Not time to declare a winner yet in politics.
  3. oil pan 4

    oil pan 4 Monkey+++

    170 guns? Funny how they'll arrest a pos illegal with 170 guns and won't think twice about executing one of us in our own front yard over a few dozen guns.
    Gator 45/70 and Zimmy like this.
  4. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    Stop. You think only one member here knows anything about the law? Get a grip on reality, please.

    "The judge’s decision reaffirms the legal precedent restricting firearm ownership for individuals not legally residing in the U.S., citing national security and public safety considerations."
    Illegals are not Citizens, period. The Constitution only applies to U.S. Citizens. It's not rocket science. Any law passed that restricts or limits anything an illegal (non-citizen) does literally has no application to Citizens. There's no room for obfuscation. Nothing has changed.

    The alarming part is how easy it has been for illegals to literally arm themselves and become an army in the wake of completely uncontrolled immigration with open borders. And we warned the criminal government this would happen years ago. This is an invasion, plain and simple. Many of the firearms are not getting into their hands through strawman purchases or falsifying identification, but through the FBI. That's right, also known as gun runners for America, the FBI and their corrupt alphabet agency counterparts readily supply arms to foreign assets.
    Gator 45/70 likes this.
  5. duane

    duane Monkey+++

    No, I said one departed member had many years direct contact with the regulation of the gun industry. In addition it was during the time phase when it changed from ordering gun from the back of a magazine and mailing it via parcel post to almost impossible to buy in some areas. He made many very astute comments about the realities of the industry over the years. I know and respect the expertise that many of our members have and enjoy and find their contributions valuable, but I still miss B T Post.

    As I understand the intent of the regulations on the national level, while illegals don't have gun rights, some non citizens do have them. This group includes, among others described, such as hunters from other countries and those in the "green card" system for self defense and other programs that have a legal identification number and are registered in the ICE system.

    A decision chain is given in the pdf I listed on filling out the forms for the background check and indicates who may be allowed to purchase a weapon before submission of the form. The ultimate authority is however left to the government. . While it is supposed to catch those not allowed to buy firearms, it has not proven to be 100 % effective,
    Last edited: Nov 25, 2024
  6. Illini Warrior

    Illini Warrior Illini Warrior

    hopefully - another one or more of the FED ABCDs continues to investigate this guy >>> he's definitely up to something - most likely an illegal gunrunner supplying whoever has the $$$$ - just might be US based Cartel member and even a bigger a-hole problem considering where the US is headed with deportations .....
    Brokor likes this.
  7. Zimmy

    Zimmy Wait, I'm not ready!

    I think that many guns could be acquired from private sellers in time.

    Sorry, I didn't click the link.
  8. natshare

    natshare Monkey+++

    I guess it all depends on how the NICS check is done. If all it's doing it checking to make sure you're not disqualified, due to a felony conviction (or domestic violence conviction), then it succeeded. I can't see how they could easily distinguish a citizen from a non-citizen, without tying it in to a number of different databases.....and from my understanding, it doesn't.
    Brokor likes this.
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