Survival Gear DEALS: Made in the USA Only

Discussion in 'General Survival and Preparedness' started by Brokor, May 23, 2011.

  1. NEPrepper

    NEPrepper Monkey

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  2. NEPrepper

    NEPrepper Monkey

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  3. NEPrepper

    NEPrepper Monkey

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  4. NEPrepper

    NEPrepper Monkey

  5. NEPrepper

    NEPrepper Monkey

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  6. NEPrepper

    NEPrepper Monkey

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  7. NEPrepper

    NEPrepper Monkey

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  8. NEPrepper

    NEPrepper Monkey

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  9. Zimmy

    Zimmy Wait, I'm not ready!

    I bought that one.

    I will use a couple for caching camping materials at remote sites I like staying at. Mostly camp cooking gear, spices, a water filter, first aid, other support stuff.

    I have the large fancy green one from this manufacturer. You certainly couldn't bury it with hopes of keeping the world out, but I would feel confident if left under a rock overhang, in an old shed, or under a good layered tarp in the woods.
    Last edited: Dec 16, 2024
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  10. NEPrepper

    NEPrepper Monkey

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  11. NEPrepper

    NEPrepper Monkey

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  12. Blackgrub0331

    Blackgrub0331 Monkey

    Made in America does not mean the same thing as it did 25 years ago! In 2003 Leatherman would not stand by there warranty if a tool they made was used in combat! Same thing with companies like Benchmade! I broke a $400 auto knife blade on a ammo can metal twist tie and was told that the warranty did not cover that type of use.

    Then you have companies like HHV that claim to be American but there Chinese helmet are better and hold up better then their $2,500 American made helmets. I use to work for them and I know! Never buy a rifle helmet from them!

    We sent a rifle helmet to be tested by the government and it did stop the rifle bullet yet if your head was in the helmet it would be crushed and you would die maybe a long slow death or be given coloring books for the rest of your life as a gift! Me I pick death

    Now SOG on the other hand in 2004 I sent an email asking if I could buy a new blade for my Multi-Tool! I told them I throw it trying to hit a wind scorpion and broke the blade. 1000% my fault I was willing to pay for my dumb idea(I did hit and kill the wind Scorpion with it.)

    SOG sent me FREE a new tool for every tool on my Multi-Tool! Did not give me any BS that what I was doing was not covered under there warranty like American companies!

    Yet not all are bad oakley sunglasses! These guys are AWESOME!!!!!! They give a huge discount to military and law enforcement! There sunglasses saved my eyes and life in Iraq had a 155mm IED shrapmetal hit my face huge gouge was taken out of the sunglasses from Oakley! If I did not have them on I would have been blind or dead!

    Let me add one more company council tools they make great axes! When it comes to axes there are only a few European companies that top so far as I have seen! There axes just feel right and they cut so much better then the Chinese crap.

    Something made in Japan that is a great tool is Outdoor Edge! I have owned three of there knives and love them. You can change the blade out on this knife. They have a box cutter, drop point/ and a 50/50 serrated drop point, skinning blade and a nice gut hook blade.

    I was also a die hard fan of American military made packs and rucks! That was until I found Osprey backpacks! They are a whole new level of comfort that I NEVER received from military packs and rucks! That even after using a
  13. Jerry Fisk

    Jerry Fisk Monkey

    It would surprise you how many made in america companies are really made over seas. They repackage them which allows them to say it. Dang sad, and the markup is astonding on a lot of them. I am not giving out names.
    Zimmy, Brokor and Seawolf1090 like this.
  14. Seawolf1090

    Seawolf1090 Retired Curmudgeonly IT Monkey Founding Member

    Last edited: Jan 5, 2025
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  15. NEPrepper

    NEPrepper Monkey

  16. Zimmy

    Zimmy Wait, I'm not ready!

    I bought the MREs. I ordered two cases and received 20 meals. Variety is not balanced and eating one will knock me smooth out of Keto. Includes entree, john Wayne crackers, napkin, salt, pepper, and ridiculous spork, fruit snack, melted skittles, and a fig bar.

    Pasta with garden vegetables and tomato sauce is the most prevalent.

    Calories 1080
    Fat 20g
    Carbs 217g
    Fiber 17g
    Sugars 112g
    Protein 19g

    There about 500 creepy looking ingredients. (Wtf are ceratex corn flakes?)

    Not at all the way I eat on the Ketovore-ish diet, but it's there to feed the tribe in an emergency.
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2025
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  17. NEPrepper

    NEPrepper Monkey

  18. NEPrepper

    NEPrepper Monkey

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  19. matijasever

    matijasever On Hiatus Banned

    Jackery’s 1500W power station is a great deal, especially with the LiFePO4 battery for extended life.
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2025
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  20. NEPrepper

    NEPrepper Monkey

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