.220 swift dies to a good/needing home

Discussion in 'Pay It Forward' started by evilgijoe88, Feb 20, 2008.

  1. evilgijoe88

    evilgijoe88 Monkey+++

    i have an unused set of .220 swift dies marked: f l die set .220 swift p/n 10701 group a. i had intended to start reloading for that caliber for my ruger m77 but it was traded for some crowns that i needed. let me know if your interested
  2. grizzly60

    grizzly60 Monkey+++

    "Ill Take Them" & PIF with 100 Win .243 once-fired brass w/ boxes.
  3. grizzly60

    grizzly60 Monkey+++

    Did you send out the dies yet????
  4. grizzly60

    grizzly60 Monkey+++

    Still waiting to hear about the dies. Dave
  5. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Try the handloadersbench, there is a link on the main menu. Might find a swap over there.
  6. Gnarly

    Gnarly Authority Questioner

    I'll take your .243 brass & PIF w/ a set of .308 Lyman dies
    I sent you an email, but I'm new here-not sure how this works.
    Now I will start a new thread??? putting up the Lyman dies?
    Lemme know how much postage $$$ to send you for the brass.
  7. grizzly60

    grizzly60 Monkey+++

    Hey Joe, I'm sorry that I did not understand the process on this forum for the pay it forward. If you can tell me how much postage you need for the .220 dies, I'll be glad to send it ,as I really need the dies to load with. Thanks in advance, Dave
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