I see where North Korea (PDRK) will be sending troops to Russia to 'help'

Discussion in 'Politics' started by DKR, Jun 26, 2024.

  1. DKR

    DKR Raconteur of the first stripe

    No doubt they will wind up being more cannon fodder for the Russians.

    What does this mean for South Korea?
    If Putin et al bleeds out the Norks, will they have enough to attack the South?

    Does this raise the risk of Nuke first use on the Korean Peninsula?
    --Living in Alaska, this is a real concern for me

    Or does this reduce the risk of conflict in the Koreas?

    What does the hive mind say?
  2. Wildbilly

    Wildbilly Monkey+++

    North Korea and Russia don't have many friends, but they do have each other. Russia has resources (food, fuel, minerals, gold, silver, diamonds, etc.) and technology. North Korea has the 4th largest army in the world (1,300,000 active duty and 600,000 reserves). Let's make a deal! What is the rest of the world going to do? Impose more sanctions?! Imagine, if you will, that North Korea loans Russia 300,000 soldiers, complete with weapons and ammunition. That would be a game changer, and not just in the Russia/Ukraine War. North Korea and the Kim Dynasty would finally have what they have always wanted...to be a World Power! What do you think would happen if 300,000 North Korea soldiers were to launch human-wave assaults all along the Ukrainian lines? The Ukrainian army would soon find itself in Poland! It happened in the Korean War, and it could happen in this one too!
  3. Tempstar

    Tempstar Monkey+++

    Agree. That many additional troops would certainly change the balance of power in a big way. NK would also benefit from the technology boost that would assuredly accompany such a trade. The effect on the US would be marginal at best, but would strengthen NK by a large factor in their region of the world. Something to keep an eye on, for sure.
    CraftyMofo and Ura-Ki like this.
  4. Illini Warrior

    Illini Warrior Illini Warrior

    everything will depend on just how stupidly revenge driven North Korea gets - the first token troops is an "engineering" company which is simply double talk for sappers >>>

    and they will be targeted - won't be hard to find their base - and it'll be getting special attention that will probably set a record for the conflict >>> if they suffer heavy losses and it provokes more than serves as a learning experience - N Korea will stupidly send in numbers of combat troops to be sacrificed to save a bunch of general's faces .....
    CraftyMofo and Tempstar like this.
  5. CraftyMofo

    CraftyMofo Monkey+++

    I suspect they are looking for ways to get a core of their troops seasoning versus Western combatants. They have a huge army of inexperienced troops, so experience gained could really multiply their effectiveness on the Korean peninsula later. I think it's been quite a while since they've had combat, 70 years, or 50 if you count the limited actions during the Vietnam era.
  6. Wildbilly

    Wildbilly Monkey+++

    What army, general or political leader has ever cared so deeply for the lives of their soldiers that they wouldn't commit them to battle? "To be a good soldier you must love the army! To be a good general (or any officer or NCO) you must be ready to sacrifice that which you love!" Also, we all know the depth of love and affection that Kim has for his people! I'm betting that this is just the beginning of North Korean involvement, much like our observers and advisors/trainers that were initially sent to Vietnam. As long as Kim doesn't completely destroy the army and North Korea gains in resources, technology and influence, the military and the people will go along with almost anything that Kim decides...that's just North Korea!
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2024
    Tempstar and CraftyMofo like this.
  7. Wildbilly

    Wildbilly Monkey+++

    Yeah, the North Koreans have a large army, but the troops and officers have little or no combat experience. All of the experience gained in the Korean War and Vietnam was lost when those men retired and died. North Korea has sent some observers and advisors to Africa, but that was long ago, and there might even be a few observers in Ukraine already. However, combat experience in one war doesn't necessarily translate into success in the next war, in fact it could get a lot of people killed and lead to defeat! Sometimes, a talented and enthusiastic amateur that is willing to learn wins out over the seasoned and experienced veteran that is set in their ways. The US Army has a quarter century of combat experience in the Middle East and Afghanistan, but most of those troops and officers have left the service and warfare has changed. The biggest threat in Iraq and Afghanistan was IEDs, in Ukraine the threat is drones, with a return to trench warfare and massive artillery barrages a la WW1. A US Army soldier or officer with fairly recent combat experience in Afghanistan would be close to useless in Ukraine today and might get himself and a lot of other people killed!
    Tempstar and CraftyMofo like this.
  8. Zimmy

    Zimmy Wait, I'm not ready!

    The big concern I see for the Norks is deployed troops getting exposure to a world outside the state propaganda narrative. There was a thoroughly disenfranchised Nork merc on utube recently in Ukraine and he wanted out as fast as he could.

    Even a shitty place like war torn Ukraine will exhibit riches and ideologies way outside the perceived reality for North Koreans.

    The Norks as a people aren't stupid, just brainwashed. This is obvious when you look at South Korea. There's plenty of creativity and a lot of flexible minds there. That's the same people.

    I don't think war on the Korean peninsula will be any more or less likely based on the deployment.
    CraftyMofo likes this.
  9. johnbb

    johnbb Monkey+++

    North Korea sends troops -----one way to get rid of some of the population they can't feed
    Zimmy likes this.
  10. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

    The troops will want to take it on the road. They'll be eating better and potential escape from the country as well.
    Reach the front line, drop their firearms and just keep going.
    Germany should let them in or maybe france
    Zimmy likes this.
  11. 3M-TA3

    3M-TA3 Cold Wet Monkey

    Fewer troops to feed means bigger meals for Kim Chow Down.
  12. Illini Warrior

    Illini Warrior Illini Warrior

    ???????? - what are you using my quote to justify your answer? - N Korea has no intention of sending their army to Ukraine at this time >>> only total azzholes sacrifice their troops for no real purpose - the Little Fat Boy isn't insane - he'll play Putin's game only sooo far .....
  13. OldDude49

    OldDude49 Just n old guy

    heard tell many of em are infested with parasites??? weakens them some I guess?
    Zimmy likes this.
  14. Zimmy

    Zimmy Wait, I'm not ready!

    We may disagree on the angle, but our government does sacrifice our troops for no real purpose, IMO.
    chelloveck likes this.
  15. Wildbilly

    Wildbilly Monkey+++

    I'm sure that we can agree that Kim is a total azzhole, who would have no problem sacrificing a couple of hundred thousand troops to enrich himself and his regime.
    Zimmy likes this.
  16. chelloveck

    chelloveck **BANNED**

    300,000 is a lot of personnel (approx 18 infantry divisions) How effective the Koreans will be is an interesting question. Is NK going to be sending its best troops??? Probably not, though it is likely that there would be a sprinkling of better quality officers at company and battalion command levels, and a seasoning of career senior NCOs. The North Korean forces have not fought any sustained unit / formation level combat operations since the mid 60's and possibly even earlier, so their combat usefulness is untested and questionable.

    As to cannon fodder being used directly in combat, much will depend upon the Russians, and what the agreement is with the North Korean government

    300,000 troops will help alleviate some manpower shortages. Without a doubt, Putin will use them much the same way as he has used Russian jailbirds convicted of felonies. Ukraine war: No more easy deals for Russian convicts freed to fight https://edition.cnn.com/2022/11/05/...ilize-serious-crime-offenders-intl/index.html

    They (The North Korean expeditionary force) may be used as expendable shock troops, to minimise Russian soldiery casualties, and to reveal Ukrainian counter attack forces, defensive positions, and supporting arms locations for Russian suppresive / counter battery fires.

    It is likely that the North Koreans may be used in much the same way as Russian Prisoners of War were used by the Wehrmacht on the Eastern Front, otherwise known as Hilfswilliger (Hiwi) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hiwi_(volunteer)

    The Russians may use some fraction of the Korean force as a military labouring force to develop Defensive positions, installing obstacles (wire and mines etc) or as combat engineers for breaching obstacles and minefields, and battlefield clearance.

    The Russians may relieve some Russians from some duties such as guarding prison camps (Something Koreans did for the Japanese with much cruelty). Rear area security of critical military and logistic infrastructure. Logistical duties such as stevedoring, loading and unloading transport vehicles,

  17. Wildbilly

    Wildbilly Monkey+++

    North Korea has sent an estimated 10,000 troops to aid Russia in Ukraine!
  18. johnbb

    johnbb Monkey+++

    less starving people in N Korea
    Zimmy likes this.
  19. Wildbilly

    Wildbilly Monkey+++

    During the Vietnam War, South Korea sent 350,000 troops or about 35,000 per year. Total casualties were 5,100 KIA and 11,000 wounded. In return South Korea's economy boomed thanks to increased American aid, trade, tech transfers, etc. It seems that Kim has taken a page from South Korea's playbook and is hoping for the same boost for his struggling country.
    By the way, South Korea sent way more troops to Vietnam that did Australia and New Zealand!
  20. Zimmy

    Zimmy Wait, I'm not ready!

    Commies helping commies kill Jewish mobsters in a proxy war that keeps the military industrial complex from forcing some dumbassery like invading sub-Saharan Africa, Iran, or Yemen . This story keeps getting better.

    The best part is the Nork troops are going to find the poorest Ukes will eat better than the local Nork Commisars. They will find the other countries they pass through have normal folks that live like the 7,500 gods they can't worship anymore. That's a big fucking win for us when the survivors go home.

    Not an expert, but I am sure the Russians and Norks don't have the airlift capacity so transport other than by rail isn't available.
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