Tulsi Gabbard.....Wow...great explanation of our government and its reasons....causes et al.

Discussion in 'Politics' started by orangetom1999, Oct 12, 2024 at 11:39.

  1. orangetom1999

    orangetom1999 Monkey

    I found this video with Tulsi Gabbard to be very good and informative on the workings of government...it's motives and rationale...or if you prefer...non rationale...

    Tulsi Gabbard - Who Actually Runs The US Government? (youtube.com)

    Great video and clicks in with what the olde ones taught me some 30 plus years go....and some of them were put into jail for teaching the outline of what Tulsi Gabbard is saying here..

    This is an explanation of how Ishmaelites often work...to keep us properly herded....like cattle..and also monitored.....kept track of like cattle with a tag on our ears..,.

    Be warned these Ishmaelites...in our own government and universities..

    My non Ishmaelite .02,
    Bandit99 likes this.
  2. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    Yeah, I saw this video a few months ago when it came out. It's quite good and she's spot-on!
  3. Cruisin Sloth

    Cruisin Sloth Special & Slow

    Yes , I would like to see her under Trump in a position . A real no BS Woman !!
    Jerry Fisk likes this.
  4. Big Ron

    Big Ron Monkey+++

    I'm sure Trump would enjoy this also. She talks some good stuff. How she votes? I hope to see Trump's new team in action. One good thing RFK said was that they are setting up a transition team to hit the ground running.
  5. orangetom1999

    orangetom1999 Monkey

    Yeah...I like her too...she talks some good sense...common sense...not drama or tabloid.....
    Agree...spot on ...in the X ring....

    I greatly dislike what our media has become ...tabloid..and so too much of our leadership....tabloid.

    Some of us are not into drama....if you cannot handle it get the hell out of the way ..make room for those who can...and leave the drama at home. When you work in a hazardous occupation .....you do not want to suffer drama queens..male or female both..

    I've been on some tricky jobs and worked with some good people.....with real skills...not drama...even under heavy pressure on the job...
    I admire people like that...who can go the distance without drama......they do not pee their pants at the first difficulty...

    I've gotten to where I do not trust even the fabled Fox News...I am careful about them too.

    Was a shortwave listener long before I got my ham license...and would listen to foreign stations when they would broadcast in English. I learned back then some 30 years ago...how controlled and rigged our media is become and today gotten worse.

    It seems our rigged media do not like Tulsi Gabbard as well....and that speaks volumes to me

    My non Ishmaelite .02,
    Cruisin Sloth likes this.
  6. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    I don't trust her, From her Seriously messed up anti 2nd stance and push for legislation, to suddenly flip-flop to a serious Pro Gun/Pro2-A stance overnite, Yea, She has a Agenda, and I'm worried it will manifest it's self in another Presidential run, something I don't think she is qualified for!

    Brokor likes this.
  7. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    I mostly agree. I do not entirely trust her, but that's not necessarily a bad thing when considering anybody in a potential leadership role. I would think by now, however, we can all see how the radicalization of the Left has promoted a movement which inspires many who may have previously been a Democrat to come to their senses. I think Tulsi and many other Democrats should be given a fair chance to prove what they have to say, but let's not give them more rope to play with than is absolutely necessary. If we aren't careful, we might just end up with a noose around our necks.
  8. orangetom1999

    orangetom1999 Monkey

    Well said Broker.....Well said..

    I say this in particular in lieu of what we currently have in the White House and their obvious lack of qualifications in both the President and Vice President positions.

    I have been thinking and finally with this current administration...that the true standards and qualifications for President of the United States are not nearly as high as we have been propagandized/mis educated to believe that they are. And this current crop of the White House has clearly demonstrated this concept. I have been thinking this in the back of my mind since the Jimmy Carter Administration.

    I can extend this concept to the standards for Senators and Representatives as well. Remember...these people vote for the approval or disapproval of a Supreme Court Judge .....what does that tell you about those standards as well???

    I have concluded over time...that the real political and social standard...is that the public does not catch on to what is really happening in a rigged system....a non representative government.

    And I also strongly suspect that anyone with any real fixed standard.....will not be liked by the rigged system and also the rigged media.
    How does most of the rigged media treat Tulsi Gabbard????

    But you members decide for yourselves and your reasons...not for reasons of group think....or running with the herd.

    Not an Ishmaelite.
    Ura-Ki likes this.
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