So will this be listed as a hate crime----doubt it

Discussion in 'Politics' started by johnbb, Sep 27, 2024.

  1. johnbb

    johnbb Monkey+++

    upload_2024-9-27_15-45-6. White Unprovoked attack by a black female student stabbed this white girl multiple times in class. Quick response by fellow student saved her life. Black thug admitted she planned on hurting someone.
    Ura-Ki and Zimmy like this.
  2. Wildbilly

    Wildbilly Monkey+++

    She looks to be ape-shit crazy! Wait is saying that racist? Could saying that be called a hate crime? Does anyone out there believe that I give a damn?
    gii shi kan dug likes this.
  3. DKR

    DKR Raconteur of the first stripe


    Kaci Lenise-Charlie Sloan

    folks now asking - is this a tranny?
  4. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

    do you have a link to the story?
    Zimmy likes this.
  5. 3M-TA3

    3M-TA3 Cold Wet Monkey

    The hate crime is that the white woman was white. Probably handcuffed to her hospital bed awaiting her ride to oppressor incarceration. The oppressed victim that was forced to attack her (I mean, she was white and just standing there breathing like she has a right to exist) will likely ask for 500 years worth of damages in a civil suit along with double reparations.
    SB21, Brokor and Ura-Ki like this.
  6. johnbb

    johnbb Monkey+++

    Fox News
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2024
  7. DKR

    DKR Raconteur of the first stripe

    ASU West student's quick thinking likely saved classmate during stabbing incident | FOX 10 Phoenix

    Good guys to the rescue!
    Veteran who stopped ASU stabbing suspect speaks (youtube,com
    And the dude that stopped the Beast? Yup - a Vet.
    Arizona State University student charged after reported unprovoked stabbing of classmate (
    Beast has 250K cash only bond laid. I suspect she will claim some kind of mental illness excuse.
    The young lady is at home and will recover - after a long time.
    There is a GoFundMe setup for her considerable medical costs - now and in the future.
    Brokor likes this.
  8. 3M-TA3

    3M-TA3 Cold Wet Monkey

    I couldn't help but make a modest donation in addition to prayers for a quick recovery. If nothing else the number of those who cared enough to help should be of comfort. I can only wonder how long it will be, if ever, before she is comfortable in a crowd.

    One wonders if Kaci Sloan will at least get extra credit in her DEI classes while she waits behind bars.
    SB21, Brokor and DKR like this.
  9. DKR

    DKR Raconteur of the first stripe

    Getting a shiv in your spleen is no picnic, it is normally fatal. Happily, the paramedics were quick as a bunny and got her to surgery quickly.

    And yeah, the big question is will she be able to handle going back to school?
    ASU does have a well-considered distance learning venue, so she can get her degree via the 'net, should that be an issue.
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2024
    Zimmy and 3M-TA3 like this.
  10. RouteClearance

    RouteClearance Monkey+++

    It is not a question of “if” but “when” the festivities start(which is pretty darned sone), there are individuals making list of people like this that exist in their individual AO.
  11. 3M-TA3

    3M-TA3 Cold Wet Monkey

  12. johnbb

    johnbb Monkey+++

    Dropped attempted murder charges what bull shit --she was going after the girl a third time when she was stopped. Dropped charges cause she is black suffering from slavery PTSD and white oppression. If this were white on black it would be a hate crime and attempted murder. I'm so sick of this shit
    SB21, Zimmy, OldDude49 and 2 others like this.
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