Harris the next President.

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Big Ron, Sep 6, 2024.

  1. Big Ron

    Big Ron Monkey+++

    I figure people could use a laugh. My daughter told me of a teacher talking up Harris at school and almost the whole class groaned. The teacher asked the kids what the deal was and most of the kids told her how Harris was dumb and sucked. I told my daughter most teachers would be liberal Democrats and my daughter said it was obvious the teacher was like this.
    SB21, Zimmy, Gator 45/70 and 5 others like this.
  2. Illini Warrior

    Illini Warrior Illini Warrior

    just shows how pitiful the whole situation really is >>> kids even know how poor a candidate the DNC has thrown up - what's overlooked amid all the fuss is that the woman has been in authority the last 3 3/4yrs and the Country dependent on her in a life & death possible situation ....

    and the Country still depending on her for another few months >>> someone just may decide to make some BS history - force Bumbling Biden out entirely after the Election and let her sit in the Big Chair .....
    Zimmy, Big Ron and duane like this.
  3. chelloveck

    chelloveck **BANNED**

    When a rabid anti-semite (Fuentes) is whining that Donald Trump is not MAGA enough to deserve MAGA support. Nice admission that Trump's election being stolen blarney is bullshit.

    Donald's willing association with Fuentes ought be enough to disqualify Donald...those who are influenced by Fuentes have to be zombies.
    Last edited: Sep 6, 2024
  4. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

    This is one election that is really too close to call. Biden vs. Trump .. easy call.
    Trump vs. Harris ... well not so easy to call. They had 90 days to introduce her to America.
    Hell, Most people didn't know she was the vice president under biden.

    Everyone knows trump. Ya either love him or ya hate him.
    Not everyone knows Harris.

    This isn't a fight for the right and left. It's a persuade the middle of the road voters to come over to their side.

    it is a 50/50 race R and Ds .. and the only way to get to 270 electoral votes is to convince 50.1 percent of the middle to vote for your candidate.

    If you think that this is going to be a landslide .. you've not been paying attention.
    And it probably easier to paint Harris as the underdog fighting against corruption of big business. That it is to paint her as incompetent.

    It's a PR blitz for the next 60 days. And unfortunately, I think Harris has an easier task.
    I hope I'm wrong but I sure as hell am preparing for Americas loss come election night.
    Zimmy likes this.
  5. techsar

    techsar Monkey+++

    Nope...just enough Dem bastions to win the big states...popular vote has nothing to do with the final outcome.
    Zimmy, DKR and Tempstar like this.
  6. johnbb

    johnbb Monkey+++

    It's the big cities packed with liberal demoRATS on the government tit that control State politics take my ex state of New Yuck. Out in the country people are conservative but their vote is over run by liberal NYC. Buffalo, and university areas like Cornell.
  7. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

    You are correct, the popular vote has nothing to do with outcome.
    Votes are per state. You win a state, you get all the electorates for that state even if the vote is 50.1 vs 49.9
    Except for Maine and Nebraska. I wonder if this year it comes down to one of these two states as to who is president.

    58 days to 270
  8. Illini Warrior

    Illini Warrior Illini Warrior

    sure hope to hell you're better preppers than you are AMERICANS - pitiful defeatists - the very second that plan of yours goes sideways you'll be sucking on a gun barrel ....

    think Hellery got those votes back in 2016? - Obammy just did his usual lazy half azz ghetto job and didn't cheat well enough - it's a matter of getting out the vote of the TRUE AMERICANS that actually care about how they live - the defeatists can take it up the azz like they are used to getting it .....
    Zimmy likes this.
  9. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    Personally, I will definitely support President Trump but I do not think he will win. All Harris needs to do is get enough votes to cover her a$$ and she will make up the rest to steal the election. They have tried everything else so they will steal it again. Now, I am not saying they will not try to have him kill, by incompetence of course, but it will be a lot harder to do so now. I also have no faith in the Republicans to assist and/or protect him. The outcome will be Harris as president, by hook or crook, then...the Supreme court will be changed, and the boot will come down.
    Zimmy and orangetom1999 like this.
  10. Meat

    Meat Monkey+++

    I remember Dan Quayle being mocked unmercifully in the late 80’s and Kamala is no Dan Quayle. Not even close. Yikes!
    Big Ron and Zimmy like this.
  11. orangetom1999

    orangetom1999 On Hiatus Banned

    Look....you members think about what I am going to describe here...and I hope you can get the essence of it regarding leadership....

    I think the left was desperate to get into office....for the globalists trying to run this country into the ground and bring us into global standards...or if you prefer ...global non standards.

    I think that the globalists amongst us and working with foreign globalists are running the same illegal immigrant program over America that they are running in Europe and the UK.....same MO...This is a one world program

    An Economics professor ...at one time the Dean of Economics at Bob Jones University told me that...most countries in this world can never become America..or the United States...but the United States can quickly become like the rest of the world.

    Catching on now about a Globalist Program/Programs???.

    And Biden/Harris are running clearly a Global...Un American Program....not an America/American program;

    How do I know this....watch their response to problems and issues occurring in America..

    They are putting illegals on the government breast with more aid and sustenance than the people effected badly by Hurricane Helene. This is called Amerca and Americans last....and we will wind up paying for all this.

    But plenty of monies to and for the Ukraine.....catching on yet????

    We have to live within some kind of budget...yes... But government does not....catching on yet...??? Is this leadership???? I'm talking both political parties here ...not just one.

    I think the Globalists installed Biden and Harris as useful puppets to get a non representative government here in the USA.

    That was and continues to be their goal.

    I think they had no choice but to obtain the 2020 election by any means to reach this goal...and will continue to so do.....;they cannot afford another four years of Donald Trump...and desperately try to manufacture him into a bad guy.....;good cop/bad cop.

    Now ...you members decide for yourselves this other description of what is going on out here....and it is what I call ....Tabloid Leadership.

    Manufacturing bad guys to keep and maintain power and control.

    And to back this up...I am detecting a Tabliod Media ....to help keep us properly and tabloid like herded...by our emotions...not by clear thinking but our emotions. I get quickly tired of this MO...even disgusted by it....our children too...in schools.....Tabloid leadership through the school system....and curriculum.

    Tabloid is not what I call real leadership....it is a counterfeit...
    This is how a figurehead leader works.

    But....you members make up your own minds and for your own reasons..

    I think the real standards for President of the United States are not nearly as high as we have been led....misled to believe they are.

    I think if you get a real leader in the office of President with real American standards and beliefs...this world will hate them...with a passion.

    I think the goal is to have us working and taking risk for first place and coming in second , third, and fourth place in our own country ...while dragging the rest of the world on our material and financial breast...ad infinitum.

    And I tire of Tabloid leadership. Do you think we will get more or less Tabloid Leadership under Harris????

    Not an Ishmaelite.
    Last edited: Oct 23, 2024
    Bandit99 likes this.
  12. orangetom1999

    orangetom1999 On Hiatus Banned

    Now let me ask some of you Constitutionalists...a question ...those of you familiar with the Constitution....

    Any of you ever read Amendment 13 of the U. S. Constitution??? This concerning Slavery and or Involuntary Servitude????

    Ok...for those of you who have never read it...

    Now...here is my question......for those who can think past Hollywood and ESPN or the Kardashians et al.

    If you have to pay for ...make good on Illegal aliens and their expenses...non Americans...are you being put into involuntary economic servitude by your government???? To support global programs...not American programs??

    Are you supposed to ever be able to think this far on your own....and off script????

    If you have to pay more for your health insurance so others can get it for free.....Obama Care...are you being put into involuntary economic servitude to accomplish this goal????

    Are you supposed to be able to think this far on your own without first consulting "Experts???."

    If people get student loan forgiveness....in exchange .for voting leftist global programs and you have to make good on these loans through the public purse...are you being ...and your generations too...being put into economic involuntary servitude to make good on these loans????

    Again...are you ever supposed to be able to think this far on your own without permission of your betters.??? Without permission?? Off Script????

    Wealth Redistribution ........we earn our monies by labor...often risk taking in our occupations.....
    Question ....is wealth redistribution ...the same as risk redistribution??? ...again ..are we ever supposed to think this far on our own without permission of "Experts"???

    You see...are all these things a type of social and economic involuntary servitude on the taxpayers expense????.

    The government is going into debt to the tune of trillions of dollars..with more on the horizon....of which we and our generations will have to make good...and with no end in sight.....ad inflinitum.

    We have to live within some kind of budget ..but our government and leadership does not.

    Is that not a formula for perpetual involuntary economic servitude??? Again are we ever supposed to be able to think this far off script on our own and without consulting "Experts??"

    Remmeber when someone was proposing a bill to have people pay more on their mortgages to enable others to be able to afford a home and it's mortgage???? Is that not a form of involuntary economic servitude???? Is this a way of buying votes???? Are we ever supposed to think this far off script and out on our own?????

    Are some of you catching on now about the Constitution and perpetual ...especially global involuntary servitude.

    Putting America and Americans into perpetual global involuntary economic servitude...last place while working and risking/paying for first place.......is that serving/promoting the general welfare under the Constitution of the United States????

    This is where my mind often thinks when I step off the script laid out for us.

    Now think about how this will work with the two candidates running currently for President of the United States!!!

    My non Ishmaelite .02,
    Last edited: Oct 23, 2024
    gii shi kan dug and Bandit99 like this.
  13. Gator 45/70

    Gator 45/70 Monkey+++

    The Harris woman is the Devil.
  14. Idahoser

    Idahoser Monkey+++ Founding Member

    we have not had a President for some time now and that isn't going to change.
    Either the Soros committee will steal another one, or the guy who won last time wins the third election in a row and spends the next four years being stabbed in the back.
  15. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    @orangetom1999 Very good posts. I think most on this forum see exactly what is taking place and agrees completely with your assessment. Personally, I believe the Globalist see they cannot win from without so they must win from within that pretty much explains all and probably 70% of Congress goes along with the Globalists to include top leadership like Biden, Harris, Obama, Pelosi, etc. as there is no way the American people would ever willingly go along so... The key to beating America is economics, destroy the dollar, bankrupt the country and they are doing a very fine job, so it won't be long now. What saddens me is even though they make some mistakes along the way it seems they cannot be stopped even though most Americans are now fully aware of what they're doing like giving $147M for Lebanon but 'loaning' money to American hurricane survivors or asking Congress for more money as they don't have any more for American hurricane victims. The greatest enemy of America is the United States government, that's pretty clear, and it will not be reversed, not even if Trump is elected, which I highly doubt, besides he doesn't have enough power or time as a lame duck president to truly defeat them, set them back - yes - but not destroy them.

    "...next four years being stabbed in the back."
    Exactly! I wonder this also because let's not forget, all those Republicans that are now praising him were his enemies and did everything possible to halt, hamper or delay his policies while degrading him as much as possibility.
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2024
    orangetom1999 likes this.
  16. johnbb

    johnbb Monkey+++

    Trump as a lame duck President has nothing to loose so I see him taking on the swamp with a vengeance. What more can they do to him other than kill him and I would not put that past the left
    sasquatch91, Zimmy and Bandit99 like this.
  17. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    Oh yeah, I agree, and he will go in with a wrecking ball this time... if he even lives to take the oath of office.
  18. Cruisin Sloth

    Cruisin Sloth Special & Slow

    Lets HOPE NOT .
    Fox News interview, Kamala Harris has backed out of her anticipated appearance on Joe Rogan’s podcast. Meanwhile, former President Trump will sit down with Rogan this Friday.

    Lets hear Joe ask Trump the DoD signing of the papers of 2024/09/27 !! Bring that up and have many understand the Dem Party !!
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2024
  19. Minuteman

    Minuteman Chaplain Moderator Founding Member

    sasquatch91 and SB21 like this.
  20. orangetom1999

    orangetom1999 On Hiatus Banned

    Wolfie....Wolfie...Wolfie....and more and more Wolfie....

    Hitler.........Hitler...............Hitler............................Hitler.............................and more and more Hitler...and Hitler...and Hitler..

    Has it ever occurred to you members....those of you who can think on your own....away from the demi gods of sports/ESPN and or the Kardashians...et al............that they use Hitler ....more today....dead than alive???????

    And listen......how many did Hitler Kill??????

    Now..How many of their own people did the Soviets kill in taming Russia in their civil war....Reds against the whites and greens???

    Do any of you even know of that history???

    For all that matter how many of you know that the Red Invasion Army was trained right here on the United States and shipped to Russia to carry out the Revolution in 1917??? Are we ever supposed to think this far outside the script...outside the box??

    How many of their own people did the Communist Chinese kill....in their revolution .....???

    It makes Hitler Pale by comparison ....the Soviet Russians too.

    Do any of you know what Soviet Russia did to the Ukraine in the Holodomor under Joseph Stalin....?????

    My point here is to be very very careful about the Ishmaelite phonies in leadership positions ...trying to make any opposition into Hitler ...when in certain ways.it is them who are the Hitlers.

    They are using/misusing propaganda and your limited knowledge of history to conn you and control/regulate your thinking over to their side...

    Hitler used his control of the government to go after any opposition ......just as is our own government doing with the DOJ....CIA and other alphabet agencies while calling their social and political opposition ...Hitler.....when it is they who are carrying on as Hitler....and the Gestapo....the NKVD et al.

    They are also using/misusing their control over social media to do censorship of public opinion and or opposition ...as did the Soviets and the NAZIS.

    Your not supposed to know enough history to connect the dots but only rely on their "Experts."

    Be very very careful of "Experts" someone trots out to persuade you ...of someone's causes....teach yourself to think for yourself and your reasons...not for reasons of group think.

    And NO......................................Hollywood...does not know better than you how to spend your monies....educate your children/grandchildren/great grandchildren...et al....or know how you should be thinking in group think with them.

    Hollywood is not a good representation of how America believes and thinks....

    And Hollywood has it's head deep up the backside of the body Politic...and vice versa...it is a very very incestuous relationship and not in the best interest of ordinary Americans.

    Give you an example of how phony these people are......

    Gun violence......really ...gun violence...start with Hollywood....they are constantly selling our people....sex...drugs and gun violence....

    Do I need a PHD to figure this ouw when so many Americans have mostly a television and or movie education?????.

    Be very very careful of ersatz leadership....herding you with everything but the truth..

    Hitler is a con job they use and misuse to keep you properly herded if you have no more than a television and or Movie education ..but know so little history..

    I also suspect that this is why history is such an poorly taught subject...to so many in lieu of a television and or movie education.

    Be warned of these Ishmaelites who would use and misuse Hitler to keep you herded like cattle and take advantage of you not knowing anything ...or even any real history....

    These con people...in leadership positions can even conn you right into a voting booth to vote for more of them being the real Hitlers...and you not know it.

    Not all of us out here run around here in fear ....24/7........

    Now this does not make us better than others...only different. We do not buy into this constant herding by using and misusing the name Hitler ...more dead than alive.

    We smell an Ishmaelite con job going on with the help of a willing and phony Ishmaelite media.

    My non Ishmaelite .02,
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