ATTENTION: The Only Sticky Thread In This Section

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Brokor, Aug 30, 2024 at 23:12.

  1. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    How will this Politics Forum Section work?

    Quite simply, obey the Code of Conduct. Keep in mind that this Politics forum may be pruned every 30 days. If you are looking for a particular thread here and cannot find it, this will be the reason. This is the cost of having and allowing such discourse in these troubled times by protecting our members. While we cannot tell you what to type, and because this place has always been a bountiful beacon of joy and truth, it may be best to provide certain security for posts on political measures. What may very well be legal and fine today, could end up being highly illegal and revolutionary tomorrow. And since this place only exists in cyber space, it's not a bad idea to hide older threads that may come back to haunt us.

    This is the subject, plain and simple. I call it "Collective Data Confinement". And yes, that's now a tag.

    I may propose an option to have the politics forum pruned every month. Just the politics forum. We get to keep the same discourse arrangement, just with the understanding that in about 30 days, and every 30 days thereafter all of it is moved off the radar. I can make it so the threads aren't visible to any member apart from Staff, and kept securely in the vault. Which hasn't been made yet. Any haters of this idea?

    (A side note - Every thread can be moved back and returned to view if it's necessary)
    Alanaana, Bandit99 and duane like this.
  2. Minuteman

    Minuteman Chaplain Moderator Founding Member

    I don't know how I feel about thay idea. I for one like to go back and read old threads. For nostalgia if nothing else. I'm on the fence.
    Zimmy and duane like this.
  3. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    Hrm. We could also make it a condition that the thread will not be added to the list if it has an active post within the last 30 days. We could make this condition 60 or 90 days, so the most active threads may remain. I bring this up because I've looked, and the vast majority of threads in this section aren't active.
    Tempstar and duane like this.
  4. hot diggity

    hot diggity Monkey+++ Site Supporter+++

    Yup. Put me on your LIST as the very FIRST HATER of this idea, and any idea that involves hiding, deleting, shielding, removing, or in any way making inaccessible every single post of every single Monkey that ever posted here.
    Seawolf1090 and duane like this.
  5. Minuteman

    Minuteman Chaplain Moderator Founding Member

    That's kinda where I'm leaning. I love that we have recorded all the posts that members who are gone have made. I'd hate to lose anything that one of them has posted. I go back and reminisce about "the good old days". But I get Bs point of discretion. Just look at what's happening in other countries with jailing people for things they've said online. The NWO is marching full steam ahead. But then I'm of the mind to say Fuck Em. Back in the early days of the patriot movement I heard a talk that Jack McLamb gave and he was talking about being put on a government list. He said "I demand to put at the top of every list of people who are against this damnable system!!"
    Zimmy and Seawolf1090 like this.
  6. duane

    duane Monkey+++

    Small background comment on political fall out of "data" In 1968 I was going to college in Michigan State, and was active in politics. Knew a lot of people at U of Michigan. One group of dingbats that I knew called them selves the SDS and were active in both politics and community affairs. That organization was as some members a far left political group. Hero was Mao at the time. A splinter group broke off and created the Days of rage at the 1968 Democratic Convention in Chicago. Mass media and government had major fall out over it and several "bail jumpers" ended up on FBI 10 most wanted list. In retrospect it was another march like Charlotte. Even today we know that about 300 protester were faced by 1,000 police. with NG standing by, were allowed to do some damage, then arrested in Chicago. Hardly a massive anti war demonstration with all the violence reported in the news.

    Days of Rage - Wikipedia

    Ex wife was a friend of one of them and her friend was placed on 10 most wanted list. Was the clerk of the Weather Underground. Kept the minutes for the minutes, got the rooms from the University, rented the halls, etc. The FBI wanted her as she had the hard copy of what was going on. Problem was she was a live in nanny for a professor in order to cover school expenses. Wasn't even in Chicago. Was arrested but never went to trial. Quiet deal was struck and a fully paid, even expenses, nursing scholarship appeared, and she took it and finished it.

    Point be, if they could do it in 1970, what can they do now. Yep I am paranoid but with stage 4 cancer and 86, it is a different problem for me than a 23 year old. Can all be done under the table, problems with your security clearance that you even need as a janitor now, or bad reference appearing when you apply for a job.

    Good idea to limit on line for casual search, but if they want it they will seize the archives, find a tame judge, and go thru them, so it is a moot question.
    Bandit99 and Zimmy like this.
  7. Illini Warrior

    Illini Warrior Illini Warrior

    MAYBE sometime into 2025 - you can think about cleaning out the section every 30 dayz - but definitely not during this volatile political period >>> a topic gets posted and added onto regular - I can see a Harris/Walz posting kept running daily until November
    duane likes this.
  8. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    I do not like saying this but... given the political climate and what might happen come 5 November when Harris wins. I have given serious thought to what I have written in the past and how her government would use this against me. Furthermore, if their treatment of the 6 January folks is any example of what will happen - well - they will hit me with every bull$hit thing possible to ruin and incarcerate me. You think I am being over paranoid? Yep! I am.

    So, sadly, I think the best way to position ourselves for the future, is indeed to be paranoid and delete all political posts every 30 days. Honestly, I think delete any and all posts that could be consider inflammatory or political in nature in any of the sections should be the posture of the forum until this time next year or until we see how this is going to play out.

    I see this as a very serious time in our history and frankly, even though I have tried, I have no idea how it will turn out so even in my personal life I am being extremely paranoid right now and I think all of you should be also. I am not just talking about preps but, for example, put on hold any major purchases until this plays out because if the nation crashes, then prices will skyrocket, and you will need the extra cash. Be paranoid. Hope for the best but prepare for the worse determine all your actions now like never before.

    Yep! I am paranoid as they are damn well out to get me...and you too.
  9. duane

    duane Monkey+++

    I think it was like if there were no new posts on it in 30 days it would be archived and I expect if there were real interest it could be pulled back. Didn't sound if he wanted to kill an active post
    Brokor likes this.
  10. DKR

    DKR Raconteur of the first stripe

    I'm waaaay more paranoid then youz guyz.

    Can I get on a list for having everything I've ever posted here go to Bit Heaven should Harris et al steal the deal again? No sense in giving Dear Leader any ammo to use against me.
    mysterymet, duane and Bandit99 like this.
  11. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    Good stuff, folks. Please keep discussing this because it's important. And I feel like I must reiterate, there will be absolutely no other forums affected, only politics/current events.

    That's not what's being discussed. Only politics. Only the one, single forum on here that is despised by many members already. This is a survival forum, it's not politics central. With that being said, over the years we have been very gracious and lenient with members. When Ghrit was here, he was about to pull the plug and even told me to run with this. I'm giving each of you a chance to help out and be a part of this so we can do it in the best way possible. If 85 percent of our politics and current events threads are not active for years, it's because the topic is dead. Most forums out there have regular pruning. We've never done this because of our long standing commitment to being an information archive.

    With this in mind, we should be asking how much of the politics forum would even qualify as worthy to be in the open if nobody even posts in them or reads them. These threads can be archived and sheltered in a section nobody has access to except staff, or maybe even site supporters. I can archive all of politics to the clubhouse, no problem. If you contribute to this site, you can access it at any time.

    This is precisely why. It's not a big deal right now. But, one day soon...
    100 percent spot on target.
  12. duane

    duane Monkey+++

    I am 86 years old and in my lifetime the biggest challenges I have faced are health care costs, housing costs, fuel costs, a rapidly changing population mix and the racial questions it brings with, it and inflation.

    All of these were either allowed by the political system or created by it. You can have the perfect survival retreat, I hoped I did, and then property taxes, zoning changes that took land that could not be built on next me, a swamp, and built 30 houses on it. The closest house is now 125 feet from where I sit. Then of course we had to build the roads, schools, sewer and water problems, fire and police protection and fund them. A new house pays $5,000 or more property tax,but of course my $20,000 house is now valued at $300,000 and my taxes have went up from $800 to $4,000 and my lot value has went from $2,000 to $100,000. Adding a few 10 million more to the population is not going to decrease these costs.

    I know that a lot of the survivalists are very upset with the political content of the forum and I know some have left. I miss their inputs. As most of you know my interests as well as posts are on gardening, simple tech, greenhouses, off grid energy and electronics like raspberry pi computers where I can still get my hands on to the system and the programing and change things. But if the politicians keep messing with what fertilizers and supplies I buy for my garden and greenhouse, what seeds I can plant, what I can sell or give away that I grow, what animals I can raise and how I can get them processed, what kind of energy I have to use for transportation, heating and cooking, how my engines are made and what they can use for fuel, etc. These are now political questions and the government is using the "green" and marxists solutions to solve these "problems"

    But then they bus new neighbors into our communities and supply them with medical care, housing, job assistance, etc and leave me and my children out of the system created for the "Immigrants".

    Rather than rant on for pages, my feelings are that if we don't get the political situation under control, in 20 years we will not have a country to live in. Biggest problems is that we have vested interests, big business, big government, an increasing unworkable military system, a deeply entrenched governmental service that has to control everything to protect their rice bowls, a uni party political party , and all of the major actors have somehow decided that they can make communism work this time and we will be happy little citizens of the state.
  13. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    @duane Because you are 86 years young, and quite possibly well outside the realm of anything I will ever see, I will grant you a pass for running off topic this time. [LMAO]

    It was still a good read.
  14. duane

    duane Monkey+++

    Brokor in my mind the political system is the sea that this fish swim's in and any one that ignores it is going to have a very short career as a survivalist. You have two choices in the long run, adapt to the system and perhaps survive, or be totally gray and the system and society doesn't have any idea of what you have hidden. I think that my comments are not off topic, just a plea to keep the political section and I agree we need a method of pruning the preaching to the choir that we all seem to do. I will comment to those that complain about the politics, that perhaps postings in the Tin Foil Hat or Inferno sections should allow them to avoid that areas that upset them.
    CraftyMofo and Bandit99 like this.
  15. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    Perhaps you don't know my history. I was first invited here in 2005 by "Melbo", and I was at the time writing for Freedom.TV and had a number of very interesting points to make about our reality. Just one example is the monetary system. I would argue that all of this bickering and whining over political opponents is a ruse, a show, and it takes place on a stage in which actors are placed. The purpose, well the purpose is to entertain, to enthrall, to preoccupy the people so they do not notice what's really happening. I'd say something like, did you know that the only Presidential Candidate we've had in our lifetime to actually present the people with a true remedy was Ron Paul? It's because he wanted to end the FED, to call for a full audit of the privately owned Federal Reserve. You see, there's truth, and then there's the kind of truth that shakes foundations.

    I'm not a fool. I know where we stand. And even I know the importance of political discourse. None of this changes the actual temperature in the room if we continue to ignore the relevant core problems. The Politics section isn't going anywhere, it's being overhauled. :cool:
    mysterymet, duane and Bandit99 like this.
  16. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    Yeah, I got to agree with Duane "...anyone that ignores it (politics) is going to have a very short career as a survivalist."

    Unfortunately, the times have changed, our nation has changed and keeping informed and knowledgeable about politics is as much about survival as making a fire, gardening, canning, and even shooting and it is much, much harder to understand. Having said that, each and every political statement we make could be taken out of context so why leave it around giving ammunition to those that wish to destroy us. I realize this is a strong statement but giving what we have seen these past 3+ years who can actually say what is going to happen next.

    Also, politics is constantly changing, it's a true moving target so a hot topic this month might be dead and gone next month. I don't like the idea of deleting our thoughts, ideas and our opinions but...neither do I want to have them used against me by a corrupt government and let's face it THE UNITED STATES GOVERMENT IS CORRUPT and not just a little corrupt, it's very, very corrupt - all of it, except maybe the Supreme court but give them just a little more time to make that happen which they will.

    So, this is why I say, delete every 30 days and hope like hell things don't get so bad that we'll have to purge the whole damn forum/system/server.

    EDIT: This deletion doesn't have to be on a permanent basis, right? I mean, just until we see how the cards fall, say until next Summer...?
    DKR, duane and Brokor like this.
  17. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    Yes, and nothing will be deleted (unless your name is Chello) it will be moved ideally to the Clubhouse, or to the private Staff part of the forum for archival purposes. I like the idea that popular threads which are active be kept alive and left alone.
    duane likes this.
  18. duane

    duane Monkey+++

    Given your experience Brokor, how can we make the political section more relevant and truly effective. Income tax, fed reserve and its printing money etc, un elected people making rules that are in fact laws and spending money, both supposed to be done by congress alone. I would hope that if we are preaching to the choir, how can we expand the choir. The bas****** are winning in the present education and socialization process. The odds of a 80 year old person raised in a rural environment, no mater what the race, agreeing with much of what a 20 year old believes approaches 0.
  19. Tempstar

    Tempstar Monkey+++

    I think there is a need to pretend some of the things posted here are Hillary's emails and have a method to clear them out, fast and without a trace. I also believe political posts over 30 days old are largely no longer relevant given how fast and fluid the current political climate is. I clearly see the difference between what Brokor wants to do and outright censorship.
    This is a survival/prepper forum and all of us here hold the belief that our own personal idea of a triggering event will bring about the need for our preps, be it economic collapse or invasion of the crab people from the planet Crustacean-4. I think the majority here believe whatever the event it will be gov issued and thusly politics play a very important part of the discussion here.
    All that being said, it would be nice if requests could be made of the admins to recall items that may have become relevant again, assuming that they have not been shredded.
  1. Brokor
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  10. Bandit99
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    [IMG] Note the date.
    Thread by: ghrit, Jun 14, 2016, 2 replies, in forum: Politics
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