Bitching about politics is basically like tits on a boar. I cannot fathom that any post nor entire threads on this forum will actually change anyone's vote come November. But yet we keep going. I think we've all beat the dead horse into stain on the soil. But I'll ask you, do you think that political posts here are going to change anyone's vote?
Nothing. However, posts exposing criminality have importance for me if only to make me wish for accountability. But I generally believe it in one and don't rehash them later. I don't care much for personal attacks. "McCain's daughter is fat", "Chelsea is dog ass ugly", etc. All true, but not relevant to God's Law or the Constitution being adhered to.
Got it in one.... Also, some local parties try crap that may not be seen in your AO -yet. Given a heads up, I can be ready.
We all can't possibly catch the stories that pop up from hundreds of sources, verify, cross-check and validate every single story. Best we can hope for is to spur an interest in a few who are on the fence, to do their research and form their own opinions. I agree, my mind will not be changed, but there are still folks out there struggling with a decision.
We've had discussions on the topic in the Staff forum in the past, and it's an ugly situation that will only get worse given the climate of our society these days. As everything evolves and becomes more heated (as was predicted), the forum will also teeter on the edge a bit. We're doing better than I imagined, all things considered. Just for giggles I will add that I recommended we abandon the entirety of politics, delete it all and return to an information archive and survival forum. As it turns out, I think some of our Emeritus Members like Ghrit made the best sense of things because sometimes people just need a place to unwind and talk things out in good company. Remaining civil with each other is so very important in these times. And once in a while we can go a little too far. Decisions, decisions.
I'm almost never on Zombie Squad anymore because of what I consider somewhat Draconian anti-politics and anti-religious policies. It's their place and even being respectful as I can in their house, I step on my crank too often. I'm not a keystone member here and if I was gone again we would both be OK. I love it here and would hate to bow out. Please let me know if I am trending out of line. I have to say I am extremely glad you made the tough decision to put up with all this shit.
I see most folks here as like minded enough that we can share political crap and no one gets bent about it, yes it's absolutely divisive and it absolutely SUCKS, BUT, this is the reality we find ourselves in, in the "New Survival Mode" here on the Monkey! As I see it, things have changed so much since I have been here, and stuff here has changed along with it, some members have bailed ( Trying to get away from it) and others have adopted to it as part of the changes in the world! This new world we find ourselves in is a very dangerous place, if anything, discussions we have here are an essential part of Modern Survival in helping each other deal with what's happening just outside the shade of our monkey tree! Fact of the matter is, this is one of the most chill places for anyone to be able to have these types of discussions, and is a much needed wealth of good hard won information we can all dig through and potentially benefit from, and in that, I see the Monkey doing exactly what it was intended to do! As for the tone and feel here, I don't really see it, but then again, I do have pretty thick skin ( And a Super Thick Skull) so maybe i'm not as negatively effected as others, IDK! I say, carry on, keep the divisive discussions in the proper sections and instead of lamenting the changing times and tone, how about promoting other topics where folks can contribute and have fun, help take ones mind off the serious shit, and unwind with like minded folk, in the mean time, we still have a place where we can talk about the serious stuff that we honestly should be talking about!
Reminds me of Frugal's decision to prohibit survival fiction threads. We called it "actual reality." I'm still a member there. Haven't checked in in more than a year. I fled there to come here. The Founder's welcomed free and open debate, as we should. Read on. You can learn much here. Limiting speech is folly. Let everyone climb up on their ammo box and speak their mind. We can tell them they're full of shit, or we may be enlightened. I support our COC. Stick to it, and let's sit around the tree and have a talk. That's how The Founder's did it. That's how the Monkey should do it.
The only caveat is, we're fine here...but the agencies being implemented now to police online activity are not a joke. Sure, they will stick to primary social media for a time. Maybe nobody will even pay attention to our little corner in the woods. We are only safe here talking up a storm about political ideas until it becomes revolutionary. Now we're in deep trouble. And, isn't it convenient that everything is stored away here to be accessed any time? I may propose an option to have the politics forum pruned every month. Just the politics forum. We get to keep the same discourse arrangement, just with the understanding that in about 30 days, and every 30 days thereafter all of it is moved off the radar. I can make it so the threads aren't visible to any member apart from Staff, and kept securely in the vault. Which hasn't been made yet. Any haters of this idea?
We created the sub forum for politics during another heated election cycle many years ago. As long as topics are contained in the proper forums it's up to us what we choose to read and what we choose to ignore. As mods we try to tamp down any inflammatory posts. I think we do a pretty good job here. I've seen other sites devolve into heated back and forth over politics and religion. To the point of losing long time members. We strive to avoid that here and I think it shows. I don't think any of us post with the intent to change anyone's opinion or vote. We share things of common interest that some may not have seen or be aware of. All information is valuable.
I admire your insight. I do have a snippet to share with everyone, posted by myself a while back in regards to this topic. "I do know one thing. Americans are being radicalized more every day, and this divide we are witnessing is only the beginning. The faster we can formulate a plan to distance ourselves from the bulk of the fallout, the better. Politics and beliefs in general comprise a portion of what we are, and having the freedom to share ideas and communicate here at the SM is a fantastic privilege. However, the argument here is, should all of it be included and contained for posterity, or would it be more suitable if we migrated certain aspects of the forum to a less permanent place? Much like a chat room where we say what we will, but the entire conversation disappears as soon as we log out, the whole news, politics, current events genre ought to be a temporary thing. Yes, I know chats can be logged, but you get my meaning I hope."
"I may propose an option to have the politics forum pruned every month..." If they come for us I'm sure I have scattered something they will find objectionable throughout every thread I've ever posted in. That's why I'm a site supporter. Because I waste so much bandwidth with irrelevant bullshit posts...until they come to the attention of some suit wearing bureaucrat who hasn't a clue about the Constitution or the Bill of Rights and finds them offensive. Do you suppose they will send me a text and ask when might be a convenient time for me to meet with them, to discuss my posts? We could sit on the deck at the beach and have a couple beers while we share our opinions. Nope. It doesn't work like that. If they don't just burn my house down with me in it, they will target me in some other way that makes me look like Water from Breaking Bad, and nobody will ever read any further into the news about my death. If they can't come at me (us) like men I have no respect for them. Let them come. I've had a long run. Its' been a hoot.
What if the Politics Forum were Private and not exposed to web crawlers and prying eyes? I'm not well enough versed on the subject to know it would actually help privacy of forum members comments. Obviously, absolutely everything is archived in a data center somewhere for those who really want to know what you've said.
I'll agree with OP talking about politics here is like beating a dead horse. Seems pointless at times.
@Minuteman "I don't think any of us post with the intent to change anyone's opinion or vote. We share things of common interest that some may not have seen or be aware of. All information is valuable." I completely agree! The amount of information is so massive that sometimes one cannot see the trees due to the forest and sharing information can focus one's attention which is limited due to the reality of life. Debate can sharpen one's opinion by adding unknown facts, removing lies or misunderstandings, and provide explanations on confusing and complex topics. It will make one look deeper into the topic and their opinion, clears the air and sometimes just having someone play 'devil's advocate' is what can help one come to an informed decision. Debate does have one more extremely important purpose as it gives the opportunity of the opposition to state their case which we need to hear. Will it change someone's mind in how they vote? Dunno and really don't care, rather unlikely, but it is possible but certainly never been my intent and it shouldn't be.
TPTB are trying to divide us as a people. I think its because if we are too busy fighting each other they figure we will not notice what they are up to. If they can get us to kill each other off that just feeds in to the globalists plan. We are about to go through the great taking. I am not sure how we will fair through it but trying my best to get ready. I can’t change the mind of anyone who doesn’t believe the way I do and I do ‘t think its worth the effort to try anymore. I come on here to see that I am not alone in these beliefs and that helps me feel better.
I actually think we don't debate politics here. My opinion is that we are more like an echo chamber. We beat the shit out of the devil's advocate (I'm thinking Chelloveck in this case). Every time a post comes up and the DA puts up 'evidence' or something that causes US (i'm using the generic us as in forum member) feel slighted .. it's a pile on. Yes, we do have a few trolls, but sometimes we are all trolls. We don't like to see the other point of view .. and we don't allow it in a lot of cases mostly because we don't like this troll or that troll. Folks, this place is mostly independents, libertarians and republicans. I can think of maybe less than five folks that have participated here in recent years that lean even slightly democrat. We don't want to hear good things about democrats. We don't. If a lab that was funded by a democratic president and used a huge tax payer funded grant and it came up with cure for cancer .. we'd still be saying it was a boondoggle. So being so right leaning I find it curious why we need to beat the hell out of the democrats on our forum because heaven knows that none of us are going to vote for them. Anyway, I dislike politicians basically because the take my money every paycheck and actually don't do anything I want them to do. They are like the employee that does nothing but play on their phone all day, order lunch and supplies on the company dime, embezzles money from the till and sends stuff to other co-conspirators from the warehouse .. and then wants to get paid and get a bonus for the good work they have done. I'm also not voting democrat. I just looked at their tax plan for 2025. It's actually going to cost me about 500 bucks a month in additional taxes if their plan goes through and I haven't even figured out how trading account activity is going to hit me in the wallet yet.
Some call it preaching to the choir, I call it venting to friends. When we have a group like this that is mostly like-minded, the forum becomes our water cooler.
Well said. You know, over the years...even before moderating this forum in any capacity, I could easily call out any number of threads in relation to the topic being discussed. In other words, I recalled multiple threads instantly based on a few words typed here or there in any conversation. It's wild to think about now in hindsight. It's important that information pulled away and archived can be recalled at some point again in the future, but not to satiate a request of the government, rather to allow members to once again pick up the same discussion by chance, often years away.