What are your health / fitness goals? Accountability

Discussion in 'Survival of the Fittest' started by Alanaana, Mar 28, 2023.

  1. Farm Chores

    7 vote(s)
  2. Hiking

    0 vote(s)
  3. Walking

    7 vote(s)
  4. Strength Training

    3 vote(s)
  5. Swimming

    0 vote(s)
  6. Running

    3 vote(s)
  1. Alanaana

    Alanaana Monkey+++

    Thank you! It was a day to remember and my back feels like it has recovered.
    Congratulations on this major milestone!!! Your dedication and consistency through the waves of life are paying off big time.
    It's really great that you're setting these goals and approaching them from multiple angles. Keep going!
    Zimmy and Meat like this.
  2. Alanaana

    Alanaana Monkey+++

    Thank you for the birthday wishes, everyone! In my indecisiveness, I couldn't figure out what I wanted to do, but we have made progress since my first birthday on the island.

    In 2019, we drove all the way across the island to Kona 1.5 hour drive. It was our first time ever visiting Kona. We got pizza at Kona Crust because it was convenient with good parking and the lady was gracious enough to let me charge my phone behind the counter since I didn't have a car charger yet. I didn't know what I wanted to do so we drove along Ali'i drive and it was so jampacked with people everywhere jogging, walking, on bikes, scooters, cars, etc. so we turned around and went home and I was so relieved to see the Hilo Jungle like coastline.
    2020 felt like the best birthday ever. It was the year that our renters were a 19 year old couple from New York and they wanted to celebrate my birthday with me so we all went down to Shipman's / Haena beach which is right in our neighborhood and it's known as the Best beach on this side of the island.
    2021 I was washing and packing an order of 350 quail eggs for the Hilo Town Tavern. Back then we had geodesic domes full of 500 quails. It was quite a production. I had started hula hooping that year and I hula hooped on the ocean cliffs for the first and last time. It was nice because the only people there were fishermen far in the distance. Crowds and people make me nervous. LOL
    2022 That was a rough year. We dealt with very threatening squatters who trashed our other house, refused to pay, and tried to make things very difficult. We started trapping and butchering pigs for food that year. Actually it was the end of 2021 on Black Friday when we got our first catch. Once the squatters left, we ran an airbnb for 6 months before one of the guests asked to rent from us. For my birthday, I got a set of yoga wheels and some t-shirts.
    2023 I was in a much better place health-wise and all of you really helped me to stay accountable with my goals so thank you very much for that. I was excited about garage sale dresses and we made ribeye steak dinners. Overall, things were still very challenging. We were struggling to keep our old online business afloat, had lots of car issues and were thinking about moving for a change of pace and scenery.
    2024 My bf went ahead and booked us a cottage at a retreat that has several hot springs and a steam vent trail. He's always very good to me and I really had a great time. Next month, it will be 10 years since we met and became best friends and more. Time flies! I recently finished reading Stephen King's Mr. Mercedes (Bill Hodges Trilogy) and last night we started watching Mr. Mercedes. It's on Prime Video, but it costs about $19 for the season and I think it's a worth-it splurge. Definitely a good show so far and definitely weird. No offense to Brady's Mom, but I'll be happier when she's gone so that we can hopefully have less awkward scenes.
    This year, I really want to be more present and enjoy the moment. I'm a chronic worrier who gets really anxious and overwhelmed so I'm trying to break out of that because I don't want to be that way forever. I was even fantasizing about bungee jumping the Auckland Sky Tower. Is that something that happens with age? You want to squeeze the juice out of life and start thinking about taking risks? Lol.
    On a more serious note, I'm so thankful that my back is feeling better. I think I'm going to try doing more bodyweight based workouts. I get anxious at the thought of not having my free weights and it's easy to spin up bogus excuses so hopefully, if I go back to the basics; I'll be able to establish a more sustainable routine long term.
    Okay, I rambled that time. Hope you are all enjoying your week!
    CraftyMofo, Zimmy and Meat like this.
  3. Alanaana

    Alanaana Monkey+++

    What??? Was this really my 6th birthday on the island? Time really Does fly!
    Meat likes this.
  4. kckndrgn

    kckndrgn Monkey+++ Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    I will be honest, I have been struggling this summer. Too much booze and too many carbs. I will feel good for a few days then mild depression hits and I'll eat anything I can find and start drinking whisky at lunch ( I work from home so no driving and generally no meetings with camera's on). While my weight has not gone up much, I can feel it in my bones, joints and attitude.
    I'm finishing up day 1 of Dr Boz's sardine challenge. I've been monitoring my blood sugar off and on, even when fasting it's been above 110, usually above 120.
    I really need to get my lazy backside up and just start my walking in the morning.
    Alanaana, Meat, Zimmy and 1 other person like this.
  5. Zimmy

    Zimmy Wait, I'm not ready!

    Jeez, how many days are in a sardine challenge??

    I like sardines but don't know if I would after a week of them.
    Alanaana and Meat like this.
  6. kckndrgn

    kckndrgn Monkey+++ Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    72 hours, time starts with the first can.
    Alanaana and Meat like this.
  7. Zimmy

    Zimmy Wait, I'm not ready!

    Let us know how that works out. I keep sardines in my diet. Good stuff.
    Alanaana and Meat like this.
  8. Alanaana

    Alanaana Monkey+++

    Sorry it has been a bit rough this summer.
    I've noticed that the heat really puts me in a bad mood and zapped my motivation on more days than I'd like to admit. I also started eating carbs and felt like I got off track. I think the most "destructive element" is the guilt. Without the guilt and mental hangups, it would probably be easier to bounce back. My partner and I work from home and I noticed that it's a lot more challenging to stick with a routine and everything is so easily accessible (food and drink wise.)
    You can definitely get back on track and feel good about things again. Start with your walks. I've started walking while I sip on my morning coffee and that's helping.
    I'll have to look up this sardine challenge. I took the entire week off from strenuous workouts and I feel ready to start doing things again.
    Meat and Zimmy really kept me going this summer with their fun events and progress check-ins. They remind me not to give up.
    We're here for you! You can do this!!!
    Meat and Zimmy like this.
  9. Alanaana

    Alanaana Monkey+++

    I think I needed that week off from intense workouts to hit the reset button. My back feels a lot better and I feel ready to do things again! The heat has been brutal. I hope that the temperatures will cool down soon. Does anyone have plans for the long weekend? I want to spread the rest of the mulch.
    Meat and Zimmy like this.
  10. Zimmy

    Zimmy Wait, I'm not ready!

    This high protein diet is kinda pretty in the right light. 20240831_194436. 20240831_183542.
    Meat and CraftyMofo like this.
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