btt _ We need more random thoughts. Besides, putting something here increases your post count. (I just did.) More is good --
A one year old with a birthday cake has an actual range of approximately five feet of splatter, in a 300 degree arc. Assuming that adequate frosting was thick enough on the cake to sustain velocity.
watched the British try to train the iraqis today. i now know that the safest place to be is in front of them when they open fire...
Replaceing the clutch in my Ford ranger this week (still ongoing after 5 days of working on it) is a strong reminder to me of why mechanics make so much money and why I aint one.
While you are in there, go ahead and rebuild (or replace) the slave cylinder. You now know why, I'm sure. Double check EVERYTHING on the way out. That task is not trivial, even the second time.
Clutch rebuild: new clutch plate, new pressure plate, new throw out bearing, resurface flywheel, clutch alignment tool and slave cylinder. Laying on your back pulling a tranny is never fun but it's better than paying a mechanic, at least to me since I'm a tight wad.
You buy the gas and beer and I'll start heading that way, if you need help. Seriously, if you were closer I'd offer to help.
If you try and walk through an area that over 100 mud boggers have torn up, you can sink almost up to your knees. Plan your path accordingly. Shoes that have been pulled off of your child's feet by the mud have incredible staying power and must be dug under for release.
correction there was over 200 vehicles at the Mud Bogg event tearing it up, besides all the stock rigs the spectators showed up in
People are coming in the Bread Distributor stores I work for by the dozens...stocking up in case the truckers go on strike...One couple today bought 60 loaves of bread...and about 100 2 packs of cupcakes...??? Wonder why they didn't buy the ingredients and make some??? Go figure...