Greenhouse for under $25

Discussion in 'Back to Basics' started by ozarkgoatman, Nov 4, 2007.

  1. wildernessgal

    wildernessgal Backwoods is a callin'

    Ok folks, here are some even more recent/new pics for "INSPIRATION"!!!!! :)


    "Our GREENHOUSE in the snow" (We've gone down to 11 degrees F in temp this winter season)


    "Super hardy-Kale growing under cheap clear plastic storage tubs" (below pic)



    "What the GREENHOUSE looked like inside after the EXTREME COLDSPELL"


    "Now isn't this beyond IMPRESSIVE!?!?!"


    Nettles, lettuce, cabbage, beets, radish, scallions, onion, french sorrel, corn salad, miners lettuce and so on...


    In the above photograph you can see some of our "dillweed" growing amongst the "stinging nettle patch" in the greenhouse. Nettles are super nutritious and a wonderful spinach alternative/blood purifier.


    Sandwiched between cabbage and Bull's Blood Beets (in the middle) is some super cold-hardy MINERS LETTUCE (<--small leafed stuff)... which is delicious by the way! ;)


    Above is another super cold-hardy green called "Corn salad" which is also recommended to grow in your greenhouse during the winter season...

    Below, hardy "baby welsh scallions" which were started in the greenhouse from seed & germinated even with cold conditions.


    There ya go, for INSPIRATION!


    ( whose been eating A LOT of healthful/delicious greens all winter with her family... )


    P.S.- Here's a photograph of some greens I "just harvested" for a fresh salad...


    ENJOY, HAPPY EATING & if anyone has any questions feel free to ask as it's not as hard as one thinks.
    Have a BEAUTIFUL & SAFE DAY! :)
  2. Tracy

    Tracy Insatiably Curious Moderator Founding Member

    Stinging nettle?

    How do you harvest it/prepare it??
  3. Tango3

    Tango3 Aimless wanderer

    Wow that greenhouse rocks!!
  4. badkarma

    badkarma ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ

    those greenhouses look great. i always wanted to biuld something like that.

    i'm concerned about putting untreated lumber against the frame of my house...if termites or ants get in, it could cost me thousands in damage.

    are there any alternative plans for construction using plastic like PVC pipes?
  5. fritz_monroe

    fritz_monroe Guest

    There's lots of links to PVC greenhouse plans out on the net. Seems like there are really only a couple different ways to build them. Most of the plans seem about the same. I haven't seen any for building against the house, though. But it wouldn't be too difficult to replace the wood in the plans here with PVC.
  6. Tango3

    Tango3 Aimless wanderer

    The "four seasons harvest"book recommended here is all about greenhouses
    (incl pvc); clotches and winter hardy crops. Highly recommended..
  7. wildernessgal

    wildernessgal Backwoods is a callin'

    Response to Tracy about "NETTLES" & some other good info...


    Whether it's in the greenhouse or out, all we do is "pick the leaves" and lightly cook 'em (which neutralizes the sting). They are super yummy cooked with potato chunks, fresh garlic/herbs & lemon.... or you can use the leaves in a very wonderful /healthful blood purifying tea as well. Let's just say that after having so much trouble trying to grow "spinach" (<---grubs like 'em so much they'd anihilate the whole plants in the greenhouse) we've decided that "the nettles were a much better choice" for more than one reason including the grubs not going after them.

    Nettles are a super-yummy survival food,
    which many don't think about sadly.


    P.S.- Nettles are also great to purposely plant in your pastures (<--if you have dairy critters like dairygoats & etc...) as "NETTLES BOOST MILK PRODUCTION". Or to cut for WINTER HAY (<-- super nutritious ) Nettle use is also applicable for man, if someone is lactating/with child. ~Just something else to think about. :)
  8. pgrass101

    pgrass101 Monkey+++

    Great stuff WG
  9. CBMS

    CBMS Looking for a safe place

    you have inspired me to do this up at the GF's apartment, she'll love not having to constantly buy veggies!
  10. ozarkgoatman

    ozarkgoatman Resident goat herder

    You won't be sorry. [beer] It amazes me everytime I go in it. I would have never believed it would be as easy as it is.

  11. wildernessgal

    wildernessgal Backwoods is a callin'

    "Current Pics" on the subject of Greenhouse 4 under $25

    Here are some more current pics I had taken....


    On the right side of the above photograph, you can see our STINGING NETTLES (<--A healthier/hardier spinach alternative)



    In the photo above you can see our cold hardy MINERS LETTUCE (on the left hand side) & CORN SALAD (on the right) with BULL'S BLOOD BEETS IN THE MIDDLE/cabbage in the foreground.


    We're still cold here at times (this mornin' our thermometer outside said we were down in the 20's overnight), and the greenhouse still looks BEAUTIFUL & FULL OF LIFE / FOOD for our family to eat inside!!!!

  12. SLugomist

    SLugomist Monkey++

    Wow nice!

    Have you ever tried adding a bucket of sugar water and yeast (long term generation) or vinegar and baking soda (quick) to generate CO2 for the plants?
  13. wildernessgal

    wildernessgal Backwoods is a callin'


    Nope sure haven't... haven't even heard of what you're speaking of until now? I do know that you can keep many typical gardening plants going non-stop though, instead of letting them go/die (via frost) during the end of GARDENING SEASON. I've had cabbages which I have kept for over a year and had some sweet peppers which I took indoors at the end of the season which became "houseplants"....

    Your comments sound quite interesting... I'd like to read more about it.
    I do make my own homemade unpastuerized healthful vinegar (in a huge barrel ~ has much medicinal value and is very very useful). As for SUGAR ~ I am ANTI-SUGAR and won't use it for anything including eating.... as many don't realize HOW BAD PROCESSED SUGAR IS. DIABETES is a MODERN DISEASE as it's used to an extreme, and did you know that SUGAR ACTUALLY FEEDS/PROMOTES DISEASE. Bad bad stuff, so I won't feed it to our bees (one days when we have them ~ we believe that is why the honey bee is in such bad shape healthwise) and I know that I personally won't go out of my way to give it to our garden plants... but hey, that's just me! ;) he,he

    Thanks for the response & have an AWESOME DAY!!!!! :)

    (who loves to hear about new things...)
  14. mgd_only

    mgd_only Monkey++

    I plan on building a greenhouse as well i'm in iowa so it gets alittle cold here in the winter but i plan on using the heat exhaust vent from our dryer to heat the greenhouse . Only when using the dryer of course "free waste heat"!
  15. monkeyman

    monkeyman Monkey+++ Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    Cool, so useing the sugar to feed the yeast in order to have it release more CO2 into the air for the plants to breathor and same with vinigar and bakeing soda. Not something I had thought about but adding to the CO2 especialy with minimal airflow and a small portion of the time with people animals in there to make it I guess the Co2 levels could get a bit lower than optimal after a while.
  16. SLugomist

    SLugomist Monkey++

    exactly MM, It is proven that if you add CO2 to the area around plants they grow faster and bigger. They do have limits though, most plants cannot survie a 100% or even 50% CO2 atmosphere.

    I used both techniques on a special garden I had when I was much younger and could handle more risk. It worked great.
  17. monkeyman

    monkeyman Monkey+++ Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    lol look at the pretty flowers
  18. bladefrenzy

    bladefrenzy Monkey+++

    Awesome, very inspiring way to get the whole family involved!
  19. ozarkgoatman

    ozarkgoatman Resident goat herder

    I thought I would bumt this back to the top because one of the newer members asked me about this. We are in the second year of the greenhouse. Last winter it more than paid for it's self. We got it going a little later than we wanted but when we have more growing I will post some new pics.

  20. SLugomist

    SLugomist Monkey++

    I'm glad to see more "survival" self reliance stuff up top also. I've had enough about guns and politics and how the world is pilling up for someone to step in.

    I'm prepping a small practice garden right now. I'm about ready to start amending the soil, being in florida the sand needs some help. Someone recently posted some good links about crop rotation, 3 sisters etc. and other good garden info that inspired me.
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