He stood no chance from the beginning. He knew this would happen which is why he was so cool during the verdict, he expected it. We the people, the dumb asses that we are, expected justice, after everything that has happened, we fools thought that justice would prevail. Hopefully, this has stopped us from grasping at straws, but I doubt it. Yet, not to worry, we'll get another bite at the apple as things are going to get worse, a lot worse.
THIS! The left somehow keeps doubling down on everything against Trump, just look at the Georgia sham, now the DA down there is all freshened up and feisty for round two! What the left keeps hoping is that while they keep turning the temps up under the frog in the pot, we don't jump out too soon and take things LOUD, boy will they be in for a great big surprise when Patriots start doing Patriot Shit and a bunch of those cucks end up swingin from their necks in the tree of liberty! God help me, i'm actually looking forward to it, killing off a bunch of criminal politicians and bureaucrats run amook, cant wait to see the evening news how the right is off it's rocker and needs to be stopped at any cost, whilst the right is the ones with all the guns and ammo and the skills to use it all up doing the only thing left that can save this country, and god help the blue helmets who show up to try and keep the peace! Awaken Cold Iron, Awaken!
someone said on another board... lets make it clear the dems just bombed Perl harbor??? interesting statement
This curious, Conservative Columnist Sean Davis Calls on Republicans to Start Creating Lists of Democrats to Prosecute and Put in Prison | The Gateway Pundit | by Mike LaChance
Not all of them register as Democrats. The real problem is the (D)eepe(R) State. Don't ;et them poke your belly while you protect your nose, then a moment later poke your nose when you move your hands to protect your belly. Instead kick them in the nuts and when they fall to the ground start working their ribs over with your steel toed boots.
This would be fine if we had an honest justice system; sadly, we don't... Another good example of people still thinking we still lived in the 'days of old'...those days are gone.
Notice how these "Trials" only happen in Blue Cities, and the judges are all Obummer or Klinton appointments? Then there is New York thinking they are the true seat of this nations power, and All the crooks are ether from there or the other state that thinks it's the seat of power west, California! No, this is all pre-planned for a determined outcome, keep Trump from winning at all costs! Keep attacking the right, and calling out the conservative justices and their decisions!
We are at the point where the rule of law no longer applies to We the People, it's now every man for themselves, and its going to get a whole lot worse! We're about to find out who follows the law and the constitution, and who follows the self declared powers! We are not quite at the point where the Stazi are rounding people up, but that's coming sooner then we think! Keep your head on a swivel, we are all on some list, and sooner or later, the powers that be will start working one of those lists, hell, it could be those of us posting here! They won't try and arrest us, though they might make a small effort at a show, nope, they will want to be rid of us, rid of our voices!
Stazi = Ministerium für Staatssicherheit = Ministry for State Security The Stasi's function in East Germany resembled that of the KGB in the Soviet Union —it served as a means of maintaining state authority, i.e., as the "Shield and Sword of the Party" (German: Schild und Schwert der Partei). This was accomplished primarily through the use of a network of civilian informants. This organization contributed to the arrest of approximately 250,000 people in East Germany. Locally we have FBI= Bundesamt für Untersuchungen = Federal Bureau of Investigation Change der Partei to the Democrats and the rest applies. And yeah, Hoover was a transvestite. IOW, just ahead of his times. Or not. See The Truth About J. Edgar Hoover's "Cross-Dressing" - JSTOR Daily All about dirty politics and the 'law'.
"We are not quite at the point where the Stazi are rounding people up, but that's coming sooner then we think!" I believe we will see this when Biden is elected. I believe it will be very quietly done and very subtly at least in the beginning but later on...not so much. Plus, I think we will see them use the IRS along with the ATF and FBI much, much more to assert their authority to break the majority of the common people who voices are raised too loud. I honestly believe we will see a huge increase in blatant, in your face, totalitarian government and the more we accept it, allow it, the more it will occur and the stronger and harsher it will be.
The post Jan 6 arrests of people caught in the electronic drag net seemed like rounding up people to arrest on political bias vs actual evidence of crimes.
Exactly true. The old "if you're not with us you are against us" canard. Or like in the old Bogart movie..... "round up the usual suspects!"
What there up to , make more turbulence: EyesIsWatching #144 - Bird Flu Apocalypse, Coincitis & Microplastics, Trump-Biden Theatre
Sadly, many on the left do NOT see it for what it is, but are cheering it on. I don't understand what is happening with these people who are smart in their own right, but blind when it comes to Trump and other conservatives. But then again, I am in Hawaii that has been a deeply entrenched democrat state for such a long time.