More conflict of interest: BREAKING: FEC vendor records reveal Judge Merchan's daughter raked in $9.7 mil from Biden+Kamala during their 2020 campaigns for prez, raising fresh conflict issues. They paid Loren Merchan's Dem consulting firm Authentic Campaigns to sway swing-state undecideds thru social media Wonder how much she is raking in this time around? Perhaps a recent "bonus"?
Agreed. This is why I hope they do incarcerate Trump. The more they do illegal the better...and the more they will suffer the consequences of their actions. Question: Does anyone here believe Biden will actually step down, release the reins of power even if he is beaten in an election?
They know it is a sham and will certainly be overturned in appeal. But they are so blind to the reality in America that they believe that having the new talking point of "convicted felon" will sway the election. It was never about sending him to jail, never happen, or even "serving justice" it was always about trying to keep him out of the White House. But they just insured his victory. Even democrats and left leaning voters are seeing this for what it us, blatant politically motivated election interference. He's going to win in the biggest landslide in our nation's history. Bigger than the last landslide when he won in 2020. This time we have to turn out in undeniable record numbers. It has to be "To big to rig". Another thing is seeing these liberal pundits all spouting the same mantra, he's denying the rule of law, disrespecting the American legal system. I suppose that's what they would say to the many Russian and Chinese who were convicted in a court of law and sent to the gulags and re-education camps.
Now, we need to declare Obiden unfit for office, remove his sorry old ass, and keep him from running! Let Kamal Toe take over and watch the meltdown as Trump basically cleans her clock with a sledge hammer and wins by such a wide margin that one would wonder if the Dems even bothered to show up! Toss Hunter in a deep hole never to bee seen again, and fire and send to prison all the current administration hacks like mayorkas, garland, and dedelbach, and impeach the fuck out of shumer and piglosie!ake the left pay dearly for this NOW!
@Minuteman I hope you're right, but my gut is telling me there is no way in hell, no matter what happens, that President Trump will be allowed to win. They will either rig the vote caring not if it's known or discovered, kill him, or cause a huge crisis that allows them to issue marital law. By some miracle he does win, he will never be sworn in. This isn't only Biden, there is tremendous outside influence that Biden is milking, and this is their moment. I pray you are right but everything I see and feel tells me the old ways and system is dead and we're fools to continue to believe in them. In my mind, the only question remaining is will the people be willing to lose everything, like our forefathers, in order to restore their freedom, obtain justice and a free future of choice. EDIT: The other thing we ALL should be aware of is the aftereffects of if Biden does retain power. Every individual could be directly affected...I'm talking a governmental crack down. Good old fashion jackboots in the night crackdown.
Yes, I quite agree but do you really think that would happen in this democratic republic? No, they will soft shoe around, tie things up in court, go on all the media crying 'foul,' beat the democracy drum, etc., etc., etc... Nobody, none of them will receive any type of punishment. Look at the infamous Anthony Fauci.... Anything happened to him?
There was actually a victory here that we may be overlooking. They have just proven that peasants as well as kings can be tried in a court of law. That genie is out of the bottle now. Everyone can go on trial. No one is above the law. That should actually worry folks in DC. I'd like to see them say that they can't be put on trial because of some particular carve out .. if you can put a president on trial, you can be put on trial yourself. I think the folks that really wanted to punish Trump, may have ultimately shot themselves in the foot. The future is def. going to be interesting.
I see folks saying "The Democrats" a lot. We are really fighting a deeply embedded, professional, Bureaucrat class of far-Left assholes. Add in career Federal employees who want the gravy train to continue and you have the setting for a perfect storm. Or collapse.... [Federal offices with the most personnel in 2022 were Defense-Military Programs (772,300), the Department of Veterans Affairs (411,600), and the Department of Homeland Security (202,800)] The Rubicon was just crossed - the cost of servicing the National debt is now MORE than the Defense and Social Security budgets combined. "After the explosion of federal debt in the last several years, the Treasury is now paying over $1 trillion per year just to service the debt. This cost to service the federal debt already consumes 40% of all personal income taxes, the largest source of revenue for the government." (Heritage Foundation) *** What might happen? Devalue the dollar or what's left of it. (See Argentina) I was working in 'Russia' when he Rubel was devalued. Who was hurt the worst? - old people on fixed income, people with any real savings, and just old -people in general. This is when you started seeing babushkas (old women/grandmothers) selling heroin on the streets for food money. Heavy restrictions on Capital movement, esp out of the US. Already in place but could be ramped up. It ain't your money, they just let you use it...for a while. Tax the living shit out of everything VAT taxes on top of all the Federal taxes collected. Colleting a tax of 'remittances' heading overseas (this I do support). Raise income taxes - again. Reduce or eliminate deductions of all kinds Raise taxes on businesses - which we end up paying. Cut or reduce 'welfare' spending When you see this, you know it is going to hit the fan in a very real way. Mass outmigration - already happening in so-called Blue Statses. When you see the Mexicans heading 'home' en mass, batten down the hatches....
if you think the trial election interference is over - Trump got dinged - had his election travel interfered >>> They didn't go to this much trouble for such a slight ripple >>>> just watch what the azzhat judge tries at sentencing - don't be the least surprised if he tries 6 months of house arrest - fall back sentencing to NY state travel limited til 2025 >>>>
For the next 41 days President Trump (GOD I love saying that) should campaign in Blue States (Delaware, for example), and then seek the safety of Red States for the remainer of the campaign season. He could hold campaign rallies just over the border from Blue States. Hell, we might even have two presidents, one Red and one Blue...that would be interesting! However, I suppose the best thing would be for the SCOTUS to get involved and declare a mistrial, not as interesting but most likely for the best.
Not yet, dammit! I have been meaning to go and forgot about it. I just checked and it's not playing here anymore... that's just great. Screwed that up... Guess I will have to hope Netflix or Prime pick it up.