The ultimate self defense weapon at across a poker table range and gunkid approved. Looks like all the 45/410 handguns have exceptionally wide spread at close range.
Much better when firing .45 Colt! Had several test pistols come through for air crew survival evaluations, the .410 absolutely Sucked at anything other then kinda sorta snake shot at point blank range! This was to replace the old S&W snubbies we had been carrying, instead, we got the Beretta M-9 brigadier and were quite happy till we actually had to use them on cranked up goat fuckers, then we went to the m-1911 in .45 APC and never had any problems after that! A good officers size series 70 was about perfect for air crew use! Couple spare mags and you could escape and evade for weeks! We also adopted a nifty little folding/collapsing M-4 Carbine, together, we had a perfect system! No shotgun for us! Even the old .38 snubbies were better!
I'm not as firearm knowledgeable as some here but .410 pistol always seemed to me to only good for point blank range. Frankly, the farther away from my assailant the better so seems to me a .45 or even 9mm would be a better tool since get more range while also being good up close.
I always figured the 3 balls of buckshot .410 loads were for people with absolutely no aspirations of marksmanship skills.
I had one of those break-barrel .410/.45LC pistols years ago. The ones with 1/2" of rifling at the end of the barrel. Couldn't trust the safety to carry it cocked and locked, couldn't trust it to carry with the hammer down because the firing pin rested on the primer. It was basically a novelty and I sold it. A .22 pocket pistol would be a better choice IMHO.
Mostly because the Tangos were cranked up on drugs, but also because the 9mm NATO ammo would simply ice pick, with the .45 it would take chunks off, and or knock them down!
Won a raffle for a 410/45 cal S&W Judge for 30 bucks at the American Legion a few years back ,, damned nice weapon for 30 bucks ,,, but heavy AsFk,,,
UK, have you shot the 10mm and how would you compare it with the .45? I guess what I am truly asking, if the 10mm was around then would you have preferred it over the .45? I have not shot the 10mm yet but really like the ballistics charts I have seen. Oh hell yes! For $30 I would take one just to play around with and maybe even keep it on the nightstand.
Unfortunately, I DO have experience with the Mighty10 mm! We adopted Colt Delta Elites in 10 mm auto using the original Cooper loading later in around 94 and carried them for several years, long after 2003, so Yea, I got to see the results first hand, and I can tell you with out question, the Big 10 is vastly superior in stopping power!! 10 mm is what I EDC, and have since 2005! Now, for a caveat, during my time, we went through several different loads ( All approved NATO loads BTW) and found the latest and greatest 180 grain Speer Law Man to be near perfection for duty carry, though I also really like the all out Nukum load 220 grain Golden Saber over 13.4 gr, Blue Dot ( Do NOT use this load in ANYTHING but a top quality 1911) and the performance is amazing, though thankfully, I have not had to use it on anything but animals! If your Shooting a Glock, you want to load lighter, or use off the shelf ammo, Glock cannot handle full zoot 10 mm auto very well, so be careful!
10mm always beats 45acp, it's not even close. Even when you load hot 45acp to 45super to equal the 10mm, the 10mm still holds more rounds. The only ways the 45acp beats 10mm: Ammo. 45acp is a little cheaper and is easier to find than 10mm. Silencers. If you want to suppress one vs the other 45acp is easier to suppress because the mouse fart 4 to 7gr typical powder charges and it's bullets are virtually always subsonic. There aren't a lot of 10mm specific silencers, ones that are out there cost more. If you put a 45acp silencer on a 10mm it's going to be substantially louder than a 45acp with 45 can. A 10mm with a 10mm/40cal can is still going to be louder than the 45, assuming the cans are about the same size. Reloading: 10mm is going to eat up about twice as much powder as 45acp. 45acp is available in small primer, depending on how you reload that could be really good or really bad. Nearly all the 10mm brass I find has the Glock bulge, I save it for my buddy but says to toss bulged ones. Nearly all the 45acp range brass I find is reloadable. Back around 2000 when I was deciding 10mm vs 45acp I went with 45. The only 10mm guns available were thousand dollar colt Delta elite which I couldn't afford and plastic pistols that were blowing up for some reason (probably people running their delta elite loads in those plastic pistols). Also around 2000, 40cal bullet selection wasn't that great and they cost more than 45s.
so... loads mentioned are pretty hot? ya think a RIA in 10 be able to handle them? ROCK Ultra FS 10MM 8rd
Yes, the Rock Island CAN handle those loads, I have a Rock Island that shoots very well, and it LOVES those loads!
I got another 45/410 pistol, the Rossi brawler. So far I've only fired 45colt out of it. Seems as accurate as any revolver. I'll also try to develop 410 buckshot only for use in 45/410 guns since a 410 has a nominal bore diameter of about 0.42'' and a 45 has a bore diameter of about 0.45 and groove diameter of about 0.454, that's why factory 410 buckshot just goes everywhere when fired in a 45 barrel. I'm thinking either a stack of 0.454 muzzle loader balls riding on a fiber wad or 000 buckshot in a plastic wad.
been thinking about a last ditch hideaway purchase - need to ponder the inclusion of the .410 option or just a .45cal - brands I've been considering have a $100 increase for the heavier build - overall size increases also - which is a negative negative ..... if I did ever depend on a .410 for defense - I'd be using the Winchester PDX loads - nasty as hell up close & personal .....
None of that shit. Either 0.38'' round ball in a plastic cup wad or 0.454 round balls or possibly a 454 round ball in top and subsequent 44cal balls depending how much the 2nd, 3rd or 4th 454 balls squish. Definitely not for actual 410 smooth bore guns.
Thought these would work with the rifling? Sonds more like an experimental load, Probably could use a battery?