Hello from the land where we all supposedly surrendered our guns in 1996, because we were supposedly all wimps and are now servants of a tyrannical government. Well, that’s the delusional most Americans live under. The truth is our gun laws are sometimes more liberal than many parts of the USA. Take this fully functioning .50bmg machine gun for example, currently for sale here to anyone who wants to submit a few forms and get a Dealer Licence ( equivalent to your FFL). It’s not cheap, about $US15k, but in immaculate condition. 631243 – Used Guns
Not that dissimilar to the method the ATF puts people through, to own full auto, short barreled rifles, or suppressors. The problem with our ATF, is that sitting presidents who are anti-gun can cause the ATF to reverse positions on something they previously had no issues with, causing all sorts of havoc. Honestly, alcohol, tobacco and firearms should be the name of a fun store to go shopping at!
Nice, but I'd rather have a .50bmg rifle, since that ammo is expensive, and a Browning machinegun can really chew-up a lot of ammo! Hell, I knew that a lot of Aussies hadn't given up their guns, because they are forever offering amnesty to anyone that surrenders a banned gun, but a whole lot did! I remember the pictures of mountains of guns being surrendered for destruction and that is NEVER gonna happen here...I don't care how many people die! There are 400 million guns in this country...those are CIVILIAN owned guns...not those belonging to the police or military! GOD ALMIGHTY doesn't know how much ammo that has been stacked high and deep for all those guns! American civilians currently have more weapons that the collective militaries of the world, and every 4 years we add another 100 million firearms to that number!
when the Chinese come knocking on Ozland doors in a few years - we'll see how many guns are still left in civie hands >>>>
Most of the guns handed in were old rubbish, with the money paid in compensation used to buy better stuff before the restrictions came into place. Lots of stories of guys handing in old bolt action .22’s and single barrel shotguns, grabbing the refund money and buying mini14, skk and sks rifles, then stashing them in pvc pipe underground. The Chinese invaded us years ago. Their Supreme Comrade in Australia was Daniel Andrews, second in command was Mark McGowan. Both of those fell on their sword (Andrews after someone threw him down a flight of stairs). The Chinese have no need to put real boots on the ground here, and if they did they wouldn’t last long. We might not have a lot of troops, but what we do have is best in the world, ably supported by some really deadly wildlife, like crocs, most of the world’s deadliest snakes, some really dangerous jellyfish, drop bears, man hunting sharks, deadly spiders, even the mosquitoes will kill you. Why do you think we only have 26 million people in a country not much smaller than the US, despite importing half a million immigrants every year? It’s because the wildlife kill so many of us. Almost all that 26 million live in the big cities, very few survive in the bush. The Northern Territory, where Crocodile Dundee came from, is huge and has less than 300,000 people, most of those in the capital city Darwin. The crocs eat most of the people who venture outside Darwin, sometimes even those in the city.
Wish we could ship our liberals to your Bush country! But it might cause malnourishment for the crocs. Too much fecal material in those carcasses.
What about getting something more useful like a silencer, you know to eliminate pests? Or something a little more discreet like a 40mm grenade launcher pistol? You're right they won't have to put boots on the ground it looks like they're buying up your country one piece of infrastructure at a time.
…… stories for the most part. Remember that in 1996 payment was ONLY made for now prohibited firearms (semi rifles and shotguns/pump shotguns) or parts thereof. I too lived through it. People could hand in firearms that were NOT prohibited particularly if they didn’t want to go through the new licensing process however no payment was made for those. There was some shenanigans in gaming the system particularly around parts (SKS stripper clips are my favourite story) but no one was paid for single shot .22s. Many took the cash and upgraded their Mini14 or SKK into a quality bolt rifle with optics. There are now however more legally owned firearms in private hands than pre-1996.
I so wanted to love my Mini14 but it made me a worse shot that a Star Wars Storm Trooper. Every other rifle I've owned can shoot better than I can (and most everyone else as well). I'd take a decent boltie over one any day as well.
You don't put much faith in the U.S. Marines that are permanently based in Darwin do you? Or the Subs, and the jet fighters. We have many of our own US made fighters but it's cheaper just to rent out the US military, it comes as a package with our trade deals. All old news. US military’s footprint is expanding in northern Australia to meet a rising China
Insurgencies beat the US military twice. I doubt the Chinese could figure it out hot to win a war and fight an insurgency the first time they tried to do either in like 75 years. If Pooh bear asks Biden to remove US military from shittsville he probably would and then good luck. At that point your only hope at not being a maoist utopia with 25% of your population starved to death and worked to death in the coal mines is an insurgency. Then hope the Chinese just give up and leave after 5 to 20 years.
Insurgency? Well you'll never have one, that's a dream. You will never organize under arms because every few years, when things get bad enough, some tough guy like a trump turns up, and a media messiah like Musk turns up, and everyone who is frustrated with shit piling up in the streets and criminal gangs controlling the cities says "Now HE will fix it!" Look at the Capital riots, half of the people were FBI. You think you'll see volunteers line up now? Stop dreaming. You're only hope is a collapse of that state but that would be like jumping from the frying pan into the fire. Then you're Mexico and Haiti, a nation controlled by criminal gangs. They already have a good foothold in most cities. We have violent anti-social gangs show up here from time to time, small ones, and the government crushes them. That's the sign of a strong nation. Even our motorcycle gangs are under the thumb. They stick to peddling drugs provided by organized crime families mostly. These crime elements are always present in every culture, they typically provide the services banned by the state, prostitution gambling and drugs, they don't attack society, they keep their heads down. But the street gangs you have do attack society! They are earmarks of a failing state. Even if you could rise up you'd be just one more gang in competition with the Blacks, Mexicans, Salvadorans, etc and they would quickly band together to stamp out whitee. Look, the average person posting here has no idea of where australia is on a map even, so please don't pretend to understand anything about us or about the geopolitics. All you are doing is parroting the propaganda in your mainstream press. The Chinese were in existence for a millennia before you guys even turned up and in all that time they never sailed across the seas to enslave others. It's just not in their nature. They are traders not colonialists. The Japanese were colonialists, the Russian's and Chinese never were. All they want is security at their borders but the fucking US and Britain keep surrounding them with armed forces, always pushing pushing pushing. Britain and France started WWII by pushing the Germans into a corner. US and British corporate elites will start WWIII by doing the same thing with Russia and China.
Yeah, but the outlaw and rebel in me wants those things that are illegal. Better to have illegal guns and ammo buried in the woods than legal ones hanging on the wall!
Jesus what the hell was all that about? Can you just not go more than 20 minutes without having trump, jan6 in your mouth or praising communism?
Sorry, I though I was on a different forum, hey have you seen the new SA-16A2 from Springfield Armory, gotta get one, after I buy the months supply of Beer of course
Obviously not the officially sanctioned ones put out by the winning side. No one questions anything, the WTC attacks, the covid response, the reasons for the GFC. No, they just believe whatever the TV offers up. That's why America is doing so well under president biden, everyone knows that, it's all over the TV how well things are going.
Britain and France let Germany rearm, and they did nothing! Germany troops remilitarized the Rhineland, and they did nothing! Germany annexed Austria and they did nothing! Germany invaded Czechoslovakia and seized territory, and Britain and France did nothing! Only when Germany invaded Poland did Britain and France act, and even that was too, little too late! Britain and France were partly to blame for WW2, but only for their timid inaction and delay. However, Germany must bear the lion's share of the blame. WW2 was gonna happen, sooner or later, it was gonna happen! No, America is not doing well under crazy Joe Biden and everyone with half a brain knows that! Maybe, we are doing better than much of the world, but we are still circling the toilet bowel... just waiting to go down! TRUMP 2024!