wow she nails it

Discussion in 'Politics' started by OldDude49, May 7, 2024.

  1. OldDude49

    OldDude49 Just n old guy

  2. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    And, they brought it all on themselves...just like we have done. The question is how we Americans respond. And, yes, she is absolutely correct and nailed it.

    EDIT: Actually, the solution is simple. Stop immigration and deport any and all immigrants that blink their eyes incorrectly. Assimilated or leave.
    Last edited: May 7, 2024
    jim2, OldDude49, johnbb and 3 others like this.
  3. duane

    duane Monkey+++

    I never thought I would see open clashes between people who want to finish Hitler's plan for the Jew's and American college students who think we should have peace. I doubt if there are a few hundred so called Palestine left who were alive in 1947 and this vast new group was both created and allowed to fester as an excuse to destroy Israel. We are being destroyed in a very detailed cultural and religious war that will replace our present population with a racial and political system similar to many in Africa and the Near east. A group of people living in a 6 th century tribal leadership and a vast hoard of uneducated lower class where they do the wishes of an elite who also desire to live in the "pure" past.

    Coming to the enlightened USA, stoning people to death, ritual murders and of course the burning tire "necklace" for your rivals in the power grab. We are already half way there with the drive by shootings and shooting people who "disrespect" you.

    Read a comment on the education system. In the 1800's they taught Greek and Latin in high school, now they teach remedial English in College and they can't use the inability to use proper language as an excuse to keep you out. Racial thing you know.

    Good thought out article, thank you for sharing it.
    Last edited: May 7, 2024
  4. 3M-TA3

    3M-TA3 Cold Wet Monkey

    Territory is always taken via colonization. An army may take control, but if no settlers come that control will not stand. If you allow colonization by lax ummugration the nthe army isn't even needed.

    It's why sovereign countries have borders and enforce them. Western nations including the US have forgotten that and soon will become different countries even if the name stays the same.

    Opening the doors to mass immigration is effectively suicide for any country. Islamists know this and are taking full advantage, This is expecially true for countries like the US that allow for Sharia law to come above existing law. The only way for a country to survive immigration is for cultures to mingle (melting pot) where each can take the best the other has to offer. Diversity divides and eventually places us at odds with each other.
    duane, Dont, Ura-Ki and 1 other person like this.
  5. OzVegus

    OzVegus Monkey

    Nails it? More like re-nails it, for the tenth time. Nigel Farage was all over this a decade ago. Talk about frogs in a pot, every few years some spokes-frog for liberty bleats about it getting hot. All these issues are beyond repair now, like the illegal immigration into the US, stop it all tomorrow but the damage is done, there is no coming back from 40 years of importing violent criminals.

    At some level these news stories hinder people from taking the actions needed to secure their future, they read them and think, "it's ok, 'they' will crack down soon when they realize their mistake and all will go back to normal" But 'they' already know, how could they not? If a bunch a piss-head preppers on an obscure internet forum can figure it out they knew the score going in. Once you accept that reality all you have to do is ask yourself Why? Why did they allow this to happen in the first place? Once you figure out that part of the story your future choices are narrowed down quite a bit.
    3M-TA3, Bandit99 and duane like this.
  6. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    I must admit that even when Trump says he will deport them I think, how? How in the hell can you deport 12 million illegals? The cost in time, effort and money is crippling! Plus, we're broke... The only thing I can think of is scare them out of the country so the majority of them leave on their own but doubtful that would work. Also, Trump is only there for four year...if he even gets into office, which I doubt, and is allowed to do something, which I also doubt.

    Also, looking at this problem from a world perspective...isn't this obvious that this is driven by some grandiose world plan? I mean, all the Western countries have the same issue as us, illegal immigration accompanied with mass immigration. I am not one to wave the great world order conspiracy flag but something sure stints here.

    Nah... America is gone and can't be saved. I think in the next few years people will finally come to this conclusion. We'll go into the history books alongside other great empires, failing and falling for the same damn reasons as all the rest: greed and lust for power.
    Zimmy and duane like this.
  7. johnbb

    johnbb Monkey+++

    I have said this many times we DO NOT NEED immigration of any kind we are done building railroads to the west we are done building cities we have half the population that doesn't work and sucks on the government tit. Our culture has been destroyed we now speak English, Spanish, and god knows what inner city black dialect. The media glorifies the worst in our society just look at what is on TV pure crap Yes Bandit 99 we are done
  8. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    "...we DO NOT NEED immigration of any kind..."
    I am not sure I can agree with this statement...maybe but I don't think so. It is not a matter of immigration that is hurts us but the 'type' of immigrants, and, of course, the illegal immigrants.

    My point concerning 'type' is we need more doctors, engineers, scientists but not ditch diggers. Currently, immigration is exactly like winning the lottery. Every country in the world is given a maximum number of green card visas available to them based on the population of the country. The people of these countries, regardless of if they speak English, regardless of if they are educated, regardless of their profession put in for immigration and if they are lucky, just like the lottery, their name is selected for one of green card visas available. That's it. That is how our country selects the majority of immigrants, the lottery system. This system was fine in the old days but is ridiculous in the 21st century. In fact, most first-world countries now use the merit system which is too late for most of the European countries but at least they are on the right track. Sadly, we are not.
    EDIT: Let me point out that under this system a skilled doctor that is fluent in English has the same chance as an illiterate ditch digger.

    The other point I would make is population growth. I think our birth rate is well below we need to be to maintain our population, 2 children per couple. Many young adults can't afford two children, some just don't want the problems and costs. Immigration while not resolving this issue, does help it.

    I would agree that immigration needs to stop immediately and indefinitely, until we have the borders closed, our ridiculous laws rewritten, like a person being born here is automatically a citizen (BTW most countries require at least one parent to be a citizen but not here - of course not!) and a modernized immigration policy with some common sense that benefits the nation.

    I could go on for hours about this as I have skin in the game and know the game well but simply stated it's a total and complete mess...just like every damn thing that the government touches. It's so bad that it's simply ridiculous.
    Zimmy and duane like this.
  9. mysterymet

    mysterymet Monkey+++

    Yes people who try and immigrate legally get screwed and illegals get free money from tax payers.
    Zimmy, Bandit99 and duane like this.
  10. arleigh

    arleigh Goophy monkey

    When you have immigrants that do not assimilate, they are then "invaders"
    Zimmy, OzVegus and johnbb like this.
  11. OzVegus

    OzVegus Monkey

    I Couldn't agree more. But this thread is a good example of how we as survivalists have lost our way in a sense. Discussing the reasons 'why' and 'how' are pointless. They were pointless 100 and more years ago when blacks were moving up to new York to escape the agro in the south. They eventually settled into Harlem and the rest is history.

    White flight, or whatever you want to call it is the solution. It's no different to me than moving away from a toxic waste dump or relocating because they are building a massive dam upriver from my home. I did it, I fled the city. There is no other way to put it, I Fled! I also fled a thinly populated rural community as well after I realized that the "survivalist lore" about where we should live is flawed. I couldn't count the times people came onto my property to steal stuff when I wasn't around. Gates meant nothing, they either opened them, pulled them off their hinges, and sometimes stole them, or simply drove around them, cutting fences as they went. After doing more research I came to the conclusion that the tried and tested 'village' model of living was the best option. Living in a small rural town. Not to say all remote locations would be bad, but you'd better put a lot of planning into security. Like Bat Cave planning!


    There are always eyes watching wherever you live and the criminal element is always watching for an opportunity. A small remote target is easy as you just sit by the gate and wait until the occupants go out on business and then you're in like a flash. Try that in a street in a town of thousand people, everyone is watching everything, every unidentified car coming up the street is watched by multiple neighbors. You have a police station 3 minutes away too and the criminals know this. I came to the conclusion that remote properties work well if you're rich and can secure them but for the average working class man or woman that's a practical impossibility. The city I left isn't too bad but every suburb I ever lived or worked in has had it's murders now. Drug related mostly but now also Immigrants, Sudanese, Lebanese, other muslim races for the most part though the Blacks are the worst offenders. They are simply doing what comes natural to them, what they did in their countries of origin.

    The times of debating 'why and how' it happened are long past and we should be concentrating on updating our knowledge on where and how to escape these threats. The news is full of this shit about immigrant crime but it's all self-defeating because it offers no solutions other than Governments getting tough. As a survivalist I have zero faith in any government Government solving anything. I solve my own problems, with I would hope, God's guidance. Trump now says that if you are a fan of crypto you'd better vote for him. He's the classic politician, promising everyone they'll get what they want. It won't happen, and if you wait for them to make your life more secure you're just dreaming.

    Read about the occupation of Korea by the Japanese. They re-named the country Chosen and banned all Korean culture, even the language. But the language, along with many traditional martial arts etc flourished up in the hills in monasteries and small villages where they eventually formed bands of resistance fighters. You want to fight, help carry on the fight, or simply live in relative peace away from overbearing government control? Well forget doing it in the cities, you'll have a lot more freedom and security in the villages of the country. Just choose wisely.
    Bandit99 and Zimmy like this.
  12. Zimmy

    Zimmy Wait, I'm not ready!

    I would argue we need blue collar job capable workers to be a focus of planned immigration as well. If we are going to return all of this manufacturing I keep hearing about, we need tradesmen not only able to build the factories and required infrastructure, but the myriad of skill levels to manufacture everything from Taiwanese grade microchips and pharmaceuticals, to car parts and construction gear, to happy meal toys and swiffer pads. We are already a black hole that engineers, doctors, and other white collar types flood into from every corner of the globe. That just needs expanding and rigid controlling with the rest of it.

    Our huge underutilized native population of unskilled labor is still that way for a reason and of little value in the numbers required.

    How to manage all those millions of new people is too complicated to discuss tonight for me. When King Zimmy reigns supreme, We will still continue to seek the Council of Monkeys.

    I can tell you the border MUST be controlled and Diversity preference must die.
    Bandit99 and CraftyMofo like this.
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