HR 15, the so-called 'Equality Act'

Discussion in 'Politics' started by OldDude49, Feb 21, 2024.

  1. OldDude49

    OldDude49 Just n old guy

  2. johnbb

    johnbb Monkey+++

    The liberals have been successful in making the LGBQRSHIT crowd "normal" the next step is making pedophiles
    "normal" ----disgusting
    Last edited: Feb 21, 2024
    Zimmy likes this.
  3. 3M-TA3

    3M-TA3 Cold Wet Monkey

    They have been pushing to lower the age of consent for years and slowly making "progress". In CA the AOC is now 12 with adults up to ten years older than them. It's only going to increase speed, so I wouldn't be surprised if pedo's become a protected class. They are halfway there with the indoctrination of drag queens into children's activities and pushing transgenderism and sex in general K-12.

    I'm more likely to vote AR 15 than I am HR 15.
    Zimmy, techsar, johnbb and 1 other person like this.
  4. chelloveck

    chelloveck Diabolus Causidicus

    Yep, a bullshit claim, by a bullshit right wing influencer site...(WND cannot be considered serious journalism)

    There is no substitute for reading and comprehending the actual legislation: .

    Given that the legislation is now in the hands of 'MAGA Mike', the GOP House 'Speaker', I would not expect much expeditious progress to be had in its passage, when there are far more important right wing identity politics MAGA drums for him to beat instead.

    The legislation defines very clearly what 'sexual orientation, and gender means:

    It should be noted that the legislation does not include any of the 'philias', as a protected class.

    Yes, claims were made...but they are disingenuous dishonest bullshit claims.
  5. oil pan 4

    oil pan 4 Monkey+++

    That was always the intent I do believe.
    OldDude49 likes this.
  6. DKR

    DKR Raconteur of the first stripe

    Too many laws were made to be twisted past belief - The Americans with Disabilities Act is just one prime example.
    3M-TA3 and OldDude49 like this.
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