Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by johnbb, Feb 14, 2024.

  1. johnbb

    johnbb Monkey+++

    Funny how this works too many white qualified pilots so the FAA is going to lower standards so more blacks can be pilots(another reason not to fly) NFL and NBA come to mind --whites under represented and no one says a word

    FAA’s Plan To Reduce White Male Pilots, Revealed By Walsh
  2. SB21

    SB21 Monkey+++

    It'll be another example of the " go woke , go broke ! " .

    It sure seems no one is learning from the repercussions of others . I truly believe they are purposely wanting to just completely run this country in the ground,, and piss it away to whoever wants to walk in and take over .

    Hence the term ,, " Build Back Better ."
    techsar and johnbb like this.
  3. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    I just don't think they can do this legally. The law is specifically against this type of thing, it's called racism. I mean, they can say it, they can talk about it, but all they will get if they try it is making a bunch of white folks rich via the lawsuits that will happen.
  4. johnbb

    johnbb Monkey+++

    They get a way with it all the time---it's the liberal government ---it is clearly racism against qualified whites but they call it diversity
  5. Kamp Krap

    Kamp Krap Monkey++

    Legal or not it has been going on for 30+ years without consequence. Go Woke Go Broke Sounds good but it is very far removed from the reality.
    Zimmy, CraftyMofo, SB21 and 2 others like this.
  6. SB21

    SB21 Monkey+++

    Yep ,, Law,, that's a word that does not mean shit these days .
    I'm sure you've heard about the CIA , and Obama being behind the Russian collusion hoax on Trump,,, haven't you . They're saying now that the raid on Mar a Lago was there to find the documents that could prove this fiasco .

    Yep ,,, I know ,, documents can be forged ,,, but just piece it together with everything else going on in this shithole now .

    I've never called my country a shithole before ,,, and I don't like doing it now ,,, but we damned sure ain't to far from it . Give it just a little more time . We've got 15 million illegals that will be here ,, and no one knows who they all are . Just sit back and watch ,, it'll be here before you know it .
    johnbb and CraftyMofo like this.
  7. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    Oh boy howdy do I have a major beef with the FAA! They are one of those agencies with ZERO accountability and as bad as the ATF in making shit up as they go, and worse, their attitude in that they are the word of God and cannot be challenged, even when they are clearly wrong! Case in Point, look up Trent Palmer on youtube, the FAA has a major hard on for Trent, for doing exactly what he was supposed to to, but because he is a Influencer and is massively popular, the FAA has decided to make an example of him and have taken draconian steps against him! My own experience with the FAA mirrors Trent's in that they are out of control, they rule with an iron fist, their work is the ONLY word, and even the court is owned by them, and worse, NOBODY has oversight over them! I hope that new case before SCOTUS will go the way we think it will, and Chevron Deference forces an overhaul of the FAA, I know i'm going to be flying to D.C. to challenge their authority in court after the SCOTUS rules, something absolutely MUST be done to reign them in!

    Several years ago, the FAA decided we civilian pilots needed these new fancy fangled landing approach lights ( Called Wig-Wag lights) and they gave us a date of compliance which was unworkable at the time, but FAA, their word is Gods, so better comply! At that time, there were NO options, no aftermarket sources, and even the FAA offered ZERO guidance on the what, when, where, why, and how, so we had no chance! After they realized ( Were told by congress who had been told by us) the FAA gave us a 1 year extension, but warned that they would NOT be granting Exemptions or Variances to the rule, and after the date, we would be suspended until our planes were brought into compliance! Initially, the cost to modify my plane at that time, I estimated at around $15,000 u.s. dollars, plus my time and labor, and because there was no guidance, and no aftermarket options, the chances of meeting their requirements was almost zero, and then your facing a suspension! So, I joined a massive class action suit against them, flew to Warshington and testified among the thousands of others who flew in! Things didn't go well in their court, which they own and operate illegally btw, so we took our cause to the Congress, and got an injunction and forced the FAA to actually sit down and negotiate and offer guidence and allow time for the aftermarket to catch up, now that said guidance would be forthcoming! Fast forward 2 1/2 years later and we finally got the "Rules" and a more reasonable term of compliance, and best of all, we were allowed to seek Variances ether for work we had already done, or for our unique airframes like mine that would not allow the prescribed mandates of lighting to which the FAA had spelled out precisely! it was almost another year before I was finally in compliance, and it still cost me around $8,000 to get it all done and pass inspection and get signed off on!

    Now we have the fuel fiasco, both the Fed. and Several states DEMAND and now require unleaded fuels, but the FAA has not decided on which fuels it will allow, the fuel companies hands are tied becasue the FAA has been dragging it's feet in deciding, their testing has not met with the required results, and now many States have blocked the sale of Leaded fuels, and have been sued and injunctive relief granted, even Cali, but today, we still do not have the new fuel available, or any viable options, and the FAA is still dragging it's feet! I built both my Birds specifically to be able to run any gasoline fuel I can find, or any blend the Feds and states decide on, I can literally land on a highway and taxi to a gas station pumps and fill with auto fuel ( MOGAS) and be off and flying in no time at all, something I have had many folks stop and take pictures and video of, not even seeing an airplane land on a road and then motor up to the fuel island and pump fuel! I do it all the time, as auto fuel is much cheaper then AV-GAS, so when I can, I do, bonus is both birds actually make more power as the altitude increases, due to the Ethanol blends actually making O2 when burning, so I can climb higher and little faster due to having a little more power! The costs to build my fuel systems was quite a lot higher then normal, but I knew the AV-FUEL was going to be an issue and at some point we would be forced to change and it would be far more costly to have to convert my fuel systems then!

    FUCK the FAA, ATF, IRS, FDA, FCC, And all the rest, we don't need no Government, especially the government that believes it operates above We the People!
    I cannot wait to fly into the D.C. Area and go to the fed court to testify on the FAA's latest boondoggles, any time I can hold their feet to the fire, that's a good day!
  8. johnbb

    johnbb Monkey+++

    Congress allows these federal agencies to make rules as if they were laws without any oversight and it is plain BS
  9. OldDude49

    OldDude49 Just n old guy

    yep but think someone higher up tells em what to do with a conspiratorial wink...
  10. oil pan 4

    oil pan 4 Monkey+++

    The democrats answer to racism is more racism. They want to make racism great again.
    Ura-Ki likes this.
  11. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    @Ura-Ki Interesting... It truly sounds much like the ATF but, since most here, including myself, don't have any interaction with the FAA please elaborate a bit more. Mainly, when the ATF does some asinine crap like this, they have an intended purpose which is not always what it seems. For example, the Pistol Brace ban. Years after saying, "Yes, pistol braces are legal," they reversed themselves and suddenly said, "No, pistol braces are now illegal" issuing vague, inconsistent and - well - asinine regulation that couldn't be interrupted never mind comply with - everyone knows the story; however, their purpose wasn't about the pistol brace. It was about getting rid of the shorter barrel firearms that were on those pistol braces even after more than a decade of stating they were legal and millions upon millions sold.

    What I don't understand was what in hell was the FAA really trying to do here? Perhaps more importantly, why? In both instances it seems at first blush to be simply senseless. Planes been flying for decades and now these changes must be done immediately but for no rhyme or reason, no specific guidance, no thought to the implementation. Concept is only one aspect to accomplishing a goal and the argument could be made the implementation portion is much more important because reality gets a vote, such as, is it even possible, even feasible, given specific constraints such as time, effort, financial, etc. In both instances, it's like they are putting the cart in front of the horse and for no valid reason so why? What has their a$$ on fire and why? Is it pure hubris and incompetence or something else? To a guy like me, it sounds like they were trying to ground personal aircraft but...that makes no sense so...?
    Ura-Ki likes this.
  12. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    Honestly, i'm just as confusticated as you are on this! I get the distinct feeling that the FAA now HATES civilian pilots, especially with NASA and JPL involved in getting the FAA to step up and do things they normally hold a strangle hold on, especially process's like certifying things that normally take many years and millions of dollars to get done, it's a self feeding beurocracy that makes a shit load of money for nothing but a few rubber stamps after some "Expert" does something at the direction of other experts who all collaborate to do something, and that something is usually far beyond reasonable! Ask me how I know all this!

    As to this whole "Diversity Thing" I have even less idea as to WHY, the Military doesn't have that many pilots of color, neither does the civilian side, so I don't know where they are going to find all these pilots that don't exist! Then there is the cost, an average person is going to spend around $10K for a basic pilots license, and while i'm not saying Blacks cannot afford this, NOBODY can afford it that easy. Then there is the transition into commercial, that takes both lots of time and lots of training, and then you have to spend "Time in Grade" building hours in the small operations, something like UPS, DHL, FED-EX, or various other cargo haulers! You need to hit a certain number of hours to then be considered for commercial, and even then, you then have to spend a bunch more time as Co-Pilot before you are ever considered ready for Pilot in Command Training and thus, ready for the Big Time! This whole process can take 15+ years, unless your very wealthy or have a wealthy sponsor and get fast tracked, but even then, nothing replaces TIME, and that is the big issue! SO, the FAA moving toward employing more black pilots is all simply for show, and frankly,, they have no right or authority to mandate any of this, the FAA is not supposed to operate in politics, they are only a beurocracy! This smells like a Biden Woke Leftist propaganda to make it look like this administration is "For the Blacks" or more equal then equal!
    Bandit99 and johnbb like this.
  13. OldDude49

    OldDude49 Just n old guy

    inclined to think the "O" is at it again... the more you stir the water the hard it is to see what's in it...
    SB21, Ura-Ki and Bandit99 like this.
  14. Horsegal

    Horsegal Monkey

    You better believe they are already WOKE, as is BOEING and MOST of the tier one suppliers like the one I work for, Spirit AeroSystems. We used to BE Boeing and were bought out, now in talks for Boeing to buy us back. My manager was told, "You WILL hire diverse." And boy, did that lead to a MESS. I would guess MOST of them are now on FMLA (Family and Medical Leave Act), so they are gone more than they are here and when they are here, they are on their phones or crying about having to "work." It is a pathetic, ridiculous MESS. People NEED to be hired for their skill and NOT their skin color, age, sexual orientation, etc. When did we get so damned dumb and without ANY common sense???
  15. Meat

    Meat Monkey+++

    I pretty much don’t fly. This is going to be another reason added onto to many others.
    Cruisin Sloth, SB21 and Jerry Fisk like this.
  16. johnbb

    johnbb Monkey+++

    Diversity is a liberal catch phrase to relieve liberal guilt for past injustices they had no part in. This has forced companies to hire based on skin color and not on qualifications. Case in point my good friend was head of the county motor pool --forced to hire blacks. Result he spent more time with bogus workmen comp issues, no shows for work. Any wonder why US companies go off shore
    Meat, SB21 and Jerry Fisk like this.
  17. SB21

    SB21 Monkey+++

    If I claimed being a Redneck ,, would that qualify me to be a diversity hire ??
    Meat likes this.
  18. johnbb

    johnbb Monkey+++

    good luck with that one --whites don't count --remember you are the oppressor
    Meat, Jerry Fisk and SB21 like this.
  19. SB21

    SB21 Monkey+++

    Oops ,,, forgot about that white privilege thing ,,,
    Meat likes this.
  20. Horsegal

    Horsegal Monkey

    - SAME, it used to not bother me a bit to get on a plane and fall fast asleep. I SEE the (lack) of quality that goes into these planes today, that, and the airlines could GAF about customer service. I'll just drive unless it's over a 12 hour trip.
    Meat, Gator 45/70, CraftyMofo and 3 others like this.
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