Crazy Uncle Joe

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Wildbilly, Feb 11, 2024.

  1. Wildbilly

    Wildbilly Monkey+++

    Apparently, Joe Biden is unfit to stand trial, but is fit to be President! Thank GOD that he isn't really running the country...or maybe his is..either way it's scary! And how about that Special Prosecutor? He's special alright, and not in a good way! I wonder if he wrote his report with a crayon?
    Bandit99 and Ura-Ki like this.
  2. Seawolf1090

    Seawolf1090 Retired Curmudgeonly IT Monkey Founding Member

    Any way you cut it, this current criminal misadministration goes down in history as America's darkest time, with the most virulent and blatant corruption ever seen. It's as if the democommies are actually proud of it. I guess it can be taken as some sort of "accomplishment". Sad days, bruddah. :(
  3. Tempstar

    Tempstar Monkey+++

    Both sides of the aisle are in on it. Don't fall for the dog and pony show. If any of us common folk faced charges like these corrupt politicians we would be in jail in a heartbeat. Hunter Biden had child porn on his laptop. Instant prison for the commoner. Joe Biden had secure documents he was not allowed to have. Instant prison for the commoner. I\
    Don't buy into the whole one side is better, they are all corrupt assholes who have found a way to profit from us. I will keep saying this: How do you become a multi-millionaire on $132,000 a year in one term?
  4. T. Riley

    T. Riley Monkey+++

    So, do you vote for the one that is competent to stand trial or the one that is not?
    Horsegal, Kamp Krap, Ura-Ki and 2 others like this.
  5. johnbb

    johnbb Monkey+++

    Just as the King of England and his court lived by a different set of laws then the serfs--- who we fought against we now live under the same conditions. The only thing that has changed is the name of the players --politicians and commoners
    Kamp Krap and Ura-Ki like this.
  6. 3M-TA3

    3M-TA3 Cold Wet Monkey

    They know he is going to lose so badly that the amount of backroom ballot adjustments required won't be believable to anybody. This is to soften us up for his last minute replacement on the ballo and nothing else. Any sooner than the last minute means passing off Harris as President. Get ready to hear that the ticket will include Michelle Obama or Gavin Newsom. Keep in mind that it's not a result of this report. It was ALWAYS going to happen and the only way this report was created and released is to lay the groundwork for plausibility.
    mysterymet, Tempstar, Ura-Ki and 2 others like this.
  7. Wildbilly

    Wildbilly Monkey+++

    Yeah, and then the "new" candidate will be unable to answer any questions for a couple of months about their positions/ policies on the economy, debt, border, Ukraine/Russia, China, etc. because they NEVER expected to be nominated. If they can stall long enough the election will be over!
    Ura-Ki, Seawolf1090 and Bandit99 like this.
  8. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    YES! It is so obvious! Now, they will allow him to take all the flak and when Michele is asked she will reluctantly accept, much like Richard III, "...for the good of the nation...and to save our democracy." The question remains about Harris. She will have to be given something - maybe - they could simply say "Suck it up or piss off!" I mean, what is she going to do? She has gone as far as possible, and no one would want her on their cabinet, so I don't think it's as big of a deal as people think. And, if she doesn't play nice? Big deal no one really cares and frankly it would hurt her more than them, but I think they can threaten her to keep quiet because she didn't get where she is or hang out with these crooks without getting her hands dirty and I mean filthy dirty so...

    To be honest, Michele Obama scares me because I think she could give Trump a run for his money. Hell, I think she could win garnering vote and fraudulent ballots. Why? The Obama name, she is already a very well know celebrity. No, she has no political or government experience whatsoever - hell - she wasn't even a good first lady in my opinion but that won't matter to people. She will simply be a more palatable replacement, so they aren't forced to vote Trump or not vote. Plus, she's 59, Harvard graduate and she will bring the nightmare we all fear... The staged is set with numerous alternative plans for all contingencies. They know exactly what they are doing... They will force her to run if necessary. This makes so much sense. It's really perfect! She can blame mistakes on her 'elderly predecessor' while being respectful but she won't change a damn thing except maybe the border because they won't need this contingency and it's become too hot of a topic. No, this is a perfect setup and so much like the Democrats...of course, the Republicans will be caught flat footed and continue to be the spineless, useless morons they always are...

    EDIT: BTW Michele Obama received $700,000 Euros ($741,000) for a one-hour speech at a tech fair in the southern German city of Munich. Her normal pay is $200,000 per hour.... Definitely good wages if you can get it!
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2024
    mysterymet, Ura-Ki and Zimmy like this.
  9. sasquatch91

    sasquatch91 Monkey+++

    i think bidens already won, its all corrupt. We need about 12 years of trump to fix everything the demorats have messed up.
    Alf60, Tempstar, CraftyMofo and 4 others like this.
  10. Zimmy

    Zimmy Wait, I'm not ready!

    SB21, Ura-Ki and Bandit99 like this.
  11. Wildbilly

    Wildbilly Monkey+++

    The Obama's are the new Kennedy's! The fact that Michele has no government experience won't stop them, Barry didn't have any either! I agree that she might be the more dangerous candidate!
  12. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    It would be too easy if Biden ran and he won as not even the Democrats can cover up the massive landslide loss he is facing. This is why I believe it will be some other candidate at the last minute and there is no other that has a chance in hell except Michele. Frankly, I hope you are correct, and they run Biden and steal the election because it would bring us immediately to the apex of the problem and throw everything into our corner, but I cannot believe the Leftists are that stupid. No, they definitely are not.

    They have no intention of losing the election or giving up power. The case for running Biden gets worse by the day - hell - maybe this release of ' too incompetent to stand trial' is part of the plan. I think it is. He controls the DOJ yet one of them threw him under the bus? No, too damn honest. Perhaps a mistake on their part? Maybe but doubtful.

    The Left cannot win a shooting war with the Right, they simply can't. Yes, they have a contingency which I believe more and more is the reason for allowing so many illegals to invade the US. They will simply offer them a clean path to citizenship by serving in the military and BINGO they got their army of amenable thugs. I don't think that will help them in the end, but it is probably simply one of many contingencies and costs them nothing, probably more of a delaying tactic. Remember, they will lose everything if the shooting starts to include their lives and freedom, so they do not want to go there. This path with M. Obama gives them everything and more - power for 8 more years - and while there are screams of corruption and fraud, like before, nothing will happen because everyone wants to afford conflict and it takes time to prove fraud and control of the houses.

    Yes, they will definitely skew any election result to ensure she wins but nothing like they would have to do for Biden. It will be enough to win but not so much so that it is blatant in-your-face corruption.

    EDIT: Actually, with Michele running, they will not have to get rid of Trump - in fact - they will WANT him to run! It gives their election more creditability, strengthens their party... Yeah, this is making more and more sense...
    Zimmy, CraftyMofo and Ura-Ki like this.
  13. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    I think it's going to be a combination of all of the above! Take out Joe, Run Big Mike with Newsome, shit can Harris and tell her to go pound sand up her ass, and turn the illegals on the conservative whites so they can hold power against those who would resist this plan! Maybe Big Mike can actually win against trump, but that's a big risk given how popular Trump has become, and that's a pretty wild wild card to play!
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2024
  14. Seawolf1090

    Seawolf1090 Retired Curmudgeonly IT Monkey Founding Member

    Big Mike as "president"? Oh Hell NO! :mad:
  15. johnbb

    johnbb Monkey+++

    Big Mike is just as big an American hater as his husband Obummer. IMO they are the puppet masters of bidumb
    Bandit99 and Ura-Ki like this.
  16. Tempstar

    Tempstar Monkey+++

    I think Biden won't last long enough for this plan. Look for a few months of Kamala who will not get the nomination. Newsome is the threat in my eyes, not Mike O'bama. I really don't think she would do it.
  17. Wildbilly

    Wildbilly Monkey+++

    Newsome is the Govenor of a sh*thole state that has a host of problems, none of which he is anywhere close to solving. I don't see him being elected President, but Michele Obama is a different story. She is mostly free of the baggage that is weighing down Newsome and could attract many independent voters as well as the usual suspects.
    Ura-Ki likes this.
  18. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    I don't see how Big Mike could stand up against Trump in a debate, she has about as much experience as a rock, she has nothing to offer except the Democrap talking points that Joe and Joes boss have been spewing this whole time! Hope and Change, yea right! Ask him about the border, about Gun Control, about any number of things, Trump has real solutions, Big Mike has NOTHING but the same ol same ol tha democraps have been pushing all along! Worse, China!!!
    SB21 likes this.
  19. Wildbilly

    Wildbilly Monkey+++

    She would offer hope and dreams, rainbows and unicorn farts!o_O Lots of people out there would buy it!:rolleyes:
    Ura-Ki and Tempstar like this.
  20. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    No? Look at Dianne Feinstein (90). Hell, they would have propped her up in her coffin if they thought they could get away with it. Newsome has too much bad press. He might make it in the land of fruits and nuts, Commiefornia, but a few of his recent stunts did not go over well. His debate with DeSantis hurt him and his recent blow up at a Target concerning shop lifting certainly didn't do him any favors. I hope they run him, a white male, instead of Big Mike! Hell, he had an easy day against DeSantis, wait until he goes against Trump. However, maybe you're right and she won't do it because they are very rich now and she doesn't like politics, but I doubt she will be given a choice. The Democrats don't have a choice and they are the party that will do anything necessary to win.

    You think they will run Newsome as a VP? Hmm...I mean, they can't really run Harris as VP as it would be pretty demeaning if Biden steps down but...not like Harris would give a damn. I don't know, maybe VP Newsome. Frankly can't think of anyone that might be better, certainly can't see them getting along in the White House. LOL! Can you imagine that pair in office together? LOL! I honestly don't think they will turn the illegals on us if Michele runs. No, I think they are an ace-in-the-hole if she doesn't run, and they're stuck with Biden...they must hold power. However, she won't deport them because obviously they are future Democrat voters. Biden lost them a hell'va lot of voters these past years so I expect Michele will offer up an amnesty deal 1st or 2nd year in office.

    I honest believe there is no one they can run against Trump that will even give they a snowball chance in hell, enough so they can fiddle the votes. It has to be Michele, or they will lose all the ground they have gain and make no mistake, Trump will tear them apart and rightly so. She is perfect, black, female, well known, elitist with no ugly political baggage. If the Democrats hadn't got so radical, and it is quite obvious it's the radicals controlling the party now, they could have got behind JFK Jr. He would even have stolen some Trump voters, but JFK doesn't satisfy the radicals.
    Ura-Ki likes this.
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