It's an oral suppository It has to be swallowed, but thier heads are so far up thier bums it has to be inserted first.
If this sleazebag wasn't a darling of the liberal left, she'd be in a federal prison right now. When Trump regains the Presidency, I hope to see her put there. With many others.
as far as the actual TDS topic that originally got posted >>>> the current volcanic ERUPTION is spreading out from the future Orange Jumpsuit Gang - they have to be waking up in a nightmare sweat - alllllllllll the freaking various election interference attempts keep collapsing ..... and - Trump not only keeps coming - he's gaining ground like a Kenyan marathoner that overslept the race start - and he's making campaign funding $$$$$$ like nothing in history >>>> and little is said about how Trump is influencing the other election races and while the Trump nitemare is bad enough - suddenly your entire political party goes to shit - the crap you've been spreading across the world backs up into your own basement .....
It’s well-deserved. My own state has been absolutely ruined, mostly from dip$hit Dems. I call it straight too, not a fan of either side really.