Mrs Krap would not be happy with me :)

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Kamp Krap, Jan 24, 2024.

  1. Kamp Krap

    Kamp Krap Monkey++

    Soooo I have not done laundry since Mrs. Krap passed away and finally got down to my last clean underwear and a shorts with and exceptionally holey T shirt to wear yesterday.

    I don't know why I kept put running the water lines to the washing machine off. It was a simple 30 minute job to T into the main Water line above the hot water heater and go up into the loft across the loft floor 9 feet and back down behind the washer.


    And back down. LOL I was not shooting for purdy plumbing. I was shooting for get the damned water functional. And Avoid the nasty ass crab, lice and bed bug infested laundry mats at all cost. Mrs Krap could live with it up to this point. DSC03968.JPG

    Mrs Krap would and always did approve of the fact that I did my own laundry for the reason my laundry water expresses. At the end of a day here my clothes are...... shall we say filthy :) That is just filling... it has not even started agitating and washing yet LOL.

    Here is where MRs Krap would have a Major Malfunction with me :) I Am a cheap ass and won't run the dryer for a hour for fast drying whites. And well it was raining last night so I strung my clothes lines up across the living room and down the hallway. Cough errr I ended up with 6 lines. And woke up with dry clothes on the lines this morning. I figured it up once and it cost like $3 in electric to dry them in the dryer per load. It cost nothing to hang them on a line :) I did six loads of whites last night and saved $18 worth of electric use.

    While the clothes were washing I went down to the new house and stole the new gas stove, a couple of cabinets to make 4' of cabinets and a 4' butcher block counter top. I finally got sick and tired of that junky bargain bin electric stove and tossed it out the back door.

    I relocated the Maple Cabinets and counter from where the stove and unfinished cabinets are now, into the kitchen Where the junky electric stove and tossed together plywood cabinet and short counter were. LOL I have to put the cabinet door back on the Kitchen sink counter frame. And have lots of stuff ripped apart right now.
    I am debating taking that partition between kitchen and dining area out all together. That would give me room to put one of the 14"W Drawer cabinets in and could replace the white counter top inthe kitchen with a 80" Butcher block counter top. Easy enough to lose the partition there are only 8 screws that hold it to the wall, floor and ceiling.... and it really serves no functional purpose. I am also rewiring almost every circuit and losing the surface mount boxes and changing to in the walls recessed boxes. I threw the surface mounts up because they were fast and easy to do. And well as often happens temporary became temporary for 8 years LOL.


    I hit the realization a few weeks ago that going forward I need to set stuff up how I want it and well I don't have to make any compromises anymore because there is no one here to object and compromise with.

    I mean doesn't everyone keep light arms stashed behind the food on the shelves :) And yes Mrs Krap would and did object to my wall of shelves with food on them in the living room idea :) And from a modern civilized stand point her objections were valid... From my not very modern or civilized view point..... I don't care what it looks like so long as it is serves my purpose well and is highly functional.

    Where I do find conflict is within myself and the part of me that wants to preserve everything the way it was when she was here and alive. And the need and want to change things to better suit my way of doing things. And then the realization that she does not give a shit one way or another if I move the washer and dryer into the cabin or move cabinets around or toss that junk electric stove out that she for some reason liked so much. Even with that realization there is a internal conflict that comes with every change I make.

    There was no conflict in putting up 3 shelves to put our DVD Library on and not having to dig through boxes to find a movie to watch LOL. DSC03950.JPG

    I made a kind of big ticket decision a couple of days ago. I am going to replace the old Voglezang Box Stove in the cabin with.. Dee would not approve of this either. Number 1 the price and number 2 the space it will take up on the east wall. I am on the back order list. I visited a friend that has one and she has a cabin the same size as mine. It easily heats her Cabin even in the recent sub zero temps. 95% of My Cooking November through March is on the Voglezang but I would really like a real old school wood fired cook stove. And a bigger one at that, Since Dee passed away A weekend does not pass that I am not cooking for 5-6 people that think they need to come and *Help* me. And the Voglezang sure don't cut it for cooking for more than 2 LOL. And OK this is a total WANT and not a need and anything I say to justify it is just making excuses for ordering it LOL. But aside from being a pure want, it is practical and functional. And I would probably be wiser changing that order to the smaller Bakers Choice model...... Which I may end up doing.

  2. sec_monkey

    sec_monkey SM Security Administrator

    [biggrouphug] Sir Kamp
    duane likes this.
  3. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    LOL! Well, looking at that laundry water, you should be damn glad you're not married to my Mrs. Bandit because knowing her, she'd shoot you with your own damn gun then convince you it was for your own good, learn your lesson, take your medicine and quit your crying! :) LOL!!!
    Dunerunner, CraftyMofo and Kamp Krap like this.
  4. Kamp Krap

    Kamp Krap Monkey++

    It was not so much that I wanted to do my own laundry..... It was after a week of living together his and her hampers appeared in the bathroom and I noticed hers became empty often and mine just kept getting taller and overflowing more. I mentioned it to her and she smiled and said "I guess you need to do laundry.... Don't YOU." I can take a hint :)
    Dunerunner, Bandit99 and SB21 like this.
  5. arleigh

    arleigh Goophy monkey

    1. I wear black underwear, so nothing shows dirt.
    2. I do my laundry once a week at the laundromat.
    3.I did my own laundry some times even while I was married.
    Being a mechanic I had to treat my grease-stained clothes with Dawn dish soap, and did not dare to mingle my clothes with hers.
    SB21 and Kamp Krap like this.
  6. Kamp Krap

    Kamp Krap Monkey++

    Its not the underwear that make the funky water :) It is all the dirt and dust my shirts and pants attract. I am scared to think about the skid mark that would make the water that color!
    Zimmy, Dunerunner, sec_monkey and 3 others like this.
  7. chelloveck

    chelloveck Diabolus Causidicus

    Wives...they'll get one changing one's laundry practices...

    I wash socks and jocks separate to each other and separate to the rest of the items to be laundered...(foot rot and crotch rot are to be kept separate) Whites and colours to be washed separate (laundry apartheid) woolens and delicates to be washed separate from each other and the main load...( I cheat on that one by washing woolens and delicates together on delicate cycle)...I line dry outside in the sun when the weather is fine, and on a clothes horse under cover when the weather is inclement.

    I use mesh clothes bags with delicates [​IMG] and brassiere bags for her bras upload_2024-1-25_23-48-8. (saves hooks and catches catching and damaging other clothes).

    I did a google search for laundry nazis...and got this result.
    Swastika Laundry - Wikipedia
    The Swastika Laundry - West Cork People

    Fun fact...the Swastika Laundry in Ballsbridge Dublin Ireland, operated a laundry service using a fleet of electric vehicles in 1912. Well before Elon Musk's TESLA.
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2024
    Kamp Krap likes this.
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