Colorado, Trump and my thoughts...

Discussion in 'Freedom and Liberty' started by Bandit99, Dec 20, 2023.

  1. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    I think the threat factor just went up 5-fold with this crap, just think... FOUR of the seven Colorado judges voted in favor! Four! And, Trump hasn't even been charged with insurrection, never mind faced a trial and found guilty of it. They made this up out of the blue! Yet, they feel confident enough to totally and completely ignore the law...and these are top level judges! It's mind blowing! Mindboggling!

    So, what does this tell us? They are totally confident that State, Federal and the White House has their backs even though they broke the law they were sworn to uphold. And, if this isn't breaking the law it definitely is a blatant abuse of power in the face of every citizen in this county. I'm stunned. They didn't even try to hide it. Justice? Gone. GONE!

    This is not America and we better stop acting like it is because we are in a world of shit and we just got a good whiff of it. What this means is they can get rid of anyone and everyone with any type of bullshit charge, just like in some 3rd world hell hole. Look at those guys with January 6 charges. We are in a world of shit and we need to start acting like it.

    I'll be honest, if things do not change and Trump is elected to bring some sanity (they definitely will not let this happen) - well - I think I am out of here. I've been considering it for a while since my niece cannot win their bullshit lottery but now...not sure I want her here.

    Face it. This is no longer America and we damn well better stop acting like it is and base our future decisions as such. Yeah, the roads are better and the stores have more but the laws, which truly define a nation, are the same and regulated for those in power and that sure as hell ain't you and me. Thoughts?
    DuxDawg, Tempstar, Idahoser and 5 others like this.
  2. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    I WILL NEVER TAKE UP ARMS FOR THIS COUNTRY EVER AGAIN, FUKUM, I have blead more then my share, suffered more then my share, and paid a price too high to bear for this unworthy country, so, when the shootin starts, I will make a choice, stay where I am and fight to hold everything I own, or boogy to Texas, cast off all lines, put the rudder toward the coast and sail for the far horizon, never to return!
    Alf60, SB21, Zimmy and 3 others like this.
  3. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    And, this is exactly why we are seeing such a huge failure in our military recruiting. Why join some woke infested military where you can't walk away from someone in command over you who is forcing you to use their pronouns, forcing you to DEI classes, says you're racist because you're white, you are privileged because you're white, you are a white supremacist, fight, die and/or be maimed for no justifiable reason in a war with no objectives. And, they wonder why they can't meet their recruitment goals? Friggin idiots. I wouldn't sign up either. Sign up and die for what? To help them keep this bull$hit? No thanks. Send all those pro-Palestine protesters, or those drag queens from the children's library or BLM pukes...but not me. Never again. My country is gone and I sure as hell won't fight for this one and I would not think badly of anyone else that felt the same.
    DuxDawg, johnbb, SB21 and 4 others like this.
  4. Tempstar

    Tempstar Monkey+++

    The country began its death spiral under Bush I, looking back I can see where the government started becoming only about the elected and no longer about the people. The Reagan era was the last time I felt there was a bit of concern for the people, Trump's 4 years notwithstanding. The people who hate Trump because he hurts their feelings better wise the hell up. This will truly be an historical election that decides if this country ever comes back to the people. This blatant circumvention of established law is like a billboard on the road saying "look what we can do!" right in our faces.
    Alf60, DuxDawg, sasquatch91 and 5 others like this.
  5. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    SB21 and Ura-Ki like this.
  6. oil pan 4

    oil pan 4 Monkey+++

    They go on about "mu damookracay" now they're trying to make a ballot with one choice on it like we're in china.
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2023
    Ura-Ki and Brokor like this.
  7. Zimmy

    Zimmy Wait, I'm not ready!

    I'd say under Nixon and Reagan and Trump were aberrations.
  8. SB21

    SB21 Monkey+++

    I never imagined I would see my country in this shape. I never imagined my born and bred Americans would be acting like this.
    I will take up arms to protect myself, and my family throughout this Commie invasion ,, but unless more folks stand up against the commies trying to take over this country ,, my arms will only be worried about me and mine .
    DuxDawg, Ura-Ki and Tempstar like this.
  9. Tempstar

    Tempstar Monkey+++

    Much of what our government does is in direct violation of the constitution. Take "exigent circumstances" for example. The 4th amendment protects us from search and seizure, yet law enforcement can claim exigent circumstances and bypass the 4th. I had a friend in NC get his door knocked down years ago because the police claimed they saw a fugitive enter the home. Of course there was no fugitive but it didn't stop my buddy from being handcuffed for an hour and his home searched. That lawsuit is still pending.
    This century has shown a marked increase in ways to circumvent or re-interpret the constitution and bill of rights. We allow government agencies such as the ATFE and IRS to make laws without due process of Congress, effectively enabling un-elected law makers. We are allowing Federal entities to dictate laws to the States. We sit idly by while political lawbreakers never get charged or tried (Hillary?). Trump gets his home raided over presidential papers that he had a right to possess, and Biden gets a pass on documents he was not allowed to have. It stinks, and average Joe American is starting to wake up and smell it. People are pissed about Biden winning when the election night maps showed a mostly red country. People who usually ignore these things are being awakened by crap like the Jan6 "insurrection" and have seen through the plot to make it look like an "insurrection". There is an anger in this country, and there is division, the two major contributing factors of our first civil war. Unlike the first Civil War, the new one that I fear is close at hand will not pit brother against brother, but people against the government. It's a powder keg right now, one with a crack in it, and the Gov is walking around with a lit cigar. As it usually does, one event will trigger the whole thing. Could be the Colorado thing, could be anything else. We just won't know until it happens.

    14.250 mhz
    Alf60, DuxDawg, Ura-Ki and 2 others like this.
  10. Illini Warrior

    Illini Warrior Illini Warrior

    only thing that matters with that CO Supreme Court travesty >>> it gets squashed once and FOREVER !!!!!

    this 14A crap is by farrrrrrrrrrr the worse yet - those 4 judges using a Confederate Civil War intended amendment to tamper with a current election is beyond comprehension - when a sitting Prez can't complain about such a rigged fraudulent election - and continue the fight for his RIGHTFUL won office >>> That's not AMERICA
    Tempstar and Ura-Ki like this.
  11. 3M-TA3

    3M-TA3 Cold Wet Monkey

    SCOTUS will quickly put a stop to this obvious political ruling. The Colorado Supreme Court Justices who voted yes need to explain themselves and if insufficient need to be thrown off the bench. honestly the decision was stupid in many ways, but energizing Trump's base while driving moderates further to the right is doing the opposite of what they wanted. Worse if this stands and other states follow this precedent the risk of triggering a second civil war is extremely high.
    DuxDawg, Ura-Ki and Bandit99 like this.
  12. CraftyMofo

    CraftyMofo Monkey+++

    And now Republicans are talking about removing Biden from the ballot in several states. Idiots.
    Ura-Ki likes this.
  13. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    To state the obvious here, the problem is it has to go to SCOTUS...and they know this. This takes time, effort and dollars and is all part of the game they ALL are playing to slow-roll and/or log-jam President Trump. Their intent is to ruin him mental, financially, physically and demean him to erode his base.

    As far as throwing them off the bench, that thought cross my mind immediate upon hearing their ruling and I came to the conclusion they must know their a$$es are seriously covered from State thru Federal. So, this is another totally blatant example how the justice system has gone completely corrupt when FOUR senior judges can do something like this without Trump even being charged with insurrection in effect, charging him, convicting him and denying him even the most basics of our freedoms. Yet, we are not hearing much out of Congress and certainly nothing from the DOJ.

    Our country is gone - period. We all act like it's still here and if they would just follow the Constitution then it would bring it all back but it's not. It's gone. Whatever the government wants to do - they do. Plus, they get away with it. They used to feed us fairy tales, but they don't even bother with that crap anymore. People think if Trump will get elect it will correct the situation, but it won't. First, they will not allow him to be elected, not matter what they have to do. Second, the bureaucracy will simply ignore him even if he was elected, wait him out. Can't vote them out and you can't fire them, and they actually run the country. Hell, we can't save the country because there is nothing left to save, think what they control and what we control! I tell you what, if those four Colorado judges are censured and removed from the bench for doing something that even a high schooler with just a simple civics class knows is wrong, then I will gladly change my mind. As it stands, we ain't voting our way out of this mess...Hell, they wouldn't allow it even if we could.
    DuxDawg, Tempstar, Ura-Ki and 2 others like this.
  14. johnbb

    johnbb Monkey+++

    The problem is the demoRATS are like sleazy lawyers they will say something outrageous and the judge will tell the jury disregard but the idea is planted in the juries mind. They took Trump off the ballot knowing the supreme Court will over rule but the dumb masses the seed has been planted not to vote for him
    Ura-Ki likes this.
  15. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    Democrats have always been the true minority in America. And the far leftist ones are even less of a percentage. The thing is, they've long held the major cities through subversion and bribery, thus cementing the bulk of their power in the delegates. It's a numbers game, after all. The Democrats can always count on California's 55 electoral votes and NY having about 31. The next in line is Texas, with 34 and Florida at 27 then Illinois 21 and it's PA at 21 and Ohio at 20 after this. Notice a trend? And, if we are thinking about fighting back, Republicans seem to be so terrible at this game, they simply will not fight back at all. They want to remove Trump from the State ballots? Fine, Republicans can do the same to Biden with his long list of crimes. Will they fight dirty? I doubt it.

    Colorado has a measly 9 electoral college votes. All this will do is make Trump even more popular. The strategy isn't about taking Trump off the ballot, it's about making him as popular as possible so when they take him out, it will create a vacuum of unparalleled proporion and civil unrest like we have never seen before.

    Let's hope I am wrong.
  16. Wildbilly

    Wildbilly Monkey+++

    The fight will be AGAINST this country, as it now stands! The fight will be FOR the country, as it should be! Down here in Dixie, we have been waiting 158 years for round two! I can't wait! I'll NEVER be too old to fight, just like my hero Samuel Whittemore (1696-1791)!
    DuxDawg, Bandit99, SB21 and 1 other person like this.
  17. SB21

    SB21 Monkey+++

    I truly believe that's the only way we have a snowballs chance in hell of bringing our country back . And I'm not even sure we could do it then . These corrupt democrats seem to have infiltrated every little government office we have .
    I'm not sure we'll ever see what we once had ,, but it's worth a try ,, I just wonder what it's going to take to make the people stand up and decide they've had enough ,,, voting is not gonna fix it.
    Bandit99 and Ura-Ki like this.
  18. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    For those of us that don't know Samuel Whittemore and/or think we're too old to fight for our country in its time of need and would sit back, leaving it to others:

    Samuel Whittemore Jr. (July 27, 1696 – February 2, 1793) was an American farmer and soldier. He was 78 years old when he became the oldest known colonial combatant in the American Revolutionary War (1775–1783)

    On April 19, 1775, British forces were returning to Boston from the Battles of Lexington and Concord, the opening engagements of the war. On their march they were continually shot at by American militiamen.

    Whittemore was in his fields when he spotted an approaching British relief brigade under Earl Percy, sent to assist the retreat. Whittemore loaded his musket and ambushed the British grenadiers of the 47th Regiment of Foot from behind a nearby stone wall, killing one soldier. He then drew his dueling pistols, killed a second grenadier and mortally wounded a third. By the time Whittemore had fired his third shot, a British detachment had reached his position; Whittemore drew his sword and attacked. He was subsequently shot in the face, bayoneted numerous times, and left for dead in a pool of blood. He was found by colonial forces, trying to load his musket to resume the fight. He was taken to Dr. Cotton Tufts of Medford, who perceived no hope for his survival. However, Whittemore recovered and lived another 18 years until dying of natural causes at the age of 96.
    Gray Wolf, DuxDawg, Tempstar and 6 others like this.
  19. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    Tis has had a very unexpected effect, the left is trying every trick they can come up with to block Trump, and bury him in debt and endless lawsuits, but what they have done instead is polarize Trumps voters, and worse, turned the Moderates hard Right into Trumps Corner. The left just handed Trump a landslide, not against Pedo Joe, but Gavin Newsom or whomever else the lefties decide to run last second! Trump will absolutely wipe the floor with their blood, so the lest will have to decide if they can accept another 4 to 8 years of Orange Man, or they do the unthinkable and take him out for good, time will tell that tail!

    So, what happens now, the latest push for SCOTUS to intervene has flopped, but that's NOT a bad thing, only that SCOTUS has a hard on for following the rules, so they will let the Trump appeal move forward, which will inevitably find the Colorado State Supreme court was correct, and BAM, that's when SCOTUS steps in and reverses the court! THIS is a good thing, exactly what we need, this forces the State to explain it's findings, and then having the epic slap down of the inferior court, BLAMO, those justices get pitched in the ditch to snort the last of their Booger Sugar! THIS has been going on since Trump appointed his 3 conservatives justices to the bench, the lefties have been pitching an absolute fit, the Post Bruen Tantrum it's called, or the Post Roe V Wade Overturn, take your pick, what it's actually doing is exposing the corruption in the inferior courts for what it is, and putting the power to the people to straighten it out using the constitutional mandates within our power, RECALL those fuckers, force them to explain their rulings against the constitution, and were done, tar and feather their ass's!

    Can this country be saved? NO, Not unless and until WE THE PEOPLE forcefully remove all opposition to the Constitution, the shear numbers of people guilty of violating their oaths of office, plus the Unelected officials and Beurocraps, ALL need removing, and that's going to be UGLY, there is NO COURT to hear all those cases, there is NO precedent for such actions, so We the People are going to have to take matters into our own hands, which is EXACTLY why our forefathers created the 2nd Amendment , and THAT starts with our elected Sheriff's and a Willing POTUS! THIS requires a declaration of Marshal Law under threat of violence, insurrection, and the Real key to everything, Declaring a National Emergency, it starts in the counties, and POTUS wakes the National guard and federalizes them, THEN we roll into the cities and state houses and we round up the lefties and we line them up on the steps and we hold a Common Law Tribunal with the State Adjunct General presiding along with a Named Judge and Sheriff of the host county, or one chosen by the sheriffs association, and those lefties are ran through the process, they are sentenced and that sentence is carried out at the close of business that day, and we all know what that sentence should be, as there is NO court, No Jury, and No Rights under Marshal Law, and under a National Emergency, that is a defacto State of War, which means those sentenced face DEATH! THIS is how We the PEOPLE save this country, and then we fight it out among ourselves as to how to best re constitute our government and who we send to congress and the courts to replace those who were removed!

    If the above doesn't happen, then NOTHING will change, and this country becomes a third world shithole not even worth pissing on!
    The time for talk, the time for compromise, the time for the vote and voice of the people is long past, as they say, the Four Boxes, and here we are holding the last Box, the Cartridge Box, now it's time we Unship that sucker, open it up, and make sure the powder is dry and the shot is swedged and the priming is ready, it's time to light this fucker and take it LOUD, GOD BLESS AMERICA, and Holy Shit, Pass the Aspirin!
    DuxDawg, Bandit99, CraftyMofo and 2 others like this.
  20. ByAnyMeansNecessary

    ByAnyMeansNecessary Modern Day Renaissance Man

    Its a form of disenfranchisement and it should be extremely alarming, even to the most liberal mindset.

    We are going down a road that could have monumental and irreparable consequences.
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