I went to town

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by jim2, Dec 17, 2023.

  1. jim2

    jim2 Monkey+++

    Yesterday I drove into Austin to get my cell phone battery replaced. I haven’t been there for months, and as a result I felt assaulted by the noise, people, and traffic. Not overwhelmed or stressed, but brought to heavy awareness of the things I have NOT been missing living where I do in a small town neighborhood.
    In a way, it was like attending a circus with all the weirdness on display, but people were surprisingly polite and orderly. Lotsa bustle, but no one bumping into me or shoving. So, it was both good and bad for me to go in and see what all is happening and then leave it behind.

    I guess I’m good for another year now.:)^)

    duane, CraftyMofo, SB21 and 7 others like this.
  2. johnbb

    johnbb Monkey+++

    Was going to town today but forget that idea. We had 15.9 inches of rain from that storm coming up from the gulf and running up the SC coast. Washed out the only bridge into our area, what was just a creek is now a river. Don't ever remember having that much rain even during hurricane Hugo.
    jim2 and duane like this.
  3. duane

    duane Monkey+++

    Was raised in rural area that is still 99 + % "white" and moved to New Hampshire in 1973. Going to town now is like taking a trip to another country, not saying good or bad, but in 1970's seeing a person from India, Africa, or South America was a random event. Now in some areas they are the dominate group. All of the local business were local, now most are major chains. 10 or 15 local owned and operated hardware stores replaced by choice of Home Depot or Lowes. Again no comment, just an observation. Most of the small town local choice and local options have been replaced by a national lack of any real options. IN most cases the old small town business district has disappeared, To the point that local plumber has to be listed on Angie's List or whatever it has morphed into in order to stay in business.

    Also noted that some area's have changed into no go zones even in daylight, There are also major changes in the way I interact with strangers. If someone knocked on the door at 2 am in 1975 in rural NH, it was usually car trouble or neighbor's cows or pigs out and help was expected and given. Now I check the door and if I don't know the individual, a call for a heads up is given to the local police. Not being very neighborly, but if it is a scam I want the police to know as soon as possible, and if it is an emergency, they will need to be involved any way. Part of that may well be due to ageing and becoming the target of choice by many of the scammers. A white van with a magnetic sign on the door now a days tends to bring out a "danger Will Robertson" response rather than can I help you response.

    Also as Kamp Krap has ponted out, there didn't used to be efforts by some individual or group to destroy you for not meeting some expected group norm. Green, social, racial, or tribal, pick your choice or add your own selection. People in the 1970's might have had their thoughts about Hippies, but they still trated us well.[werd]
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2023
    SB21, jim2, Bandit99 and 1 other person like this.
  4. johnbb

    johnbb Monkey+++

    We moved to this small town in the late 70's which was and still is predominately white surround by rural blacks and we all got along never locked our doors. How things have changed in the black community the older generation is now taking care of grandkids cause the parents are on drugs in jail or dead. We recently had a rash of robberies by 15 year old black males. Caught turned loose and back at it again arrested the second time I think they are in Juvie detention now. I haven't been bothered long drive to the house and posted "no trespassing and posted this is not a gun free zone owner is armed and will use" Sad how society has become
    SB21, jim2, duane and 1 other person like this.
  5. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    In every sociology book in the past worth its weight, the term "traditional authority" is described as being a series of practices which gain legitimacy over time. Americans have adopted new ideas and principles with time, but those which have been proven to be legitimate and even essential for our well being were long believed to be necessary. Much of this has changed over the recent decades, in a steady, yet incremental push.

    If we take into account the ease in which meth can be made on the street and the terrible results it has wrought on our neighborhoods all over the nation, and the recent influx of fentanyl which kills so many, the decline of our towns becomes even more apparent. People who are addicted to drugs are far more likely to abandon their traditions and decency for more drugs, often stealing to procure whatever they can to get high.

    We also have a massive incursion along our border, and invasion no doubt, but it is being carried out by the deep state radicals who push the narrative that it's racist not to maintain open borders. The entire illegal invasion is actually a well orchestrated plan to wipe out traditional whites from America and replace them with a range of third world peoples without knowledge or care of American traditionalism. This previously slow and steady immigration tactic has proven to be quite effective, but it wasn't until recently they've started to ramp up the plan to full steam. Now, we see government subsidizing the illegals, often paying them a stipend and offering housing and travel. We know the word is getting around to all foreign countries to release their mentally ill from their care, and the violent criminals from prison just so they can take leave and come to America. We know the WEF is funding operations throughout S. America, in particular the central navigating hub located in Panama, where massive numbers are bussed northward straight to the U.S. border zone. It has become so popular, many of the additional migrants are paying for the travel themselves, and human trafficking is now at a record high.

    In every State, across the territory of our once great nation, we will find entire neighborhoods which were once wholly European or at least mostly on level with no severe ethnic disproportionate ratio, now at the exact opposite end of the spectrum, with primarily non-English speaking Latino or other ethnic background. This doesn't necessarily mean it's racist to make this recognition, and if any people from any land were to come and settle as have in the past, it would at least be acceptable to find them adopting some of the more critical traditional aspects. But, we aren't seeing any of this happening -it's quite the opposite in many cases. Much of this could be due to the equity system we are adopting as well as the racially inspired affirmative action routine which often times punished people for being white and affords minorities a greater opportunity. This wouldn't be terrible on its own, but to make matters worse, one of the two major political parties is always instigating racial tension the whole time, further widening the racial divide in a country that ordinarily receives much of its strength through diversity.

    The problem is multi-layered and very well structured and maintained, just to destroy the traditional authority, the history and very culture, no matter the cost. Yes, we are a country that has long seen diversity and alterations, but we have always been very accommodating to those who held the long established traditions which have maintained our Republic, our Liberty, and our Freedom from tyranny. Now we see statues being torn down, a heated debate over sexual and gay material being taught to our preteen children, and everybody who is white and heaven forbid a Republican, is suddenly a racist. More people in America are prescribed mind altering drugs now than ever before, even children are given prescriptions at an alarming rate due to broken families and decadent lifestyles. Video games and poison food, sugar and carb diet with no real nutrition, lack of exercise, and now non-stop social media mind numbing ignorance.

    If you are not one of the minority who can be controlled, if you are from white Anglo-Saxon or European decent, if you are native American or even black but conservative -you are a problem for the global elite. You are in the way. If you have morals and maintain traditional decency and courage to speak out against corrupt government, you are to be labelled a terrorist, an extremist, a racist. They may be trying to take away our guns and ammunition, but in the long game...it doesn't even matter.
    Ura-Ki, duane, jim2 and 1 other person like this.
  6. johnbb

    johnbb Monkey+++

    BRAVO could not agree more
    Ura-Ki, duane and jim2 like this.
  7. jim2

    jim2 Monkey+++

    And it would appear that I missed an active shooter by about 2hrs. We ate at the Cheesecake Factory and left about 230PM. I was armed as usual, but glad to have missed the party and not be detained/arrested for defending myself. The San Francisco of the Southwest can be an odd place at times.

    Ura-Ki, johnbb, SB21 and 2 others like this.
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