Fairytale of Gun Control

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by OldDude49, Dec 13, 2023.

  1. OldDude49

    OldDude49 Just n old guy

    One thing that kept coming to my mind is that the villain in every Disney story is seeking to, in some way, control others. The Evil Queen from Snow White wants to take the lives of those who simply want to enjoy the beauty of love, freedom, and happiness. The Wicked Sorcerer wants to enslave or kill those who are simply living their lives. Some of the villains are male, some are female, and others are dragons or even snakes.

    Regardless of their form, the one thing they have in common is their desire to control and take something from someone doing them no harm. I couldn’t help but reflect on how I’ve felt this way at times as a Responsibly Armed Citizen who simply wants to protect and defend what I love.

    The people who want to chip away at our freedom to keep and bear arms seek what feels like a similar type of control over your life and mine. Oftentimes it comes with a “pretty face” or dressed up in some fashion that makes it challenging to disagree. They call it “smart gun laws,” or “common sense gun control,” and tell you it is “for the children.”

    In the world of Disney and fairytales, the antagonists and adversaries often cast their spells using cleverly worded phrases and rhetoric to trick well-meaning people into mindlessly nodding their heads in agreement. In the same way, those who attempt to restrict gun ownership are like modern-day pied-pipers, they siren call their way into the words that spew from the mouths of our favorite Hollywood actors and feisty young politicians. And those of us who haven’t fallen under the spell are oftentimes painted with the brush of being small-minded social outcasts who love our guns more than our children.

    more on site… worth a read IMHO

    Villains and the Fairytale of Gun Control
    duane, Ura-Ki, CraftyMofo and 2 others like this.
  2. duane

    duane Monkey+++

    It seems to me that inherent in every gun control debate is a belief that the collective will of the people, as shown by the government, is always superior to that of the individual. They truly believe that democracy will always prevail and that the outcome of 2 wolves and one sheep deciding on what is for supper will always be what is best for society.

    At 85 years of age and on a limited income, I find it difficult to pay half as much property tax for one year as I paid for the place in 1979. I do not find the teachers and other governmental workers comment, if you can't afford them, sell out and move. The same as sharing income with those that refuse to work, or who are disadvantaged. I also see little sense in sharing my preps with those that have spent every dime they ever earned and now want my dime as well.

    It is a biased view, but Sam Colt made all men equal, and I dislike the thought of being a powerless spectator as they load my stuff up and haul it away for the good of the majority.. I have every expectation that the left have convinced enough people in much of the US, that the vote would be for the police and government to confiscate and redistribute private property.
  3. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    I don't pay too much attention to the anti-gun rhetoric anymore as I have made up my mind not to comply - period. However, I will say this... Old President Mumbles recently said they MUST do something about an Assault Weapons ban. I could look up his exact wording but you can do it yourself, like I said, I don't pay too much attention anymore, but it did dawn on me that if reelected, we will see this happen probably immediately. He won't have anything to lose, and he has the DOJ and FBI in his pocket anyway... So, like I have been saying but to put it more bluntly, all hell is going to break lose come 2024-2025.
    duane and Ura-Ki like this.
  4. Wildbilly

    Wildbilly Monkey+++

    I'm 65 years old and qualify for an exemption on property tax for my homestead here in Alabama. I still have to pay taxes on two adjoining properties, but I'm going to transfer a house and land where my sister lives to her and that will leave me with only one tax bill to pay. My BIL is disabled and doesn't have to pay any property taxes on his house. Property taxes in Alabama are LOW, the assessed value of my property is about $500,000 (you can't buy it for that), for which I pay $2200 in property taxes. You need to look into any tax exemptions, if any, that might be available to you!
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2023
    duane likes this.
  5. Wildbilly

    Wildbilly Monkey+++

    I'll burn everything to the ground before that happens and live in a tent!
  6. oil pan 4

    oil pan 4 Monkey+++

    Government like any group of stupid people in large numbers can't be trusted.
    Jerry Fisk, apache235 and duane like this.
  7. Horsegal

    Horsegal Monkey

    I knew a guy who had SO had it with the government and taxes, he sold everything and lived in his truck (which you would STILL have to pay personal property taxes on here in Kansas).
  8. Wildbilly

    Wildbilly Monkey+++

    My property taxes next year will be about $500, down from $2200. I just wish that I could do something about the insurance on my home and property, as it runs about $2200 too! Those foolish county and state government officials are going to have to make do without my meager contributions to the tax coffers. Hopefully, it will be a LONG time before taxes are paid again on this little patch of Alabama red clay! Just another reason to wake up in the mornings, that and coffee!
    johnbb likes this.
  9. chelloveck

    chelloveck Diabolus Causidicus

    Rarely do I find agreement with you, but I have to say, Don't believe this Mosaic Hollywood actor's cleverly worded phrases and rhetoric...

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