BT Post Emeritus Status???

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by stg58, Dec 4, 2023.

  1. stg58

    stg58 Monkey+++ Founding Member

    Weeks back, I made the suggestion to honor Bruce's service and respected voice of moderation and reason here by honoring him with Emeritus status.
    What is the status of this, more importantly, when will it be complete?
  2. CraftyMofo

    CraftyMofo Monkey+++

    Maybe reach out to Melbo? In response to your suggestion, Minuteman said that he is the one that needs to do it.
    Yard Dart and Dunerunner like this.
  3. Wildbilly

    Wildbilly Monkey+++

    If it was up to me, I'd say, Hell Yeah! But it's not my call, and I'm not even sure that I have a vote. Do we even have a vote?
    Dunerunner likes this.
  4. chelloveck

    chelloveck Diabolus Causidicus

    It's a command decision from the SM head shed. Bruce and I crossed rhetorical swords a number of times, however, given his service to the site, and the SM community, I think he merits the recognition.
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2023
  5. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    It's not a question of whether we should or not. We simply have no admin actively capable of doing these things since we lost Ghrit as well. The Admin functions are compartmentalized, certain Admins only have certain capabilities.

    Melbo and Quigs have been updated.
    We all sorely miss our beloved members no longer with us.
    SB21, Yard Dart, Dont and 2 others like this.
  6. SB21

    SB21 Monkey+++

    As I agree with the suggestion to honor Mr Bruce with Emeritus status ,, as I have no vote in the matter ,, I will support the decision of those in power to do so.
    But on a personal level ,, he is already there .
  7. Meat

    Meat Monkey+++

    I’d like to see his green sweatpants inducted into the SM Hall of Fame. Of course BTPost should receive an even higher honor whatever that may be. Rockstar for sure.
    Gator 45/70, VisuTrac and CraftyMofo like this.
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