Who you will vote for and why...

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Bandit99, Dec 3, 2023.

  1. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    I truly believe that the Leftists, Commies, Democrats will not allow President Trump to win the election, no matter what, no matter what they have to do from put him in prison on fraudulent charges, to election fraud, to even assassination. I just don't believe they will allow it because, in short, they can't and survive.

    Nevertheless, I still intend to vote for him in the Primary and the Presidential election, but this also means that I need to be ready to vote for someone else.

    I think it will be Vivek Ramaswamy for me but I admit, it's a tough call after seeing DeSantis debate Newsom. DeSantis has done a very good job in Florida however what sets Vivek apart from the rest is he has his own money, like Trump, and I believe that is important. DeSantis is a lawyer, and in all honesty, lawyers in politics can be good (Jim Jordon comes to mind) or they can be disgustingly bad (Bill and Hillary are top of the list) plus I worry about special interest groups getting to him. On the other hand, it is quite obvious that Vivek wants to follow in Trumps footsteps, even stating there are only two America First candidates, Trump and him, and I think that is true. I want America First policies and regulations instead putting the world first and having the American taxpayer pay for it even when it doesn't benefit them. I want American First, in thought and deed.

    I like Nikki Haley and I think she made a fantastic UN Ambassador; however, I think she is also very close to the establishment, too close. I want America First in thought and deed for at least the next decade, not what is good for the elites or the Defense industry or Wall Street, or etc. No, I am not being naive as I'm certain you can't truly drain the Swamp, but you can get rid of some of the sewage. I think what sealed it for me when that renown New York financial guy endorse her.

    Anyway, I would like to hear everyone's thoughts on this, who you are voting for and a short bit of your reasoning, basically why you're voting for them.

    I believe this election and the following year, 2025 will be the most important time for this country since the Civil War so I would like to listen to your thoughts on the matter. Maybe I missed something or perhaps there is a better/different way to look at it.
  2. CraftyMofo

    CraftyMofo Monkey+++

    I could be wrong, but I don’t think imprisonment keeps Trump from becoming president. I think it could actually help him.
  3. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    Wouldn't that be amazing if he was elected President while sitting in a jail cell. LOL!
    jim2, Homer Simpson, Ura-Ki and 3 others like this.
  4. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    Some of you have a pretty good sense of the political climate, so it goes without saying that we're in for a hell of a bumpy ride.
    I've long been of the mind that it doesn't matter what candidate is chosen or who we vote for, but at the same time I recognize the importance of staying clear of the Leftists due to the harsh reality of the radical dictates and threat of communism and socialism. However, something I can see quite often are the patterns inherent in our system, and this factor cannot simply be ignored. What I mean is, even if we follow the path of successfully "voting" in a Republican candidate, we will still have the radicalization of each Party to contend with. Make no mistake, the two Party system is a method to control our government, and the powers that be fully intend to benefit no matter the outcome of elections. For example, with the previous Trump presidency, the Leftists built their base exponentially, and they rolled out a full, radicalized version of their policies following the pandemic and staged insurrection. I've been following the increasingly corrupt election cycles closely since the Gore/Bush scandal, and with each successive election we've seen an increase in controversy along with the stepping up of radicalization of both parties. Of course, the Leftists are more openly corrupt and brazen, and the point at which I am writing this now, we see a near complete usurpation of authority throughout every arm of government.

    Yes, I believe Trump is the best bet to help alleviate the situation we are in. But, do I think we will actually solve our problems with another Trump presidency? I do not have much hope we can shore up the damage permanently. The best we can do is perhaps stave-off the tide for a time. And none of this even matters at all if Trump doesn't make it to the White House in 2024. We have to assume the elections will be honest, and given the track record and lack of alteration to the process which would make it mandatory for machine voting and mail in ballots to be removed, it doesn't look promising. Also, with each step, the Trump Administration would be faced with heavy opposition within Congress and through corrupt agencies and the Judicial Branch. It's only 4 years, so how much do you really think will be accomplished?

    Moving forward in time, if we just accept the distinct possibility that the Leftists will "win" yet another Presidential election, and assuming the People still do nothing to alter this corruption, then the chances for us to ever have an honest election again may just be a memory and nothing more. I can only speculate that we will more likely see civil unrest like never before and the ushering in of a new, more tyrannical governing body. We already have more than 10 million illegals and more coming every day. We do not know how many illegals are here to create war and strife, but as long as the corrupt politicians continue to fund this operation and make it possible for illegals to vote, it doesn't look good. In some ways, with the radical Leftists in power, we may actually see less controversy domestically, but given the state of the economy and global relations, we may also see a complete annihilation of the American way of life.

    In summary, I would say we're screwed no matter what. The only question will be if we go over the cliff at 55 miles per hour or speeding along at 120 with the car on fire.
    Zimmy, Mountainman, Airtime and 9 others like this.
  5. 3M-TA3

    3M-TA3 Cold Wet Monkey

    Trump because:
    • Policies. I like things like expanding economies and low inflation. Also putting the free market at work solving enery needs, etc.. Silly me.
    • Potential Supreme Court appointments potential in the next 4 years
    • Because it's a lame duck term he can pick a VP that has a shot at winning in 2028, instead of someone who isn't a threat like what's his name, that cowardly back stabber with with the white hair.
    • It will piss off virtually everyone here in Tentlandia
    • I can have a lot fun putting Trump stickers on cars owned by lefties
    • The look on Gavin Newsom's face when he concedes
    Trump won't be imprisoned or even found guilty prior to the election. They will have to kill him to stop him so look for an assassination attempt, which is another reason the Veep selection is critical.
    SB21, Mountainman, Alf60 and 8 others like this.
  6. Tempstar

    Tempstar Monkey+++

    What 3M said....
    SB21, jim2 and Ura-Ki like this.
  7. Wildbilly

    Wildbilly Monkey+++

    Biden did it from his basement!
    Zimmy, SB21, Alf60 and 2 others like this.
  8. Wildbilly

    Wildbilly Monkey+++

    Alf60 and Ura-Ki like this.
  9. Wildbilly

    Wildbilly Monkey+++

    Some guy was imprisoned for sedition during WW1 and ran for President while behind bars, he got 2 or 3 million votes. So, yes, it can be done!
    jim2 and CraftyMofo like this.
  10. chelloveck

    chelloveck Diabolus Causidicus

    Eugene V Debs. He won 914,191 votes whilst campaigning for the 2020 Presidential election.

    Eugene Debs: When a prisoner ran for president | BrandeisNOW

    Yes, it can be done, and without a doubt many MAGAticks would vote for Donald regardless...being found liable for sexual assault, should he be convicted for conspiracy to defraud a federal election, (As well as being potentially being convicted on several other felony indictments wouldn't deter some from voting for an imprisoned convicted criminal...that says as much about those who would vote for such a candidate, as the candidate themselves.

    Theoretically, a convicted criminal elected POTUS, could conduct their administration while imprisoned, and though the orange man could possibly pardon himself from Federal crimes, however, if convicted of State offences (in Georgia and elsewhere) He would require a State pardon or commutation...but if he does so, it would be an admission of the crimes that he was convicted for, not that it would trouble his conscience any. :rolleyes:
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2023
  11. mysterymet

    mysterymet Monkey+++

    I like Vivek and would like to vote for him for president BUT I will vote for Trump even though I don’t care for him just as a big “fuck you” to the establishment.
    Zimmy, Airtime, jim2 and 5 others like this.
  12. Wildbilly

    Wildbilly Monkey+++

    You should vote for the man or woman that can get the job done! Since it's unlikely that either of us will ever have a beer with Trump, liking/caring for him isn't really a factor!
    Alf60, Airtime, Ura-Ki and 3 others like this.
  13. Wildbilly

    Wildbilly Monkey+++

    Back in 2016, some guy asked me who I planned to vote for, and I told him, TRUMP! He got all bent-out-of-shape, so I told him, don't ask questions that you don't want the answers to! Ever notice that it's the mostly peaceful liberals that are the most violent and intolerant? The MSM tries to paint the TRUMP/MAGA supporters as violent, racist and intolerant, but we know the truth!
  14. DKR

    DKR Raconteur of the first stripe

    'DeSantis is a lawyer," - deal killer right there.

    Let's remember this:
    and Slo Joe makes this painfully obvious....
  15. stg58

    stg58 Monkey+++ Founding Member

    Not electing Ross Perot may have sealed our fate.

  16. johnbb

    johnbb Monkey+++

    My vote again will be Trump simply because he is not a lawyer, not a professional politician, doesn't need the money(took no salary),loves this country, speaks his mind, as a NY businessman knows how to negotiate with unions and mafia (only way to get anything done in NY). My list is endless.
    Alf60, Ura-Ki, 3M-TA3 and 2 others like this.
  17. sasquatch91

    sasquatch91 Monkey+++

    All i know is we are in for a a world of hurt if biden is re elected...
    SB21, Bandit99, Homer Simpson and 2 others like this.
  18. johnbb

    johnbb Monkey+++

    The left has tried every under handed trick in the book against Trump and it has all been bull shit
    1. Trump is a racist----if that were true there would be no minorities on his pay roll--------------Left lie
    2. Trump is antisemitic --son-in- law is jewish, daughter converted-----------------------------------Left lie
    3. Paid for Hillary dossier --proven false----------------------------------------------------------------------Left lie
    4. Trump tried to overturn the election-had every right to question just as Gore questioned hanging chads--------Left lie
    5.Trump instigate sedition -- he said march peacefully on Washington -------------------------------Left lie
    6. Every charge against him now instigated by left wing AGs---------------------------It will be another Left lie

    We are already in a world of hurt Bidumb if one of his puppet masters gets elected we will be in a world of shit
    Zimmy, SB21, mysterymet and 2 others like this.
  19. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    I like Vivek, I really like what his plans are and how he would cut the Gov. Headcount like 70%, that cuts/guts a hell of a lot of FAT from the Fed. Machine which would REALLY help dig the country out of the shithole it's in, but more then that, destroying corrupt agencies like the FBI, the ATF, and FDA, along with the IRS, and holding congress accountable for ALL spending! I especially like that he knows hos to use the Executive powers of office to do what needs doing WITHOUT congressional approvals! Can he win, not against TRUMP, and in that, I would much rather see Trump take the White House, and name Vivek as VP, but give Vivek a much bigger role, and together, they work "The Plan" to take back this country! For Trump to succeed, he is going to need to put together one hell of a cabinet of advisers, especially in key rolls like Sec, Def, and Sec, State, and he is going to need to fire all the corrupt burocraps, those unknown movers and shakers that hold so much power and influence! They would also need to gut the military Big time, Fire a bunch of Senior Officers and other wokesters, and break the stranglehold of the Military leadership! Right now, it's too many Chief's, not enough Indians, and it starts with that asshole Gen. Milliy, There are also a few Admirals who really need their wings clipped and Trump knows full well who they are!

    DeSantis could be a good pick, BUT, I see him as more of the same lame duck republican who cow toes to the republican party line, and dosn't ever actually get anything done, he is too much into appeasement and party agenda, and not enough Country First, and I just don't see any thing good coming from him!

    Nikky is a wild card, She did pretty okay as an ambassador, but I see her as pretty weak, especially sitting across the table from Russia or China, I don't see her having the stones to go toe to toe with ether of those, and worse, appeasement to keep us out of war, which is bad news all around, No, Nikky is weak sauce across the board, and I don't think she is what we need at this point in time! She would not be a good choice to pick SCOTUS appointments, again, playing the moderate, nor would she defend our rights, especially against a hard bent anti rights agenda from the left, again, appeasement at all costs!

    Tim Scott, the only thing he has going for him is being black and being popular with the moderates, outside of that, pretty neutral, which means weak!

    Christy Noem, here is another wild card, Hugely popular, and a firm pick for V.P. and a solid replacement for POTUS, but a bit of an unknown and lacking experience! Widely rumored to be a potential Trump V.P. Pick, wouldn't actually be a bad choice!

    Marjorie Green, also a popular rumored Trump Pick, a YUGELY rabid Trump supporter, and a real bulldog, she would make the lefts heads splode all over, which would be awesome, but I don't know if she is strong enough, or savvy enough for the job, though she has her heart in the right place and is a real fireball, that could be just enough if she can stand in the face of any dem challenges!

    Sara Sanders, another rumored Trump V.P. Pick, Here is where I think Trump could really do well, Sara is a Fire Ball, she knows what the score is, and she has the balls to stand up to anyone and go toe to toe with them, seeing her stand up to the MSM and the dem's was pure art, that Woman could really do well, hell I would be proud to have her as POTUS!
    Of all the V.P. choices, I think Sara would be an especially great choice, she has everything needed to do the job, and she has Class, something she proved against all those who tried to humiliate and shame her, THIS is the WOMAN we need as our first female POTUS, and I would be the first in line to cast my ballot for her if she decided to run!

    I still think it's gonna be TRUMP, but it's gonna be interesting to see who he names as his running mate, I would really like to see Sara Sanders, if for no other reason but revenge, bitter and cold, and I think she would be the best pick over all the others! I would Like/hope to see Vivek take a roll in Trumps Cabinet as adviser, especially is Trump would actually allow him to do what needs doing, and if Trump would follow his guidence and do what Vivek plans to drain the swamp, and flush the turds in the first year!
    Hell. I wonder if the gap in Trumps presidency means he could actually do 8 years now, I gotta brush up on the rules and such for POTUS, but Damn, 8 years of Trump following the absolute disaster that is Biden ( or whomever is actually running things behind the curtains) that could really turn things around for this country Big Time!
    mysterymet and Cruisin Sloth like this.
  20. Homer Simpson

    Homer Simpson Monkey+++

    Right now, I'm with Trump! However Trump is on thin ice with me. Should he pick Tricky Nicky Hailey for veep, he would instantly loose my support. I lived under her governorship in SC, not what America needs. My second choice would be a toss up between Vivek Ramaswamy or Kennedy.
    mysterymet and Ura-Ki like this.
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