I wouldn't count 100% on bugging out and eating what one kills
Three factors here in New Hampshire, loss of both suitable lands for game and no one will let you hunt on "their" land. The younger people have been brainwashed to reject both hunting and firearm. Not a very large group entering the pool/ Ticks and brain worm have cut moose herd to less than 1/2 of what it was, Used to be common here, now haven't seen one in years. Deer herd is well but population is down. No real place to hunt water fowl, rabbits are endangered species, turkey numbers are high, but still limited. In New Hampshire the white tail deer harvest in 2022 was about 14,000 state wide which sounds impressive but averages out to 1 deer per 1.58 sq mile. In my town, population about 5200, a total of 76 deer were killed, about 1 per 2.33 sq miles. And we are the forested rural area where people are going to "live off nature". My road leads to a 500 acre wilderness area and several hundred acres of swamp. State wide in 2022 a total of about 1200 bear were killed, 2 in my town. State wide 27 moose were killed in 2022, none in my whole area and thus your chance of killing 1 in a hunting area of roughly 1/6 of the state is 0. State wide a total of about 6000 turkeys were harvested, 791 in my region. That is about 1 turkey per 1.2 sq mile. 5200 people living in an area of 32.7 sq miles, 131 people per sq mile, would indicate that the total harvesting of all of the game in the town, would supply a couple of good meals for the town as a whole. New Ipswich, New Hampshire - Wikipedia The numbers don't lie, try living off the land in New Ipswich NH and you will die with a lot of company. There are 4 hobby farms in our town, 2 of which raise alpacas, 1 a hobby beef operation, and the 4 th is a greenhouse operation that is heavy into flowers. There is no commercial scale farming, animals, orchard, or vegetables. Yet we are the "area" where the people from Boston, 50 miles away, are planning to go to to get the food that is raised in the country. Don't look good, prepping is meaningless, Caching well enough might give you a chance. In my mind, don't even really try to raise food in the first year, go thru the motions, but expect it to either be taken by the organized looters called the government, or the just plain mobs of refugees and neighbors who have not prepared.
Depends upon what one hunts...feral dogs and cats, non-game birds and maybe even the occasional hunter.
yeah, but we still killed 180k deer. And wisconsin was the only state to beat us in number of hunters. we came in second.
In North Carolina they offer a lifetime hunting and fishing license. This may have seemed like a great deal for the State, but I haven't paid a dime for a license, tag or permit in twenty-five years. With inflation that takes a hunk out of the conservation budget.
PA is just slightly behind Texas for having the most licensed hunters. I remember back when I hunted State land it was a nightmare because there were hunters behind every tree.