Krav Maga for 69 yo in case the Zombies come?

Discussion in 'Survival of the Fittest' started by AD1, Nov 17, 2023.

  1. AD1

    AD1 Monkey+++

    Hey Monkies

    With all of the shit going down in the world today, I have been watching and noticing that there is a shit load of combative attacks(sucker punches, random, targeted...)

    I am very good on the pistol front, but under the Tuler distance(21ft) I have no current experience in hand to hand, and feel that is a very big hole in my defenses.

    I am considering take Krav Maga at a local gym that KM is 90% of what they teach along with BJJ.

    I am good on cardio as I have been biking 3200+miles this year to date, plus 3000+ rucking miles with 30lbs for each of the last 3 years.

    I started lifting weights and taking supplements to stop bone and muscle loss(that old age shit).

    If you were in my situation, which Marshal arts would you take at this age?
    gii shi kan dug, 3M-TA3, jim2 and 5 others like this.
  2. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    I continuously train in several martial arts disciplines, some are much better then others, with Judo and Krav Maga being VERY good for what your looking to learn, I would even recommend taking BOTH, and ask your instructor(s) for specific hand to hand defense with weapons, this is where Judo will really come into it's own, where Krav is more physical, it dosn't really address weapons or disarming, it's more for taking some one down Hard and keeping them down! Judo is the easier of the two, but both are going to take many years to master, but any level of skill will help, so the sooner you start, the sooner you build in the holes in your defenses and will also learn where you need to focus your efforts!
  3. Meat

    Meat Monkey+++

    Judo is great but not as easy to find a place to train as Jiu Jitsu. One helps the other if you can do both but I wouldn’t recommend going crazy at first, you’ll burn out and stop potentially. Edit: To be honest Judo at 69 might not be the best thing. I’m up there too and I’m not sure I could handle the wrong side of a big throw anymore. Ouch!
    Last edited: Nov 18, 2023
  4. SB21

    SB21 Monkey+++

    You got a few years on me, sounds like you're doing a great job of staying in shape ,, my problem is stamina ,, since breaking an ankle ,, a bout with covid ,, and a knee surgery,, trying to build back my stamina is being held back by questionable surgery successes. My knees and ankle starts hurting after a short time of walking ,, kinda makes building stamina a painful experience. If I get thru 6 hours of working,, my body is beat the next day just trying to heal .

    So when the zombies show up in my AO ,, I'll just have to stick with gun-fu .

    But carry on sir ,, I have a feeling you'll do fine in any choice you make.
    gii shi kan dug, DKR, jim2 and 4 others like this.
  5. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    Yeah, unfortunately, I am also facing knee surgery in April. I knew this day was coming and surprised the knee held out as long as it has but even long walks aren't a good idea right now.

    EDIT: A point of interest... I had the old fashion repair of interior meniscus about 40 years ago. The surgeon told that the results of that old 'hack and slash' method of repair was the driving factor of microscopic surgery they use now because ALL patients that received the old method have had to have knee replacements plus 95% have/had horrid arthritis in their knee. He told me he never seen anyone last as long as mine plus I don't have arthritis. Nevertheless, I'm due and will get chopped this April if all goes well. I want to get it done and recovered before the 2024 election fallout...just in case.
    gii shi kan dug, jim2, Ura-Ki and 2 others like this.
  6. AD1

    AD1 Monkey+++

    Thank you sir. The facility I am looking teaches both KM and BJJ.
    3M-TA3, jim2, Ura-Ki and 1 other person like this.
  7. AD1

    AD1 Monkey+++

    Hardware in my ankle as well. 2 bouts of Un vax Covid 2 weeks apart. First one kicked my ass for 2 days then just got to be run down for a month.

    Second one was sniffles and just happened to test kit it positive.

    Then a month later I got FluB 2 weeks.

    Stress fractures in feet after 3000+ rucking miles each year for the last 3 and I have 3300 biking miles so far this year and 3000 total last year.

    So cardio and stamina is good.

    On zero meds, lost ~50lbs since 2020 rucking and ruck riding.

    I hurt all the time as well. Since we have "rec" here now, it helps a ton with pain management and drastically reduces my need for opiates during exercise induced mirco or micro skeletal or muscle injuries or stressing old injuries.

  8. Yard Dart

    Yard Dart Vigilant Monkey Moderator

    Tai Chi possibly...
    Just depends on your drive and physicality.
    Your age is just a number, but a reality in physicalness....and mental drive to combat the various challenges.
    gii shi kan dug, Zimmy, jim2 and 2 others like this.
  9. Meat

    Meat Monkey+++

    Good idea.
    gii shi kan dug, Zimmy and jim2 like this.
  10. CraftyMofo

    CraftyMofo Monkey+++

    If he rucks 10 miles a day, six days a week with a thirty pound ruck, I think he’s got the mental drive.
    gii shi kan dug, Alanaana and jim2 like this.
  11. jim2

    jim2 Monkey+++

    Something one might consider is stick or cane fighting. Spear fencing is quite good also. With a cane one can keep a knife attack at arms length. You can get cut but not in the body. Most times, not even that. Cane Masters is good as are other disciplines.

    I carry a walking staff when hiking and have used it to fend off dogs without having to kill them. Taught them a lesson too!
    Not hard to take out someone years younger and stronger if one is trained with a stick of some sort. Sword canes can be an option too for the close range problems.

    If your attackers have Preponderance of Force on their side, that changes the dynamics and options available to us as a senior citizen especially.

    If you ain’t cheating, then you ain’t trying.

  12. AD1

    AD1 Monkey+++

    Well after 5 classes, I love it.

    Exactly what I was looking for.
  13. jodirumph

    jodirumph Monkey+

    I did more physical martial arts when I was younger. I am more a firearm and staff girl these days. Why let them get close enough to get a puch in if I don't have too :)
  14. Meat

    Meat Monkey+++

    gii shi kan dug likes this.
  15. DKR

    DKR Raconteur of the first stripe

    " I'll just have to stick with gun-fu ." :)

    a Loaded Smith and Wesson beat 4 aces every time.
  16. Zimmy

    Zimmy Wait, I'm not ready!

    I use a cane now, mostly because the knee bothers me from time to time.

    But I'll club or stab the shit out of anyone I need to in a fight.

    Now I carry a knife someone dear to me gave as a gift. And of course, a belly gun.

    20231218_200333. 20231218_200349. 20231218_200401.
  17. jim2

    jim2 Monkey+++


    I gave a cane very similar to that to my son’s martial arts instructor. He was thrilled with the solid brass handle and can do an amazing amount of damage with any sort of stick, especially one like this.

    I am wondering if fire hardening the wood is an improvement for canes, sticks, etc.

    gii shi kan dug and Meat like this.
  18. Zimmy

    Zimmy Wait, I'm not ready!

    It's cured oak with a heartwood center. Fire hardening would probably make the skin harder but I'm confident with overall stick strength.
    gii shi kan dug, jim2 and Meat like this.
  19. jim2

    jim2 Monkey+++

    It would be difficult to break for sure made from oak, and that brass knob could crush a shoulder, hip, or what you will.

    Wish I had one from Yew and another from locust wood. That would be an interesting test.

    I like short spears of no more than 8’ in length also.


    Zimmy and gii shi kan dug like this.
  20. Tempstar

    Tempstar Monkey+++

    The Martial Arts require something few possess to be practiced successfully outside of rigid competition: One must have the metal ability to break bones, get eyeball juice on your fingers, disable someone for life, and not be bothered by the sound of joints being separated. Anything less is dance moves. Anytime someone engages you in hand to hand combat you must be ready to injure, maim, and possibly kill the person. I have seen the majority of my fellow students lack this determination and get their ass handed to them quickly. The sadder part is I have seen many who were very competent beaten because they held back for fear of "hurting" someone.
    Like a lot my age, I started as a kid with Tae Kwon Do. In my teens I met a guy who was a practitioner of Wing Chun and have pursued that for the last 40 years. My last competition was in 1985 when I got married, but I have stayed in the discipline. I am glad to see AD1 picked KM. If I were starting over, it is the discipline I would choose. Having known AD1 a long time, I know he has the mental fortitude to be a success at it.
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