Gent's I'm in need of help I bought 4 75 rd drums from a dealer and none of them fit the 3 guns I have 2 ak's and a RPK I had got them for the RPK but they won't lock into place on any of the mag latches the 30 rd mags will seat nicely and even 40's seem to feed all right the question is if I file the mag latch down to hold the 75's will the 30's still work? The mag's in question are Bulgarian.
Do not file the mag latch on the eifle file the catch on the mag. On some you may have file the top and on some you may have to file the bottom. Filing the top will raise the mag up into the receiver. In every new Saiga 7.62x39 mag package {At least the EEA mags had them} there are instructions on how to fit the mag to the rifle. I have heard a lot of firearm owners blame the firearm for mag problems and say that the firearm needs fixed so the mags will work. They can not understand why a mag needs to be tuned to the firearm.
Depending on the rifle, if it is a Century imported Romy look at the rear of the magwell and make sure they opened it up enough. These come in single stack config, and Century mills them open, and usually does a shitty job. If nothing else take a pic of you trying to put the mag in.
What I found after grinding out the mag well was a rivet that sit's above the mag release and the larger mags are hitting it I drilled it out and replaced it with a threaded spacer and 2 screws( what I had in my scrap bin) now it works.