What are your health / fitness goals? Accountability

Discussion in 'Survival of the Fittest' started by Alanaana, Mar 28, 2023.

  1. Farm Chores

    7 vote(s)
  2. Hiking

    0 vote(s)
  3. Walking

    7 vote(s)
  4. Strength Training

    3 vote(s)
  5. Swimming

    0 vote(s)
  6. Running

    3 vote(s)
  1. Meat

    Meat Monkey+++

    There is one September 30th or another on October 14th. I’m trying to decide which one or both. Fatso was 230 or so a little over a year ago so….208 on the scale the day of feels good.
    Alanaana likes this.
  2. Alanaana

    Alanaana Monkey+++

    Great job! I admire the way that you completely turned things around since last September! That's a significant amount of weight shed and I know from my own current experience that it doesn't happen just by wishing for it. Keep doing what you're doing. It's working!!!
    Good luck with the tournaments! I bet you'll do great! I'm cheering for you!
    Meat likes this.
  3. Alanaana

    Alanaana Monkey+++

    Today was a rest day so I spent lots of time watering, weeding, and neemig the gardens. I've declared war on those thrips and white flies! Lol.

    This evening I might do some hooping and dancing. I started working on a hoop move called arabesque where I, spin 4 hoops while standing on one leg. It's a fun challenge!
    Meat and CraftyMofo like this.
  4. Alanaana

    Alanaana Monkey+++

    Today is a 45 minute total body workout and right now that sounds exhausting... Lol. I think the heat really affects my motivation. It has been 85 degrees all day. I hope it's cooler wherever you are.

    • I'm back on track with my reading and this week I binge read "The Summer I Turned Pretty" series by Jenny Han. I wanted to end the summer with a lighthearted series. It took me back to highschool except I was a lot more boring back then. I was excited to see that there's a show to go with it on Amazon prime so I'm watching that too. I'll finish the last episode tonight. Overall, I'm enjoying the experience, but I have a feeling that the fine folks here probably wouldn't enjoy it. It's chick-lit for sure.
    • Lord of the Flies by William Golding. I can see why this is a classic! A plane full of boys get abandoned on an island and have to survive. I really enjoyed it.
    • Lift Like a Girl: Be More Not Less by Nia Shanks I think this book is solid for women who want to get into strength training and don't know where to start. I like that she emphasizes the importance of mindset and encourages the shift to becoming more rather than less. Her workouts are very basic and cover the fundamental movement patterns and I think that's very valuable. I'm happy with my current program so I'm sticking with it, but I'm glad that I read this.
    Currently Reading:
    After reading so much girlie content this last month, I really want to get back into stronger narratives. I also really love thrillers, horror, and the spooky during the fall season.
    • "Later" by Stephen King This is a mystery thriller. The main character has the ability to talk with the ghost of a person after they have passed and the people cannot lie after death. It's interesting so far.
    • "Finite and Infinite Games: A Vision of Life as Play and Possibility" James P Carse

    • Conquerors: How Portugal Forged the First Global Empire by Roger Crowley
    I'm learning how to speak Portuguese and try to complete a lesson every day before I meditate before bed. I think I'm starting to think in Portuguese because now when I see a butterfly I automatically think, "a borboleta é bonita" which means "The butterfly is beautiful." I took 4 years of Latin in high school and 2 more at the college level so it's nice to learn and embrace a spoken language like this.
    What are you currently reading or listening to? Hope you will all have a wonderful weekend!
    Meat likes this.
  5. Alanaana

    Alanaana Monkey+++

    Today is leg day, but first I'm going to need more coffee and lunch. I spent the afternoon mowing and adding soil to the citrus Grove. My oranges are turning orange! It's so exciting. Lol. I also should write another article. I'm trying to write at least once a week. Hope you are all doing well!
    Meat likes this.
  6. Alanaana

    Alanaana Monkey+++

    Happy Sunday! Thank goodness today is rest day because yesterday's workout kicked my butt! My favorite reminder right now is: "The workout is the reward."
    On Sundays I like to deep clean to prepare for the week. Laundry is in the wash and I'm happy because I started making my own laundry detergent and this batch is supposed to last for over 300 loads! I love the fact that it only takes a TBSP.

    I'm wrapping up an article called: Don't be the kind of prepper who gets killed when SHTF. (Stop talking about what you have). Hopefully I will get it published today. I decided to rebrand my blog and call it: Prepper Facts. I was surprised that the domain was available. When I started my blog last fall a friend wanted me to call it "Alana Knows Everything" I thought that was over the top so I shortened it to Alana Knows, but now that I'm getting impressions and starting to get more traffic, I don't really want my name to be out there like that.

    In a few minutes I'm going to make ribeye and veggies and maybe some eggs. My sugar cravings started coming back this week in the evenings so I'm trying to figure out what is causing that. I think maybe it's just emotions. I sent my parents a really nice message about how I miss them and they haven't responded in over 5 days. I love them from a distance because they can be very critical and sometimes say mean things so it kind of hurt to put myself out there and not get a response. I'm going to chalk it up to them probably being busy and I'll try not to let it get me down anymore.
    Meat likes this.
  7. CraftyMofo

    CraftyMofo Monkey+++

    Make sure they got the message, Alanaana!
    Mrs Crafty was mad at a relative recently for not answering, and it turns out the messages were going to a junk folder.
    Meat and Alanaana like this.
  8. Alanaana

    Alanaana Monkey+++

    @CraftyMofo thank you for suggesting this! I was kind of wondering the same thing. I'll check again. I bet a lot of messages get lost this way.
    Meat likes this.
  9. Alanaana

    Alanaana Monkey+++

    Today is a 40 minute bodyweight and abs workout! My legs are still a little sore from Saturday's workout so I'm glad that I took a full rest day on Sunday. Last night I filled myself with lightly salted macnuts and woke up feeling a lot better. Still no word from my parents, but life goes on.
    I finally published that article and am trying to figure out what I want to write about next. Here it is:
    Don't be the kind of prepper who gets killed when SHTF. (Stop talking about what you have) - Prepper Facts

    I hope you will all have a wonderful week!
    Meat likes this.
  10. Alanaana

    Alanaana Monkey+++

    Today is rest day and it came at the perfect time. Still going on long daily walks. I went 2.5 miles this afternoon and plan on walking longer tonight. I'm downloading all of my pictures from social media. I think I'm going to pull the trigger and get completely off of social media.

    It will be an adjustment, but I'll manage. I'll still be here and I'll still blog too! How are you moving?
    Meat likes this.
  11. jodirumph

    jodirumph Monkey+

    LOL is round a shape :). I started working out once a week and ouch. And I am not even that old yet. I have lost 10 pounds.
    Alanaana, Gator 45/70 and Meat like this.
  12. Meat

    Meat Monkey+++

    I made 3 out of 4 classes this week and 11 out of the last 12. I’m walking around about 212 for next month’s 208 class. (Easy as pie) Here’s an obvious tip for those that think they can handle business in a street fight. (I humbly learned all about this in my first few months) You’ll be completely out of gas most likely in less than 30 seconds. If your opponent isn’t you’re in big big trouble! My trick (don’t tell) was going to be not gassing while I figured out wtf I’m doing in Jiu Jitsu, lol. Hence the running and etc. I’m still ridiculously competitive unfortunately, even as an old fart.
    Alanaana likes this.
  13. Alanaana

    Alanaana Monkey+++

    Great job! Once a week definitely counts and it's amazing that you got those results. I'm cheering you on :)
    Meat likes this.
  14. Alanaana

    Alanaana Monkey+++

    You're on a great track! Keep it up (y)
    All this endurance and sprint work you're doing is definitely giving you that competitive edge!

    30 seconds??? The few times that I tried sparring I was gassed within 3 seconds. I'm definitely in trouble :rolleyes:
    CraftyMofo and Meat like this.
  15. Meat

    Meat Monkey+++

    I was trying to be generous, 30 seconds is an eternity. Lol.
    Alanaana and CraftyMofo like this.
  16. Alanaana

    Alanaana Monkey+++

    Today is leg day and it's taking me a long time to feel motivated so I better get it done. Ready or not here goes!
    Meat likes this.
  17. Alanaana

    Alanaana Monkey+++

    2 rest days a week (usually Thursdays and Sundays) and I value them more than ever. I still go for daily walks.
    This afternoon I got chicken avocado green curry from the best Thai place on the island and I'm convinced that it's soul food. It's time to head out for another round of walking then a new episode of Billions.
    Sweet dreams, everyone!
    Meat likes this.
  18. Alanaana

    Alanaana Monkey+++

    I practiced yoga for shoulder mobility and then leg day in the evening. Life without social media is giving me lots of time to think and reflect. I like it.
    Meat likes this.
  19. Alanaana

    Alanaana Monkey+++

    Aloha! Today I'm going to do a full body workout that will take about 35 minutes. I'm looking forward to it.
    Last week I was kind of questioning my current path nutrition wise. I think I need to stay away from reading cozy mysteries for awhile because they talk about food and dessert so much :p. I'm getting really good results from keto so I'm going to stick with it.

    Last week I read:

    I like this series, but it makes me want to eat. It helped me get through the deletion of my social media accounts.
    20230926_105351. This one was interesting, but quickly became repetitive and not my favorite, but it could be because I haven't read anything very philosophical in a long time.

    This week I'm reading:

    I think this is a good way for me to get back into reading philosophy. I'm enjoying it so far. It's been ages since I've read it.
    20230926_105505. This book is so good and very entertaining! It's a gangland Historical Fiction. I think Historical Fiction is my favorite genre right now. I love learning about different places from this context and piecing together the larger story.

    What are you reading and how are you moving today?
    Meat likes this.
  20. kckndrgn

    kckndrgn Monkey+++ Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    I have not posted in a while, I've been sulking :(. Due to various issues over the summer I have not been walking/running like I was, and it hurt me. Just as I was getting back into my 34" waist pants, I gained enough weight to have to pull out the 36's again :cry:. Yeah, it sucked, which put me into a depressed state and I just went crazy with eating.
    Well, I think I'm back on track. Got my eating back in order, started walking again. Running was causing my knees and ankles to hurt so that was the beginning of me "taking it easy" and ignoring my health. I did run some today, but I'm keeping the distance limited so I can build back up to what I was doing. Getting old sucks!
    Finishing up a 24 hour fast today. Hasn't been too bad. While the family will be having pizza for dinner, I'm going to stick with ground beef (burger patties), eggs and butter for my dinner.
    I have re-listened to "Stay off my operating table" and "Why we get sick" and just finished listening to "The Obesity Code" (by Dr Jason Fung). Lots of great information in those books. While I listen to the books during my walks, I like to listen a second or third time so I can take notes.
    Meat, Alanaana and CraftyMofo like this.
  1. Alanaana
  2. Alanaana
  3. Alanaana
    This beach is right in my neighborhood.
    Uploaded by: Alanaana, Apr 27, 2024, 0 comments, in album: Alana's_Adventures
  4. Alanaana
  5. Alanaana


    Uploaded by: Alanaana, Feb 27, 2024, 0 comments, in album: Alana's_Adventures
  6. Alanaana


    I love my home gym!
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  7. Alanaana
  8. Alanaana
    Uploaded by: Alanaana, Feb 2, 2024, 0 comments, in album: Alana's_Adventures
  9. Alanaana
    Foot hooping
    Uploaded by: Alanaana, Feb 2, 2024, 0 comments, in album: Alana's_Adventures
  10. Alanaana
    Uploaded by: Alanaana, Jan 28, 2024, 0 comments, in album: Alana's_Adventures
  11. Ariasmith
  12. Alanaana
    Alleyjandra loves to workout!
    Uploaded by: Alanaana, Dec 4, 2023, 0 comments, in album: Alana's_Adventures
  13. Alanaana
    Alleyjandra has life figured out!
    Uploaded by: Alanaana, Nov 29, 2023, 0 comments, in album: Alana's_Adventures
  14. Alanaana
  15. Alanaana
  16. Alanaana


    I feel so thankful for my life and each new day.
    Uploaded by: Alanaana, May 22, 2023, 0 comments, in album: Alana's_Adventures
  17. Alanaana
  18. Alanaana
  19. Alanaana
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