I got a couple of kits in and the fun is about to begin. Tomorrow, we'll attempt to remove the trunions. I think this is a good reason to purchase that press that I have been wanting.
I had zero trouble with the pin on my Romy. The trunnion has a real liking to stay on the barrel, tho'. I'll get serious about it after the move.
Ask Magnus some time about all the fun we had with the barrel pins. Oh wait, found some pics of Magnus and the barrel pin fun.
Hmph. Ball peen hammer and a drift was all it took me. You guys buy a batch of rusty defectives? As far as the trunnion/barrel go, I've whacked on it, squeezed it with gear pullers and a stack of pennies (mashed a pile of 6, no damage to the chamber) and just about every thing I could think of short of parking the pickup on it, and there has been zero movement. After the move, I may have a try at finding another trunnion and cutting this one off. I'm not so sure a press would be worth the effort and expense to machine up a jig. Maybe I need a heavier duty puller, about destroyed the one I have. ETA Ahhh- Why didn't you tell me there are two pins that have to come out to pull the barrel? Shitohdear, I think I need a lobotomy, might improve my mechanical skills. (Just looked at it again.) ETA second time Ahhh -- Looked again. There is only one after all. Gotta remember to use my glasses. Jeez. I think I'll go get a haircut and leave this alone for a few months.
No doubt! You know, a little work with a wire feed welder and you can make those spot welds look like rivets. Of course a spot welder and a wire feed welder is the way to go.
i use a 24 ton press with a hydrapack and everything comes out ok only had 1 pin pop and I thought I stained my pants. I have the welder seacowboy I just havent modded the pinchers yet. also I will see if i can get more but i saw on the net a gb for rivets at 2 bucks a set and they are awesoem rivets.