What if the USA wasn't the worlds Sugar Daddy

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by johnbb, Sep 17, 2023.

  1. johnbb

    johnbb Monkey+++

    Been thinking about this for a while. The USA has been doling out money to foreign countries, foreign causes, financing foreign wars we never get paid back for, Pallets of cash in the middle of the night to our enemies, paying foreign regimes for energy when we have the worlds biggest supply right here. The list is endless on what we have given away. Just imagine if our national wealth was kept in this country. Our infrastructure wouldn't be falling apart, We the people would not be paying the outrageous amount of taxes on everything(federal, state, local, goods and services etc). Our currency would be worth something, Rather than a national debt we would have a national surplus. But alas our politicians have betrayed and stolen from us.
    weaselrunner, Alanaana, Meat and 6 others like this.
  2. Tempstar

    Tempstar Monkey+++

    The answer is twofold. Some of the cash is legitimate to keep world peace and support our interests around the world. I fear the majority is payoff and graft. How else do you get elected to a $135k/year job and become a multi-millionaire in your first term? We are seeing some of it surface with the Biden dealings in China and Ukraine, but nothing much will come from it because exposing 1 will expose them all.
    Meat, sasquatch91, Ura-Ki and 5 others like this.
  3. Kamp Krap

    Kamp Krap Monkey++

    If we simply took the stance of "How does giving you this money benefit the USA?" Followed by "WHAT IS OUR RETURN ON INVESTMENT?" IF Does Not Benefit the USA = A hard NO. If it does not give us a real and tangible return on investment = a Hard NO. We really have ZERO National Security with a huge wide open border, bought and paid for politicians, and lifetime appointed Agencies that all seem to be ate up with corruption. Things are going to get Bad and when it happens it is going to be Hard and Fast.
    3cyl, 3M-TA3, Tempstar and 9 others like this.
  4. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    I don't think I wish to comment much on this as I've been trying slow down on my ranting because it does no damn good so why waste the effort and we've gone over the edge already so it's too late now to stop, simply waiting for the impact.

    I will say this, we average Americans have no clue to how rich (or even powerful) we really are or, better said, how rich we could be if we got rid of 50% of our government and hired grandmas with some simple common sense to control the budget. This country is filthy rich and would be more so if it simply was managed better. Nah...I don't want to even think about this anymore...

    EDIT: Let me post this again and remind you how our dear, dear representatives treat its citizen's money like the well that cannot go dry. It's the same old shit every year, never will change....

    Lankford Exposes Government Waste in Latest Federal Fumbles Book - YouTube
    Meat, Kamp Krap and Ura-Ki like this.
  5. Wildbilly

    Wildbilly Monkey+++

    The easiest and cheapest way to promote world peace, in most instances, would be to call the offending party/parties on the phone and inform them that a cruise missile will come flying through the window and land on their desk if they don't change their ways! Once you do that a few times things will change! Biggest thing that the USA needs to do is to just stop meddling in the affairs of other countries, let them do ANYTHING that they want as long as they don't do ANYTHING to inconvenience (aka piss-off) the Americans!
  6. oil pan 4

    oil pan 4 Monkey+++

    We could have affordable health care
  7. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    Defund/Fire 75% of the Fed Head Count, get rid of all that wasteful spending within those illegal/useless agencies.
    Defund/Remove many of the Fed Agencies, ATF, FBI, IRS, FDA, BLM, and many more, Agencies who steal money to feed the machine.
    Pull out of the U.N. remove the headquarters, and collect the debts from foreign nations/grifters, and step away from the U.N completely, however, any U.N. actions MUST be cleared by the U.S. NO MORE MONEY TO THE U.N.!
    Pull out of Ukraine, stop funding and supplying them, NO NATO membership-EVER!!!
    Raise tariffs on China, Stop buying commercial products from China, and stop supporting them by selling them food and oil and strategic elements!
    Seize land or return the actual cost spent with ZERO profits on U.S. Lands, ( NO Foreign land ownership in the U.S!) and kick their ass's out, and force them to stay the fuck out!
    Close the borders, and start forcing Mexico to take responsibility for it's own security, force Mexico to deal with the drug cartels under threat if they don't then WE WILL and it will cost them YUGE! Force Canada to increase it's security, block/remove foreign invaders, stop training Chinese military and stop allowing illegals to cross into the U.S!
    Contract with the Canadian Aviation companies to build/supply Brand New CL-515's on a 50 year contract, what ever Canada can ramp up and supply yearly, We purchase/Trade for Military Airframes! Contract with the Canadian Ship Building Industry to build Heavy Ice Breakers for both nations, and increase Coast Guard and commercial ship production to meet both nations needs!
    If we're spending money with Foreign Nations, CANADA is our closest/Best Ally and we need to shore up relations to our kind neighbors to the north! If we can get Mexico to turn it's self around and become a force to recon with and become trustworthy, start mutually beneficial production and trade once again!
    Government to take over ALL shipbuilding in the U.S, and start building our own ships. lease build contracts to civilian contractors/ship yards and hold them to STRICT standards and wage caps! No more Union Run Amok! NO U.S Companies to own foreign made ships, operate Non U.S. Ships in U.S. ports, with Foreign Crews!
    3M-TA3, johnbb, Tempstar and 3 others like this.
  8. Tempstar

    Tempstar Monkey+++

    ohh, please don't get me going on the UN and labor unions..........
    Ura-Ki and Bandit99 like this.
  9. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    "affordable healthcare?...Imagine that, affordable health care....makes me want to sing... "TO DREAM THE IMPOSSIBLE DREAM..."

    @Ura-Ki "CANADA is our closest/Best Ally..."
    Whoa! I'm not so sure about that Ura-ki... The Canadian government hates us, and they are flat out, in your face, no holds barred Communists - period. In truth, we MUST change our position on Canada and damn quick, certainly sharing intelligence needs to stop immediately. It matters spit what the Canadian people think, want or etc. their government basically showed them they are NOT in charge of their government, their nation or their lives any longer and they damn well better do as told or else. This is a damn time bomb waiting to blow up in our face and we need to change our policies towards Canada until they come back to becoming a free nation more than in name...and I sure as hell wouldn't give them any long-term contracts or consider them as any form of an ally until they get rid of that little Mao loving, POS runt of a dictator they got. Sorry but things have changed...a lot.
    johnbb and Ura-Ki like this.
  10. Wildbilly

    Wildbilly Monkey+++

    Why don't you tell us how you REALLY feel about Canada!:ROFLMAO:
    Bandit99, Ura-Ki and CraftyMofo like this.
  11. Idahoser

    Idahoser Monkey+++ Founding Member

    so basically, repeal everything after 1912
    Zimmy, Ura-Ki and Bandit99 like this.
  12. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    Hell WB, it's not like I enjoy saying this but to continue down the path like all is well in Canada is not only foolish but dangerous! Their tyrant PM admires the CCP and showed, without a doubt during their trucker protest, he is willing to act just like them.

    Let's face facts, most of the problems caused in this country is well orchestrated, well organized and well-funded and there is not only one entity behind it, there are many, namely the CCP, Santos, and, now due to our Ukraine involvement, Russia plus the normal list of American haters, like Iran and Venezuela among others. Are they working and coordinating together? Who the hell knows and does it matter? So, now we have in place a PM of Canada that publicly admitted he admires China and will act like them and we are suppose to ignore that? Did he also not suggest the Chinese could train in Canada which sent his Defense Minister into convulsions and put a stop to such nonsense? (BTW against NATO accords IIRC). No, we cannot ignore this and no matter what our feelings or about the Canadian people, we cannot ignore their government is now possibly a threat.

    One last thing, I can assure you the intelligence community has already taken steps to block Canadian access without being told to do so by this administration. Our allies are given access to much of our intelligence depending on the level of trust and the specific project determines their level of access. For example, Germany, for whatever reason, has less unrestricted access than the UK. Why? It's a bit of a story and I only know some of it but a lot had to do with Thatcher and Regan and that ties the UK and the USA at the hip and for good reason. Australia is another good example. What gives Australia unfettered access to many documents is the USA intelligence base in Alice Springs; however, that doesn't give them access to everything worldwide that is collected. This is a big deal and level of trust is even a bigger deal and constantly changing. When you read a classified document on SIPR (the government classified network) it will have a NATO and/or Foreign Access level of dissemination. BTW you won't see France having a lot of access...and for good reason. LOL! man-oh-man, do I have some stories on that! LOL!

    Anyway, didn't mean to get long winded but this is a big deal and whether we love, hate, or are indifferent to our Canadian cousins matters not, they are now more of a security risk to this nation due to their government...just the way it is. Some Canadians probably think, "Good! Screw the Yanks!" but they are small minded and do not get the big picture because I think few Canadian people realize how much their nation is tied to the USA in all aspects and certainly don't understand how much their current PM has affected our relationship and will continue do so until this is turned around. The Canadian people voted him in, and you reap what you sow...
    Ura-Ki likes this.
  13. Zimmy

    Zimmy Wait, I'm not ready!

    Annex Mexico and secure that new little southern border. Make the Mexicans into Americans and watch economic growth rivaling the WWII ramp up of industry.

    Build a few hundred modern missile destroyers to patrol the beaches.

    Kill everyone caught in the drug trade and seize the assets. Kill every politician and government employee if convicted of corruption. Seize those assets. No big deal, no hoopla. Just announce the verdict and send the bone meal and meat to the dog food plant.
    johnbb likes this.
  14. Tempstar

    Tempstar Monkey+++

    I wouldn't feed my dogs that meat.....
    Zimmy likes this.
  15. Wildbilly

    Wildbilly Monkey+++

    The world is gonna miss the USA's foreign aid and intervention when it is gone, and it will be gone someday, so they had best get ready! I don't know who will replace us, odds are NOBODY though back in the mid-1800s that the United States would become the most powerful nation in the world by the end of WW1, it might be China, India, Russia, or somebody else entirely! Whoever it is I hope that they aren't too heavy handed.
  16. johnbb

    johnbb Monkey+++

    I don't see any other nation that comes to power after the USA falls squandering away their national wealth the way we have. Countries will be left to fend for themselves just like they did before Uncle sugar daddy Sam came along. The question --will we ever be helped -------NO
    CraftyMofo and 3cyl like this.
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