OMG! Is there finally something I should thank Biden for?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Bandit99, Aug 30, 2023.

  1. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    So, I saw this in the news this morning... It includes a drug for which I have been waiting for a generic version for over 8+ years now. I actually went to Canada to purchase it because it was 5X cheaper there. Why? Canadian government negotiates with Pharma directly to allow them to market their product to their health care system which cuts the cost - extremely. Now, I find myself actually in agreement with Biden on something? Feeling a bit nauseous at the thought of it...

    Anyway, I get a lot of flak concerning my feelings about the American health care system and for those that don't know my feeling: it sucks! The Pharma<>Medical Insurance<>Medical Industry connection is nothing more than a big business, tied at the hip, squeezing the American people for maximum profit. Most Americans don't give a damn since their insurance covers it, but they damn well should! It's legal blackmail.

    My opinion is from having lived outside America for close to 40 years, and received medical treatment in numerous different countries, some poor and some rich countries, from knee and hernia surgery, parasites, infections, etc. basic stuff and that treatment was always as good or better than I got in my own country and at a fraction of the cost. I do mean, a fraction! The simple answer: It costs more here because they can charge more here, and you will pay it or else - period. ALL medications are cheaper from 2X-10X throughout the world than here. My wife now brings back antibiotics when she visits her mother because they can cost 10X more and you need a prescription. Just to be clear, by law, you can bring 90 days' worth of medication into the country.

    Nevertheless, it's a hard thing to find myself in agreement with Biden...I must go vomit now...

    Biden names first 10 prescription drugs up for price-cut negotiations - YouTube

    EDIT: Strange I didn't see anything about this on Fox News. That damn news service is getting worse and worse!
    Last edited: Aug 30, 2023
    jim2 and duane like this.
  2. duane

    duane Monkey+++

    While I like the idea, price changes do not take effect until 2026 and I also do not know of the dates when the brand named drugs
    could go generic. As usual, a lot of hype before an election, with a date set for well after the election for it to take effect and the usual few more years of the high prices. A good read on the real effect is this one.
  3. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    Brand name drug patients normally last 5 years; however, they can be extended for a number of reasons and years. My main bitch has been and continues to be is Americans are, once again, paying for the rest of the world. I mean, if you can sell a bottle of medicine for $2 in some countries this means you are still making a profit or you wouldn't be selling it there so why the difference in price in America. I could understand some mark up for whatever reason but 5X-10X? No, the only reason is because they can and do charge this to increase profits and balance against charging less in other countries.

    EDIT: @duane I was thinking about this more and now I am doubtful this will ever happen. Frankly, I was shocked when I read this as Biden going against big Pharma - well - doesn't pass the smell test (neither would Republican going against big Pharma) so I'm betting they know this will get killed in the courts...good election tripe though.
    Last edited: Aug 30, 2023
    jim2 and duane like this.
  4. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    I have a big pharma Exec 'Splain it to me once when fighting for meds I couldn't afford! I was shocked to the core by what he told me, but it's TRUTH! Here's the deal, pharma company "A" invents a product, it takes BILLIONS in research and development, then has to go through YEARS and YEARS of testing, then it has to get FDA approval, all of that costs BILLIONS MORE! Once the med is cleared to market, the costs of all that are then passed on to the AMERICAN'S as we are the richest nation on earth, and most big pharma are based here. Big Pharms holds license and patent rights, so NO ONE else can offer a completive med, especially one that is cheaper, and this circle jerk continues for the length of the patent. Big Pharma "A" makes back it's investments and then sells it's patents to other pharma producers to make generic versions of said medications, and they can then also sell off shore! The FDA is the biggest crime syndicate in the world, hundreds of Burocrats who regulate both ends and take YUGE cash incentives and other lavish deals to grease the wheels through the process, which also generates Billions in profits that we Americans pay for! What's worse, the FDA requires all meds be ether made here, or tested here, costing Billions and taking at least 10 years of testing, and we get the screw! Then there is the Hospitals who take YUGE kickbacks for pushing certain meds, meds that may not be the best for the person needing them, but because the hospital makes more for using THAT med, they push it's use! Insurance is almost the same deal, only they make their money on both ends, the hospitals prescribing the prefered meds gets them a percent of the profit while charging on the back end via premiums, premiums beyond any payouts, so they make YUGE profits off the deal! Naturally, you also get politicians who push for Pharma to do Pharma things, as they have their fingers in that cookie jar, and you and I pay for every penny of it! Buddy has a Daughter who's meds cost $16,000 per dose, once a month, there is no fucking way those meds, or the chemicals involved cost that much today, let alone when they were first rolled out nearly 20 years ago, and yet, guess who pays? Insurance pays, which costs more in premiums that my buddy pays, while insurance don't really want to cover, BUT, they still make profits because of the double ended scam! How in hell does a med cost $16,000 per dose? And what's worse, you are forced to use that med, there is no other choice, no generic, no going out of country to get a supply, it must be administered by your doctor in his/her office and records kept so the money keeps rolling in! If She dosn't get her med's she dies, and has already lived well past her expiration date of 21, which pushed her meds into the experimental category, adding even more to the costs! It's a left handed circle jerk of corruption, and it's the biggest scam in the history of mankind, there is more money tied up in big pharms then the entire worlds military spending and international trade!
    Bandit99, jim2, Kamp Krap and 3 others like this.
  5. natshare

    natshare Monkey+++

    Thought I finally had it made, when all 4 of my name brand prescriptions went generic. 90 day 'scrips of all 4 would run me less than $100.

    Then Blue Cross decides that Nexium name brand isn't getting covered anymore (I was still using that one name brand, with a savings card that made it as cheap as generic, because the generic I had tried wasn't up to the task given). Okay, switch back to generic on that one....if it doesn't work, my doctor can then tell Blue Cross to pack sand, he NEEDS the name brand, because generic ain't working!
    Except, this one did. Guess the pharmacy switched which generic they were buying? :rolleyes: No problem, I can deal with this one! (y)

    Until this year, when Blue Cross decided that since an OTC is available, they're no longer going to cover more than 90 days of generic prescription strength! :eek: Luckily, the OTC is 20 mg (generic/name brand is 40 mg), so taking two will do the trick. Problem is, generic was costing me ~$75/year out of pocket, and the OTC (21 days coverage) is $15. Or about $260/year, out of pocket! :mad:

    Luckily, Blue Cross also has their program where I can earn money on a "wellness card", by faking results on some pretty basic stuff (eating healthy, exercising, etc), for 3 weeks. Earns me $170/year on the card, which I'm using to buy the OTC. Figured once a year, I'll get my doc to write a 90 day prescription for generic Rx strength, then fill in the rest of the year with the OTC stuff. Should run me less than $50 out of pocket, doing it that way, for a year's worth of misery-reducing Nexium. (y)
    jim2, Kamp Krap and Ura-Ki like this.
  6. johnbb

    johnbb Monkey+++

    The wife files with Blue Cross for the wellness card big help with scripts. The only Gastic reflux med that doesn't give me a problem is Zegrid with sodium bicarb, Walmart has their brand and much cheaper. My life would be miserable without it ------heartburn since I was 25
    jim2, Cruisin Sloth and Ura-Ki like this.
  7. Kamp Krap

    Kamp Krap Monkey++

    Finally found a med that has my Diabetes under control mostly but working pretty good for the last 6 months. JUST Got home from going to pick my next 90 up at CVS and I am informed my insurance no longer covers that one. OK how much is it out of pocket? $2175!!!!! FOR 90DAYS???? No that is if you only get 30 days of the 90 day script. KEEP IT! Now need to call doc in the morning and see if he has a plan B that covered by the insurance. The words EPIC BULLSHITERY Come to mind!
    Ura-Ki, Bandit99 and jim2 like this.
  8. Kamp Krap

    Kamp Krap Monkey++

    Probably already have tried but throw it out there anyway Gavascon? Worked miracles for me when nothing else did a thing.
    Ura-Ki and jim2 like this.
  9. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    All I can tell you all is: Call a Walmart pharmacy or etc. in Canada and asked the cost of your meds without insurance, simply explain your American and need to pay for your meds. I guarantee you will be shocked, then go to Canada, visit a walk-in clinic and show the doctor your American prescription and have him write you a 1-year prescription for Canada, go fill it and head home. By law, you shouldn't take back more than 90 days' worth of medications, but Customs honestly don't give a damn.

    The other thing I can tell you from firsthand experience is the myth that only American drugs are any good is a stone-cold lie. India, Russia and many other countries make medicines via license of big pharma, and I have taken them most of the time overseas, as didn't have much choice. They worked just as well as American drugs and are a damn sight cheaper.

    In a nutshell, American has disposal income and big Pharma knows this and will have it so they charge what they can get away with here and while selling it for what locals can pay in other countries. Some say Americans make up the difference from what the other countries pay since we have more income then most countries.

    I think this is legal blackmail as what you going to say when your child or spouse is sick and needs meds? You will pay what is asked or else.
    Last edited: Aug 31, 2023
    Ura-Ki and Kamp Krap like this.
  10. johnbb

    johnbb Monkey+++

    I have tried every heartburn med out there they either didn't work, lack of a better word gave me the shits. Not a spokes person for Zegrid but it works for me --asked my son about it (pharmacist) each manufacturer may have a little change in the way they make Omeprazole he was saying. Must be genetic my sister and brother are plagued with indigestion too.
  11. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

    Americans pay extra to recoup the R&D costs.
    And the insurance companies let them
    and we the american people go along with it.
    Ura-Ki, Bandit99 and CraftyMofo like this.
  12. stg58

    stg58 Monkey+++ Founding Member

    Are you talking about what trump said he would do......claimed he had done.....but never actually did?

    Last edited: Aug 31, 2023
  13. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    Nope. I am talking about what Biden did and how shocked I am that he actually did something that I can agree with, one thing. Trump did a thousand things I agreed with, Biden has done one, 1000-1.

    Now, you want me to bitch that Trump should have done it? Well, maybe he would have if Republicans gave him even 10% the support the Democrats give Biden or maybe he would have done it on his own, like he did everything else, if the election wasn't stolen. In truth, I am amazed Trump got so much done with so little help and managed to do more real good for the country, not political double-speak, than all the other Presidents together did in my lifetime.
    Mountainman, magicfingers and johnbb like this.
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