Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by fl4848, Aug 30, 2023.

  1. fl4848

    fl4848 Monkey+

    The President of the Jesuit administered College of the Holy Cross---the oldest Catholic institution of higher education in New England---has criticized Bishop Robert J. McManus and the Diocese of Worcester for upholding Catholic teaching, and biological reality, in diocesan schools.

    In an email message to the College community, Vincent D. Rougeau said: "Recently, the Diocese of Worcester announced a new policy on gender, sexuality and sexual identity across its 21 schools. This policy does not apply to Holy Cross. It not only challenges our deeply held values, it targets specific identities and people in our community and surrounding county."

    Rougeau then added "I look forward to next Friday’s Welcome Back BBQueer and to meeting with leaders from Outfront and Pride in September."

    The Diocese of Worcester instruction on sexuality and sexual identity for Catholic schools, announced on August 15th, exhorts students to the virtues of modesty and chastity, prohibits expressions of same sex attraction, and expects students to conduct themselves at school in a manner consistent with their biological sex.

    The Bishop's instruction only applies to elementary and secondary schools, not Catholic colleges. Rougeau's statement was issued, apparently, on his own initiative, and was not in response to media inquiries.

    Identified on the college website as "the first lay and the first Black president in the College's history," Rougeau is an advocate of racial discrimination in academic admissions, who wrote a column last May for The Boston Globe, in which he rebuked Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas---a Holy Cross alumnus---for his opposition to affirmative action.

    In addition to his leadership of Holy Cross, Rougeau serves on the Board of Directors of Newton-Wellesley Hospital, a Mass General Brigham affiliate which performs abortions, distributes contraceptives, installs IUDs and does in vitro fertilizations.

    The Catholic Action League called Rougeau's statement "another scandalous milestone in the institutional apostasy of the once Catholic Holy Cross."

    Catholic Action League Executive Director C. J. Doyle made the following comment: "Rougeau's remarks reflect the highest values of the now thoroughly de-Christianized College of the Holy Cross: cultural conformity, theological modernism and institutional fundraising targeting affluent Catholic liberals."

    "At a time when the Bishop of Worcester is being savaged in the mainstream media for upholding Catholic beliefs, the leading Catholic college in his diocese, instead of defending him, has joined the chorus of critics."

    "Holy Cross is one of the most corrupt Jesuit institutions in America. In March of 2022, the college had an actual abortionist, Anna Lowell, who has brutally and violently ended the lives of hundreds of unborn children, participate in a panel discussion on women's health."

    "The faculty includes Tat-siong Benny Liew, a Professor of New Testament Studies. In 2018, he was rebuked by Bishop McManus for his vile, depraved and blasphemous assertions that Our Blessed Lord and Savior---the Second Person of the Holy Trinity---experienced impure and unnatural desires."

    "While their own Catholic bishop is unwelcome at Holy Cross, the College invited, last November, an ex-Catholic, Episcopalian lesbian, who pretends to be a bishop, to speak in the college chapel."

    "There was a time when bishops were expected to instruct Catholic colleges about preserving their Catholic identity. Now, 'Catholic' college presidents take it upon themselves to instruct bishops on the need to be subservient to elite opinion, and maintain secular, post-Christian attitudes in Catholic institutions. The inmates, it would seem, are running the asylum."

    Please feel free to send this Satan worshiper your thoughts:

    Vincent D. Rougeau
    Office: Fenwick 119 P.O. Box: PRES
    Email: HCPresident@holycross.edu
    Office of the President

    About the President
    Zimmy likes this.
  2. fl4848

    fl4848 Monkey+

    This Satan worshiper wrote a book on the New World Order. He should not be a President of a Catholic University!!!!!

    Rougeau has written extensively on law and religion with a particular focus on Catholic social teaching and the law. His book “Christians in the American Empire: Faith and Citizenship in the New World Order” was released by Oxford University Press in 2008. His research considers the relationships among religious identity, citizenship and membership in highly mobile and increasingly multicultural democratic societies. He served as senior fellow at the Centre for Theology and Community in London, where he researched broad-based community organizing, immigration and citizenship in the United Kingdom as part of the Just Communities Project.
  3. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    I'm not catholic, not any religion really anymore, but it appears to me that the school is moving towards a split from its catholic background, maybe its own religion or some other and they are simply chumming the waters for this.
    Zimmy likes this.
  4. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    Ah! This makes lots of sense now. Yes, it does appear his loyalty is with the New World Order and not with Catholicism. Why? Money, power or maybe as you suggest, he's just evil. So, I wonder why he hasn't been removed if this is indeed a Catholic school? Maybe they don't have the power to do it? Nevertheless, his policies go directly against the Catholic church...if I understand the religion correctly.
    fl4848 and Zimmy like this.
  5. jim2

    jim2 Monkey+++

    I have Catholic friends that detest the Jesuits.
  6. Dont

    Dont Just another old gray Jarhead Monkey

    Another sign.
    Sounds more and more like the turning away from the Father.
    fl4848 likes this.
  7. Wildbilly

    Wildbilly Monkey+++

    Most religious affiliated colleges and universities aren't religious anymore! Somehow the unbelievers took over the schools years ago, and it has been downhill ever since. The administration and faculty of such schools are cut from the same cloth as any other state or private schools. Did religion just get too lazy to run the colleges and universities? Did they just turn the other cheek while the pagans stole their property? Maybe, religion isn't religious anymore, and no longer believe in their own teachings and values! Whatever, it's just sad!
    Bandit99 and fl4848 like this.
  8. chelloveck

    chelloveck Diabolus Causidicus

    Once upon a time, religious heretics were burnt at the stake for failing to conform to doctrinal orthodoxy. In more modern times, Christian denominations just split, forming congregational franchises with their own interpretation of the ancient texts, whilst throwing ecclesiastical spit balls at their closest faith confession relatives, accusing their former kin in Christ, of not being 'true' Christians.

    That two communities within the Roman Catholic Church are having a bit of argy-bargy causes me no angst...Catholic orthodoxy is simply making their church even less relevant to humanity as time goes by, to the point that future humanity will see that faith as essentially no different to the religions of the gods of Mount Olympus and Valhalla. :rolleyes:
    Last edited: Aug 31, 2023
    fl4848 likes this.
  9. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    Frankly, I don't understand religion very well. I do understand God and his son. I think more and more people are turning away from religion but that doesn't mean they are turning away from God. This sort of happened before, during the great Reformation...I think, as way out of my league here... Anyway, maybe this is a good thing? Frankly, religions and me don't get along too well...they are always too much about church and not enough about God for my taste. Anyway, like I said, maybe this is a good thing?
    Zimmy and Dont like this.
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