You think people learned anything?

Discussion in 'Survival of the Fittest' started by Big Ron, Aug 9, 2023.

  1. Kamp Krap

    Kamp Krap Monkey++

    I think if it looks like Biden or another China sympathizer will win 2024 they will wait and prepare and build up more. If it looks like some who is not China Friendly is going to win, then they will strike.
    SB21 and Zimmy like this.
  2. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    Well, I am willing to bet they will steal this election again as they cannot afford to have Trump get in will be Biden or his improved clone. Wait until their land-to-sea missile strength is unstoppable then dare the US Navy to stop them. That's how I see it playing out.
    Zimmy likes this.
  3. Kamp Krap

    Kamp Krap Monkey++

    No danger of Trump getting elected in the general election at all. He is real popular with a good enough amount of the GOP to sweep the primary but is totally toxic to moderates and Centrist in the General Election. Pretty much anyone other than Trump would pretty easily beat Biden in 2024. I know the Trump Zealots don't like hearing that but its true.
  4. CraftyMofo

    CraftyMofo Monkey+++

    It's true, KK, but could you vote for a guy like Christie, Pence, Haley?
  5. Kamp Krap

    Kamp Krap Monkey++

    Nope I am just not going to vote again until there is some worth voting for. Tired of picking between the best of the worst.
    SB21, Zimmy and CraftyMofo like this.
  6. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    Now, you know that is absolutely idiotic, so I am not even going to try to talk you out of it because you already know this, it's loony-tune ridiculously, and if there is no one you want to vote for then you could damn well vote against someone, I've done that plenty of times...besides, I don't think it will matter, because the game will be definitely rigged.
    SB21 likes this.
  7. Kamp Krap

    Kamp Krap Monkey++

    Nope not idiotic at all. When two pieces of trash are the best America has to offer how to even decide which piece of trash to vote against. DJT is beyond obviously very sick in the head and Biden has nothing in his head.
    chelloveck, duane and SB21 like this.
  8. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    KK, I am not going to even try arguing with you because I know you're as stubborn as the day is long. so it's useless, but you're wrong. I will hope that you see some sense before election time. I will say, yes, neither are very worthy candidates but one is definitely better than the other. If I had my way, it would be very different, but this is the reality we live in, it is what it is...and by not voting you are essentially giving that vote to the opposition. Simply logic. Anyway, I hope you change your mind.
    SB21 likes this.
  9. Kamp Krap

    Kamp Krap Monkey++

    Again Jello Brains or Orange and Severe Mental Illness........ Nope I am not wrong, I simply have a set of values that will not allow me to vote for filth no matter what flavor it is.
    chelloveck and SB21 like this.
  10. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    On this, we will have to disagree. It makes me wonder, given the state you reside and its total insanity, if more people there haven't simply given up, thrown in the towel like this, stating morals, values, or "why bother since it changes nothing." Hell, after the last election I also said I wasn't ever voting again because the game is rigged. After thought, I realized that one fights a war with one has not with wishes and in war morals and values take a backseat to survival and you fight for the person next to you and for loved ones. Now me, I have no family here and few friends that I come to know in the past 8-years but that's enough. On the other hand, you have a little, blonde-haired girl, that you are fond enough to name as your heir and I would think her chance of a better future would be worth taking a minute to cast a ballot and swallowing your pride however slim the odds because while Trump may be a nutcase, he's our nutcase and will ruin the bastards or drive them so insane they will make a serious mistake and then we'll have them. What I am saying is you have real reasons to vote, whether your vote is worth a damn or not, whether you like the candidate or not, because this is really is no less than a war for the nation and these are but the first blows.

    Anyway, you do what you have to do KK, but do not expect us to understand because we don't.
  11. CraftyMofo

    CraftyMofo Monkey+++

    I think I mentioned “The Great Hack” Netflix documentary about Cambridge Analytica in a thread a while back.
    The fascinating part of the documentary for me was that they pulled strings in social media (which I’m sure is much more sophisticated now) to convince a portion of the majority to not cast a vote, that it’s a waste of their time to vote. I just have a stinking feeling we are being played.
    Absolutely don’t mean to point at anyone, but just ask that you think about it. Here’s a pretty good summary:
    Netflix's ‘The Great Hack’ highlights Cambridge Analytica's role in Trinidad & Tobago elections
  12. Kamp Krap

    Kamp Krap Monkey++

    So you are really no better than what you claim to be fighting against in this so called war............ Gotcha
  13. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    I don't want to put words in your mouth, but think you are saying since I am not a true believer in the candidate nor even trust the electoral system - meaning - that my vote is counted correctly, that my moral compass is off, basically, I am going against my values by voting. Anyway, I think this is what you are saying... I truly don't know.

    However, if you believe I am wrong to think this way - well - that's your opinion but I am not like them, the commie-backed Leftists. I believe in a system of blind justice, equality that doesn't give one an advantage due to the color of their skin (we've been down that path long ago), on and on and on...the differences are too numerous to list. So, my beliefs and theirs are totally opposite, you know this...

    Concerning specifically voting, which is our discussion, would I condone cheating on an election to win? Never. Would I like a different candidate than President Trump? Yes, and my personally choice would be Rand Paul, however, my personally choice is not the people's choice, or the popular choice and I believe will not be the Republican's choice. Do I think Trump will do a good job? I believe he will do an excellent job just as he did before. Nevertheless, I would prefer Rand Paul for other reasons but admit maybe Trump is a better pick right now given his background and the state of the country. So, I can vote for him without any regret even though he is not my first choice. Nevertheless, I would vote for him as the lesser of two evils even if I didn't like him. Why? Because he is better for the country than Biden - period. It's that simple to me and I suggest you are overthinking the problem.

    Yeah, I could choose to not vote because my first choice didn't make it or maybe I simply don't like Trump but the math of having only a two-party election means that by doing so I'm giving my vote to someone that I dislike even more. So, Trump isn't my perfect candidate but he's qualified, loves the country and has some amazing skills and certainly is better than Biden all around for the country.

    Also, let me add this, it's more personal and has nothing to do with our conversation about voting but... I am sick to death of Republicans bullshit reasons for inaction due to 'moral compass', 'taking the moral high ground' or 'do what is right' while the Left beats us into the f*cking ground, each and every time. What we are in is not a simple difference of opinions between two political sides, we are in a political war for survival of the soul of the country, whether America will survive in the form it was created or falls from within due to Leftist policies, communism, corruption, etc... It's a war and in a war, when you shoot the enemy who is trying to shoot you, you don't question whether it was morally right or wrong, or if he had just cause on his side. You kill him and survive and then worry about whether it was right or wrong. I believe, with all my heart, should we not win in 2024, America is gone, without any chance of returning and we'll see an escalation of the current nightmare in all aspects of our lives. The problem is the Left knows they must also win in 2024 or else they are finished because Trump will ruin them, at the very least, set them back 20 years. So, this is a major battle that must be won.... just the way I see it. We win this battle, or we lose the war - period. And, if that means, you or me or others, has to swallow our pride and support a candidate that we don't 100% approve - well - we damn well better do it or get on our knees and accept what is coming.
  14. Kamp Krap

    Kamp Krap Monkey++

    Trump is not the answer. The Only thing he did that was lasting were the SCOTUS Nominations. Everything else because of how he did things means so much as fart gas now and was unraveled pretty much during the first two weeks of mashed taters fer brains taking the white house. America is gone no matter who wins in 2024, the time to cram the Leftist Genie back into it bottle and put the cork firmly in has came and gone. 30-40-50-60 years ago it could have still been done. Today even if you vote every Leftist out they have expanded the unelected Government to such a massive size they will still rule until they return to power and then expand it some more. I am very far from being alone in planning on sitting the 2024 election out as far as the POTUS Vote goes. I will vote where it matters in the County, Senate and House elections but could not stand to look myself in the mirror if I cast a vote for something as evil and mental as DJT.
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2023
    SB21 likes this.
  15. Illini Warrior

    Illini Warrior Illini Warrior

    EVERYONE >> GOP - RINOs - Independents - pizzed off DNC Crossovers >> better stop with their petty bickering & dumb azz grudges and unify behind the single candidate that has the remotest chance of defeating the DNC Crooked Election ....

    not campaigning against Biden - Biden won't actually be running - name only - any DNCer that even thinks about running against his name wouldn't last long - accept the buy off or ELSE >>> the 100M fake ballots are already being printed - most likely coming into the country from overseas - good chance China is involved - the Fake Election Cadre in every single FED agency will be greasing the way - nooo more Mules or stuffed mailboxes - truckloads of "mailed" ballots will be trucked in direct to the mail sorting centers....
    Bandit99 and SB21 like this.
  16. CraftyMofo

    CraftyMofo Monkey+++

    I remember thinking back in ‘92 that we were f’ed if a guy like Clinton got into office(his general slimy-ness, crappy economic policy he was running on, and someone who would do anything to get and keep power). I think every election since I thought it was going to be the end of the world.
  17. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    "America is gone no matter who wins in 2024..."
    Well, I just cannot give up yet; however, if this election is stolen or lost for whatever reason then I will probably toss in the towel. In fact, I might pop smoke...been thinking seriously about this lately. As far as, "...and was unraveled pretty much during the first two weeks..." I think this is an unfair generalization.

    First, the entire Republican party was against him and yet he managed to get a lot done, actually the only politician that I know in my lifetime that did what he promised.

    Second, IMO maybe the biggest thing he did was prove to Americans that the Deep State was real, not some whacko conspiracy theory.

    Third, proved the liars wrong that America couldn't be energy independent and stopped dependency on foreign oil, #1 producer of natural gas and oil in the world.

    Fourth, secured the border and had a commonsense border policy that actually worked.

    Fifth, the unemployment rate achieved lowest in 50-years. There are lots more like, ended NAFTA and replaced with new fairer agreement (USMCA), forced Japan to cut its tariffs on American agricultural products, lots of trade improvements with China and the EU, the list of achievements is very, very long...

    For me personally, he eliminated the Obamacare individual mandate which was costing me a fortune for absolutely no benefit, it simply was legally robbing me, and I couldn't do a damn thing about it, actually got penalized heavily one year.

    Anyway, I get you don't like President Trump like many but saying he didn't accomplish anything is simply not true, unfair and much of what he did hasn't been undone but you can bet your ass Biden will do his best to undo it.
    EDIT: I found this... Trump Administration Accomplishments – The White House (

    America will still be here but will not be anything like it was created to be, domestically or internationally. Hell, it's almost already there anyway, more so every day...
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2023
    CraftyMofo likes this.
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