How news works, locally and nationally: Attractive people are hired to read news stories. Sales hustles as many dollars as possible from advertisers for the commercial. The stories need to be exciting to get people to watch, which will generate good Niellson ratings, which determines how much sales can charge for the commercials. So, viewers=cash, sensationalism=viewers. Annnndddd, the parent companies of local stations usually dictate a good portion of the content.
All these alleged news journalist are educated in left leaning universities. Just about all the news networks and and print media have a leftist agenda. There is little opportunity for a conservative news journalist. Leftist educated--hired by leftist media and the circle continues and they all read from the same script.
- You are so right! Having a journalism degree, it drives me nuts (short trip) to see all the errors in titles and stories. Back at K-State we would have gotten a big fat ZERO for any story with an error. Journalism is DEAD.
Everyone is biased. Everyone has an agenda. Mainstream media, citizen journalists, man on the street. And now that we have deep fake technology, facts and truth have died. Maybe Elon is right. We are living in a simulation.
We have a whole generation government (educated--no-- indoctrinated) that has grownup with social media which is loaded with opinion not facts and these heads full of mush take it as truth never having learned to critically think.
While being trained as a reporter/ writer at the college newspaper of a large Southern university, I asked how we would SLANT a particular story. The editor's response was, "we don't slant ANY stories."
@Stingray I noticed that this is your first post here on the Monkey. Please introduce yourself by creating a post in the thread New Member Introductions
@Stingray What you should have asked is, “Why do all the MSM Editors all slant their stories.” That question would be more to the point…. The “ Talking Heads” never write their own scripts…
Here's my hypothesis. Talk is cheap, so pushing an agenda becomes the only way to pay the bills in a mouth for hire industry.
The liberal left media's agenda is to support and further the dempRAT cause, the DNC puts out a statement (most times a lie) and all the leftist media run with the same script.
ag·it·prop noun political (originally communist) propaganda, especially in art or literature. "agitprop painters" agitation and propaganda noun. agitation and propaganda, especially for the cause of communism. Often Agitprop . an agency or department, as of a government, that directs and coordinates agitation and propaganda. In the book "1984" this was the Ministry of Truth. In today's world, this is called a 'disinformation agency.' Surprise! Not hard to see - when it is staring you in the face every day. Everyday, new information leaks that shows the level of "coordination" between the sitting power base and the Social Media oligarchs. The Truth is out there, but hard to find with everyone form the top down trying to hide it from the public. Once the current Southern Invasion is complete, it won't matter - No Hablo Ingles. Qua Paso?
It all began long before television, so let that sink in. Right after the Great Depression, certain wealthy industrialists and politicians bought up many of the newspapers for pennies on the dollar at bankruptcy auction. It doesn't take a scholar to figure out it has always been a very high interest of those with power to continue their venture at controlling information. The CIA has been heavily invested in media for decades, too. From the very onset, television has been a tool for mind control experimentation. In fact, this rabbit hole is pretty damn deep and depressing, so it may be best to let you do your own research.
The side that tells people "not to do you own research" can't even keep track of what's fake, what's real, what's supposed to be labelled as fake and what's supposed to be pushed as being real.