The 'Right' to Rape and Enslave Non-Muslim Women by Raymond Ibrahim • June 14, 2023 at 5:00 am Last month, in France, a Muslim man told an underage girl with whom he had been chatting on Facebook, "I will burn you all. I will cut your throats. I will rape you and your mother because I have the right to do so." The girl's father, described as "devastated and angry," responded to the terror threats with which his family and he had been living, saying, "Islam is not what I have been hearing [it is]... Religion is peace, tolerance, respect... We have been living in fear for a year!" The ongoing narrative is that Islam means peace; what is not said is that this peace comes only after everyone enjoys the "peace" of being Muslim. Until then, what is often presented to hasten this result is the exact opposite: jihad, or violence in the service of Islam. Many Muslims, just want, of course, to live in quiet lives, have good jobs and enjoy the blessings of this life. Others however, such as Western converts to the "religion of peace" suddenly and inexplicably become terrorists. Such men routinely cite the same hadiths and verses from the Koran. Verses 4:3 and 4:24, for instance, permit Muslim men to have sexual relations with as many women as "their right hand possesses" — meaning as many women — all non-Muslim, of course — as they are able to take captive during a jihad. "In the moments before he raped the 12-year-old girl, the Islamic State fighter took the time to explain that what he was about to do was not a sin. Because the preteen girl practiced a religion other than Islam, the Quran not only gave him the right to rape her — it condoned and encouraged it, he insisted." [Emphasis added] —New York Times report. In Germany, some Muslim migrants act out their conviction that all "German women are there for sex." In the 2016 New Year's celebrations in Cologne, migrants ended up molesting a thousand women. In Britain, where a large Muslim minority has long existed, thousands of British girls in various regions have been by abused and gang-raped by "grooming gangs" made up largely of Muslims, who apparently deemed it their Islamic right. One rape victim said, "The men who did this to me have no remorse. They would tell me that what they were doing was OK in their culture." In a separate case, another Muslim convicted of rape told a British court that sharing non-Muslim girls for sex "was part of Somali culture" and "a religious requirement." [T]he subhuman treatment and sexual degradation of non-Muslim women and children by Muslim men who deem it their "right" is apparently another "exoticism" the West is apparently expected to embrace at the altar of multiculturalism. In Britain, where a large Muslim minority has long existed, thousands of British girls in various regions have been by abused and gang-raped by "grooming gangs" made up largely of Muslims, who apparently deemed it their Islamic right. Pictured: The English town of Rotherham (population ca. 265,000), where at least 1,400 children were sexually abused by a gang of Muslim men of Pakistani descent. (Image source: Wikimedia Commons) Last month, in France, a Muslim man told an underage girl with whom he had been chatting on Facebook, "I will burn you all. I will cut your throats. I will rape you and your mother because I have the right to do so." When she refused to marry him, he defaulted to even more severe threats against her and her family -- at one point texting, "Soon we will cut your throats and play football with your heads." The communication was accompanied by a video showing the scene of a beheading. Based on the name given in the French report, Fabio Califano, who was subsequently arrested, appears to have been a convert to Islam. The girl's father, described as "devastated and angry," responded to the terror threats with which his family and he had been living, saying, "Islam is not what I have been hearing [it is]... Religion is peace, tolerance, respect... We have been living in fear for a year!" Continue Reading Article
Islam is Satan's Religion, pure and simple, No REAL religion on earth condones any of this bullshit but Islam, it is a sham, false, and pure evil and needs to be crushed into the dust of history! The Crusades were correct, Islam needs to be destroyed, and the sooner the better!
and yet, they get so pissed when you return the favor... martyr manufacturing - can we make you one today?
Muslims fall somewhere below liquid hog crap on the bottom of my boot. Virtually nothing is a sin or wrong so long as they are doing it to non muslims.
Amen Brother ,,, I try not to hate anybody ,, but they are the most worthless creatures on this planet. I'm sure there must be some out there that do not fit my assessment , but I don't think I've ever met one .
Christianity appropriates the Tanakh, in the same way the Church of LDS appropriates both the Christian 'Old' and 'New' Testaments. Just as most Christians do not consider the BOM and other LDS texts authoritative, Judaism does not recognise the ' New' Testament as authoritative. Jesus was not the Messiah foretold in the Tanakh.
Yes and our wonderful government lets them in as refugees who otherwise would have no desire to come here. They don't assimilate, have no clue as to what this country is about and could careless about learning it. our government is our worst enemy
Many converts to Islam are thugs, outlaws and convicts that are looking to justify their criminal activities, and Islam is ready made for such people. Maybe someday Islam will grow-up and become the religion of peace, tolerance and respect that they claim to be, but that might take hundreds of years. Judaism and Christianity finally reached that point long ago and hopefully Islam will join them...if we don't destroy them first!
Probably also worth mentioning "al Taqiyya" as well in the same conversation. That's the concept that it's OK to lie or deceive a non-Muslim to further your goals. Therefore, it's a given that any muslim will claim that the above is not true.
Christianity "appropriated' the Old Testament, because the first Christians were Jews, only later did Christianity spread to the Gentiles and Greeks, so the Old Testament is as much ours as theirs. We reference the Old Testament, in part, to prove that Jesus was the foretold Messiah. Also, I believe the that the Church of Latter-Day Saints is part of the Christian family of churches, just like the Baptist, Methodist, Church of Christ, Catholics, Seventh Day Advent, etc., etc.. I know some Mormons and they are good people, and while I don't share all of their beliefs, they believe in GOD and in His Son Jesus and that is all I need to know! I have a copy of the Book of Mormon and have read some of it and found nothing in it that would cause me to find fault with them. You might ask why I have a BOM since I am not a Mormon? It was given to my family many years ago, by an LDS missionary, we read it and while it did not speak to us one doesn't throw the word of GOD in the trash!
Thanks for posting this thread. Reminds me of how many aspects of our lives relate to survival other than an apocalyptic, SHTF collapse of the world. Although some of those other issues could lead to an apocalyptic, SHTF collapse of the world. Humans tend to be tribal, to discriminate on the basis of nationality, class, race, sexual orientation, religion, and gender. Insiders are those who look, act and believe as we do. Outsiders are those who don't look, act and believe as we do. One side effect of tribalism is misogyny, a word coined from misos, the Greek word for hatred, and gune, the Greek word for woman. Misogyny is chauvinistic prejudice against women. History is replete with the tendency for some men and some cultures to treat women as chattel because those men and those cultures believe that women are physically and mentally inferior to men. Why? Because women don't look, act or believe as men do. Treating women as chattel, a thing rather than a person, almost always results in physical and sexual abuse, psychological suffering and a much lower economic and social status than men. A friend of mine left Iraq and abandoned the Islamic religion because she became frightened and disgusted with violence and prejudice against women. She gave me a video of a Muslim man crossing the street to beat a woman with a stick because she had not properly covered her face. Whiskey Tango Foxtrot! Another side effect of tribalism is the tendency to polarize differences into opposite, mutually exclusive positions -- especially if that "bible" justifies that extreme position and supports a god's approval of the consequences. I've never read the Quran, but my ex-Muslim friend told me that the Quran supports the mandate to kill Infidels. Her Islam cousin was sent to America to kill her after she left Iraq and the Islamic religion. He didn't succeed but Whiskey Tango Foxtrot! She's now an Infidel and so am I! Tribalism is a distortion of the difference between people, and misogyny is a distortion of the difference between men and women. Misogyny is the mindset of an arrogant, philandering savage. Philogyny is the existential, responsible mindset of a civilized human being. I'm glad that most take a mature, realistic position between those extremes because we understand that very few things are a binary black or white, good or bad, this or that. Life is AND, not OR. Secular ethics, not religious belief, are the best way to deal with the moral crisis facing the world today. Secular ethics are universal -- common to believers and non-believers alike, regardless of their religious beliefs. No matter how wonderful a religion is, it can never be universal. The crisis is universal so the remedy must also be universal. ~ Dalai Lama
Please noticed that most of this crap was done in countries outside the US of A. Yeah, I'm sorry about all that is happening in Sweden, German, the UK and France and etc. but they can sort that crap in a New York minute by allowing their citizens to defend themselves using firearms - period. Secondly, they need to clamp down hard on the offenders, make examples of them, splash it all over the papers. I am not buying 'it is part of their religion, so they think it is okay' - bullshit! They know damn good and well this is wrong in the 21st century and in ALL societies. And, if they want to put a stop to it then make harsh examples out of them - death sentences with a twist, like smother them with pig guts or better yet, do to them what the punishment would be if they raped a Muslim woman in a Muslim country. Lastly, you all do know that the former Soviet Union was made up with many Muslim countries, right? Do you think this crap happened there or in current Russia? Russia still has many states/provinces which are of Muslim. They could try this BS, it's 'part of our religion' and see if it affects their sentence of life imprisonment.
NO ONE HAS A RIGHT to do anything to hurt a person / woman at max . If im packin/CC , a round will leave !! or two ,, . then carry on !! Seen more useless folks just watch
Alot of religion is bs in my opinion. They use to kill you if you would not convert to christianity. Lotta bloody religions out there. I agree though, get rid of that islam bs.
I believe, am a christian, and feel "live & let live" is the motto, but they don't see it that way! Sorry, darken my doorway and see what happens! you are free to believe how & what you want, but don't tell me to believe something or else! No sir, not happening here!