EDC Bags - with insulated compartments?

Discussion in 'Functional Gear & Equipment' started by Oddnixie, May 18, 2023.

  1. Oddnixie

    Oddnixie Neophyte Monkey

    Hello, everyone. New member here, used to be a big fan of SB. I posed this same question on their forums and got banned without warning or reason, so I am a little hesitant here. I reviewed the rules here just like that site, so I really hope that if there is something wrong with my post that someone please actually tell me. :/

    A week ago, I bought a 35 L mealprep backpack from Wolfpak. I would link it here like I did on SB, but I don't want anyone thinking I am advertising. I wasn't. I wanted to make it easier for people to see what I was talking about. It is a backpack with two larger compartments, a front section that is insulated, and another, smaller compartment above that. I am NOT affiliated with the company.

    I was wondering if anyone knew of a similar backpack? The 35L is a little big for me to carry in and out of work, and I'm not sure if the 25L would be much different. I'm afraid the 9L would be too small. I like being able to pack a little extra plus my snacks/lunch all in one go.. so before I drop another chunk of money on a slightly smaller bag on a brand I'm really not familiar with, I hoped to get some advice. I used to use the maxpedition neatfreak, which I love, but I can't carry everything in it and Maxpedition doesn't seem to make what I would like to have (with the insulated compartment).

    I don't understand why the other forum blocked me for asking this same question, worded in roughly the same way. I have had trouble finding backpacks like this out there, but it is so useful. I keep a bug out bag in my car, so this bag's gear can be a little lighter (and has to be work appropriate, lol). I am hoping that you guys can help me with some advice, I appreciate you taking the time to read this long post. ‍
    Last edited: May 18, 2023
  2. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

    @Oddnixie I noticed that this is your first post here on the Monkey.
    Please introduce yourself by creating a post in the thread https://www.survivalmonkey.com/forums/new-member-introductions.32/

    @Oddnixie also new members post external links in their first post or two without an introduction are pretty much watched like a hawk. We get a lot of spam posts by individuals just wanting to drive traffic to their website with no intention of contributing to our community.

    It was wise to skip the link ..
    Last edited by a moderator: May 18, 2023
    Oddnixie likes this.
  3. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    Welcome to our Monkey Tree… Pick yourself out a branch and have a good look arouund… Lots of Great Information in our forums, and plenty of good Folks hang’en around on the branches… you did everything right, for your first post.. So I am looking forward to your ideas and opinions, as you engage in the forums.. There are some of your neighboring Monkeys, here on this site, so do not feel like you are an outsider. Again WELCOME TO OUR MONKEY TREE…
    Oddnixie and gii shi kan dug like this.
  4. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    Welcome! Seems like a very small infraction, nothing really enough to get one banned but... Anyway, I haven't ever heard of an insulated backpack of which you speak but seems interesting; however, it would seem to be too specific for me - meaning - yes, nice to use to carry your lunch to work or to a picnic on a bicycle trip but that's it as the insulation would take up space and add weight one could use when carrying school books or gear while hiking on the trail or etc.... Anyway, welcome!
    Last edited: May 18, 2023
    Oddnixie likes this.
  5. arleigh

    arleigh Goophy monkey

    EDC indicates you take it with you where ever you go, my computer backpack serves the same function.
    It serves as my Get Home Bag as well.
    Depending on the distance you must travel on foot needs vary. In my case it only about a two-day walk depending on o the weather.
    Longer if there is social unrest going on I need to avoid then it could take much longer.
    Water is by far the most critical need in a journey such as that. I carry bladders I can fill and water filter for treating wter along the way if it becomes necessary.
    It's good to know what your alternate routes might be and a map and compass to mark your journey.
    It is also advisable to be in good condition for such a journey.
    Welcome by the way to the boards.
    Oddnixie likes this.
  6. Dont

    Dont Just another old gray Jarhead Monkey

    Oddnixie likes this.
  7. Oddnixie

    Oddnixie Neophyte Monkey

    For me, it is a version of EDC. I have watched prepping forums for over a decade, so I have other bags. But I can't take typical BOB gear into where I work. I could get in trouble. So, this bag is my EDC for work, with anything there I might need. However, the backpack would also be useful if I was hiking all day, or had a similar day or two adventure with an easy swapout and a way to keep water cold. Considering I bought the purple one, this bag wasn't meant to be the stealth SHTF bag I would rely on.. For me, there's a maxpedition pack for that.

    I appreciate your replies.. I'd say I'm probably on my own for trying to figure out what would be the most useful. :/
  8. chelloveck

    chelloveck Diabolus Causidicus

    Rather than search for a bespoke pack with purpose designed insulated compartments, why not just place items inside an insulated bag that can be carried inside the pack?
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