What are your health / fitness goals? Accountability

Discussion in 'Survival of the Fittest' started by Alanaana, Mar 28, 2023.

  1. Farm Chores

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  2. Hiking

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  3. Walking

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  4. Strength Training

    3 vote(s)
  5. Swimming

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  6. Running

    3 vote(s)
  1. Meat

    Meat Monkey+++

    I do wish I had access to a sauna but I’m not re-joining the YMCA, ever. Pops used to go in theirs as a kid with the whole family, even grandma and grandpa. Not a stitch of clothes on any of them. Lol. Nothing.
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2023
    Alanaana and Gator 45/70 like this.
  2. Alanaana

    Alanaana Monkey+++

    @Meat I don't know if you have the space, but you could probably build a decent FAR infrared sauna or get an infrared sauna lamp. I fell for it once and bought the sauna that was recommended on the JRE podcast back in 2016 and it had a lot of issues and wasn't worth the expense. I would like to get a lamp someday though... On another note, I was a cryospa technician one summer when I lived in Portland, Maine and I was able to make a pretty convincing ad campaign since Joe Rogan was swearing by cryotherapy back then. People were flooding in! The business ended up going under 6 months after I left. In general, it's not a good business model to freeze people in a place that gets so cold :rolleyes:

    I'm with you on the whole YMCA situation. I used to work at health clubs and even had the opening shift at our downtown Y (a decade ago), and it could be nice if no one was in the sauna or steam room, but otherwise it's too intimate of a setting to share space for a little sweat :rolleyes:
    Meat likes this.
  3. Meat

    Meat Monkey+++

    I’d hit it early AM for that very reason.
    Alanaana likes this.
  4. Alanaana

    Alanaana Monkey+++

    @Meat Before or after business hours is definitely the way to go! Sometimes I miss the perks of free gym memberships from working there.
    Meat likes this.
  5. Alanaana

    Alanaana Monkey+++

    Aloha Monkeys!

    Yesterday was a rest day, but I still managed to do my core work, restorative yoga, and some dancing. I thought that I was going to do a full body workout today, but I've had a splitting headache all day. I worked in the garden for over an hour. It was nice to get some fresh air.

    I think I'm just going to curl up in bed and go on a "Nicholas Sparks reading spree." I haven't done that since high school. Lol. I just finished reading "Dreamland" and it was so good. He has developed his writing skills. I hadn't read anything by him since high-school, but I decided to give him another chance.
    Hopefully tomorrow I'll feel better. I hope all of you will have a wonderful weekend!

    I think 2 days of rest in a row is acceptable. What do you think? Also, what are you reading? I like to read at least 1 fiction and 1 non-fiction at the same time. My non-fiction is "Salt, Sugar, Fat: how the food giants hooked us" by Michael Moss.
    Meat likes this.
  6. Meat

    Meat Monkey+++

    The YMCA that I went to was like the Taj Mahal, the membership fees reflected it too. Lol.
    Alanaana likes this.
  7. Alanaana

    Alanaana Monkey+++

    @Meat That sounds super fancy. I know that some of them are upscale. Lol. Hope you'll have a wonderful week!
    Meat likes this.
  8. kckndrgn

    kckndrgn Monkey+++ Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    Today should mark my 7th day of 10k steps, first time in a long time I've hit that goal. Even managed to get my steps in over the weekend while at a BSA camp with my son. Love walking in new places and getting to look at new scenery.
    Got my 4 mile run in this morning then for a little more work used a pitch fork and turned over the compost pile after cleaning out the chicken coop (what a lunch break LOL).
    After weighing in Friday morning, I was down almost 4lbs in one week. I'll take it.
    Thought that this weekend camping with the scouts was going to be hard to eat with my diet, but they actually had pretty good food as long as I skipped the bread and fries.
    I'm currently reading 3 books (as if my life is not confusing enough). 2 fiction and 1 non-fiction. 299 Days (currently on book 5) and Shock Wave by Clive Cussler. Also re-reading 'Why We Get Sick' by Benjamin Bikman
    Meat and Alanaana like this.
  9. Alanaana

    Alanaana Monkey+++

    @kckndrgn Wow! You are on an incredible roll! 10,000 steps takes a lot of dedication and isn't easy. Even 6k can feel like a lot! Great job on your run too!
    Turning compost and cleaning the coop is also a workout in itself! It's so satisfying to see the heat come off of the pile and eventually enjoy the rich soil that comes from it.
    Congratulations on your weight loss too!!!
    Yesterday was my "rest day," but I managed to spend 4 hours weeding and mowing. It was nice to spend time outside playing in the dirt.
    Hope you're enjoying your reads! It's so nice to find a good series that keeps you coming back. I'm going to look up "Why We Get Sick." I'm looking forward to finishing "Salt, Sugar, Fat." The problem is that it mentions a lot of foods I haven't thought of in ages. Even though they talk about how unhealthy the processed products are, it's weird how they can draw you in and become tempting. It's well-written and interesting and makes me feel glad to be on this healthier path.

    The other books I'm reading are: "So Good They Can't Ignore You: Why Skills Trump Passion in the Quest for Work You Love" by Cal Newport. Newport has some interesting books around disconnecting from the digital world by not being on social media. I like the idea, but haven't been able to stick with it for over a month yet; and "A New Life in the Algarve, Portugal: An Anthology of Life Stories" by Alyson Sheldrake. "A Walk To Remember" will probably conclude my Sparks Spree for now.
    Meat likes this.
  10. Alanaana

    Alanaana Monkey+++


    I'm so happy I could cry right now. I was thinking of setting a 4 month goal to try to get the tripod by my birthday in August. Today when I was foot hooping I wasn't sure what to do with my hands so I tried a backbend and was SO SHOCKED that it worked! I happened to capture the moment on camera too and you can see the shock in my face .

    I don't think learning a skill like this would have been possible if I didn't start working on these healthy habits. Nutrition has been key for my weightloss and the strength training and yoga is helping me build my strength, flexibility, and mobility.

    This is very exciting for a girl who couldn't get up from the floor without using her hands for a push (a few months ago).

    Let's keep going, everyone! Thanks for inspiring me and helping me to stay accounable!

    Attached Files:

    Gator 45/70 and Meat like this.
  11. Meat

    Meat Monkey+++

    Good job.
    Alanaana likes this.
  12. Alanaana

    Alanaana Monkey+++

    Thanks for celebrating this milestone with me!
    Meat likes this.
  13. kckndrgn

    kckndrgn Monkey+++ Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    Still going strong, did a 24 hour fast yesterday. I was surprised how easy it was. Next up will be a 48 hour fast (water/coffee/tea only). Felt great the entire time even slept great last night. Did my normal Tuesday 5 mil walk as well.
    Monday I did a 4 mile run, today it was "only" a 5k but it was on my "hilly" route, so a little extra effort.
    Started listening to "Stay off my operating table" by Philip Ovadia, MD Some good info in the book and I may by the hard copy so I can take notes.
    Meat and Alanaana like this.
  14. Gator 45/70

    Gator 45/70 Monkey+++

    I pulled something watching that clip? Good job !
    Meat and Alanaana like this.
  15. Alanaana

    Alanaana Monkey+++

    @kckndrgn Great job on your 24 hour fast! I recently read "The Obesity Code: Unlocking the Secrets of Weight loss" by Jason Fung and he talked all about the amazing benefits of fasting. I'm currently Intermittent fasting, but once I get a handle on my current habits I'm going to try fasting for longer periods.
    Great job with your walk and your 5K! A hilly route makes a massive difference!
    You helped me choose my next book to read. I finally finished the book on Processed foods and I was able to borrow "Stay Off My Operating Table" from the digital library.
    Keep going with these amazing healthy habits! It's exciting to read your updates!
    Meat and Gator 45/70 like this.
  16. Alanaana

    Alanaana Monkey+++

    @Gator 45/70 Mahalo :ROFLMAO:! I was so surprised that I could do it and thankful that I finally started working on my health. It was something that I let take the backburner for too long. Hope you're having a wonderful week!
    Meat and Gator 45/70 like this.
  17. Alanaana

    Alanaana Monkey+++

    Aloha! This week is known as "deload week" in the program that I'm following. This means that the weights have been lighter and I'm concentrating on getting the full range of motion for each exercise. Yesterday was upper body and it looks like today is going to be lower body. I also started dedicating more time to hula hooping because I want to do more cardio and I started a 111 day Shimmy challenge (Bellydancing.)

    On May 1st I'm going to do Sydney Cumming's Summertime Fine program. It's a 12 week program on YouTube and it's free! All you need is a few sets of dumbells and a mat or comfortable surface to workout on. Free is my favorite price! Let me know if you want to do it with me!

    This morning was my weigh-in day and I panicked a little because I gained less than half of a pound. I thought it was ironic because I really went out of my way to measure my food to exact measurements and I logged everything too. I know that I was eating more in the prior weeks. It could be that I'm gaining muscle. I'm going to try not to worry about it. I'll just keep an eye on it. I feel like I'm still on the right track.

    What are you all working on?
    Meat likes this.
  18. Meat

    Meat Monkey+++

    Same same. I’m running 4 to 5 days a week after work. (I still haven’t drove it out for the distance) Jiu Jitsu is Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. 5AM. It’s only an hour but I don’t waste a minute. My 3rd tournament is June 3rd, submission only. Yay. Lol.
    Alanaana and Gator 45/70 like this.
  19. Alanaana

    Alanaana Monkey+++

    @Meat You're amazing! That's such a great routine. Most people would just crash on the couch after work. I think the consistency is more important than distance. 5 AM? That's so early! A whole hour of Jiu Jitsu sounds super intense. I think I would be tired after 5 minutes of grappling... No, probably more like 2 minutes. I bet you'll do great at your tournament in June.
    Gator 45/70 and Meat like this.
  20. Meat

    Meat Monkey+++

    I tapped many times early on from lack of oxygen. It was embarrassing but so is dying.
    Gator 45/70 and Alanaana like this.
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