This is my question: Why does the Main Stream Media regurgitate the same misinformation about the FACTS, on Gun related News Stories? Case in point.. The recent Nashville School Shooting Incident… 1. First reports on FireArms involved, “Two AR15 style Assault Rifles and one Handgun.” 2. Actual FACTS : One AR15 style SemiAutoRifle, One Kel-Tec 2000 SemiAuto Carbine, and one Smith & Wesson SemiAuto HandGun. 3. FACT: Only one of the FireArms was actually fired during the incident, and that was the Kel-Tec 2000 SemiAuto Carbine. In most every subsequent Published Report, the writers repeat the same misinformation that was first published, even though the actual FACTs were know, and released by the Nashville Police Department, by Day Two.. So, why do these News Writers not do their own Due Diligence research, and get the FACTs correct? Is it that they are two Lazy, or to rushed to get their Story published as soon as possible? Even after this amount of time has passed, I have yet to see more than two, of the MANY articles published, with the correct FACTs.. Please enlighten me with your thoughts….
They are all using the same data set and trying to push the same narrative. If they ever correct it, it will be after any momentum on achieving their end game has slowed or stopped. Why let facts get in the way of emotion? Had this been a Christian shooting up a group of LGBQ people this would have been labeled a hate crime before the bodies were cold, but because it's the other way, well, SHE was just misguided and lost.
You got that right! @BTPost I've noticed that also. Or, how about they all use the same punchline, especially when they are trying to get their agenda across so that the masses here it again and again, from every news agency, every time they report. Brainwashing? I think so... The other thing I noticed is how sloppy the writing in news articles has gotten, even the headlines sometimes have spelling or punctuation errors. Don't get me wrong, I'm barely literate, especially when it comes to English which is one screwed up language IMHO but the English language is their bread and butter, their profession and seldom, very, very seldom I read even a main article that doesn't have errors.
They are biased, and push the story their democrat liberal politico masters tell them to. Been this way for decades.
It's called The Universal Law of Attraction, and it is being used against you whether or not you know the law at all. Just think of it as 'positive reinforcement' but in reverse.
It makes sense when you realize that the truth and facts has nothing to do with it. The 'news' is a way to carry a message to the people, worded in such a way as to create the right emotional effect. People, in general, fell that they need to follow 'the news' as a civic responsibility, and therefore can regurgitate what the media wants them to feel enraged about.
Herr Goebbels would be very pleased with how the current Ministry of Propoganda ("the News") has embraced and developed his principles.
The main stream media is in full collapse mode. The local radio stations and local newspapers are disappearing. Why pay $1 for a local daily that only carries the politically correct news and be assailed by the left, Karens, and blacks on how horrible you are? The local ads that used to pay for much of the costs have been replaced by the net and with ESPN and the net, the sports news is dead. Who cares about the local sports in many areas and if interested, lots of people go to the net and chat type things. Thus the news that is left tends to be the large organizations and with the left wing ownership pushing left wing view on race, crime, income distribution, gun control, gay rights, etc , fewer people are watching and even fewer believe what is shown. They preach to the left wing choir and every one else ignores them. What news that is left is being supplied over the internet and each source preaches to its own true believers. The same with the politicians, the education system, etc, and we are getting ever more polarized and any common civil society is disappearing. The future does not look bright when a large group of people in California feel cheated if they are not given millions for something that happened over 150 years ago and when the majority came over after the Civil War and come from parents who were slaves of the Spanish or English or from post Civil War Africa or who never were slaves. A perfect example is our former president, white and Kenyan decent and raised overseas.
You have to remember, too, that the first to break a story usually ends up on AP (Associated Press) or UPI (United Press International), which then feeds all the other news agencies out there. So they don't have to spend the time or effort to write their own stories....they can just regurgitate what they were fed. Just watch one of those videos, that shows multiple "news" agencies, and they're all repeating the same exact thing!
One side, the oldworldorder, has the ONLY microphone and the ONLY camera. AND.. they get to use it against hundreds of millions of people worldwide at the exact same time, and who are unable to reply or disagree with these 'broadcasts'. The people get no voice, and this includes no ability to gather their voice in any context or venue. I would add this includes the geo-fencing OFF of entire swaths of the planet so that news itself, of ANY kind, is repressed and thus hidden. "Money talks & bs walks". This is exactly what you are getting from the msm from both sides of their two-faced "reports". My favorite really is "heads will roll". That's when the show really begins. These fwits really believe if they keep saying the same crap to everyone somehow it will magically just stick and not just become the truth but become reality. Heads need to roll for this in no uncertain terms.
Humans are the worst sometimes. That’s all the information I need when I read about another coward like this dude.
Only white males don't ya know are the only ones capable of committing hate crimes in the eyes of the liberal left. Clear case of racism but the left will never admit it.
What we call the news has slid to profit oriented infotainment and then again to propagandatainment. There is no more news (facts reported without bias so the audience can make up it's own mind) and instead it's all editorial opinion that claims to be news. The majority of US sources have a heavy bias to the left, and unless you are politically left you won't get hired unless it's to be the designated token whipping boy. There is also a small hand full that lean right, notable Fox. If you want actual news you won't find it in the US. For news about the US, read foreign sources and whatever they have in common is usually the closest you will get to the truth.
I blame it on lazy. Reporters today day get their talking points from their editor who gleans them form their twitter feed !!!
The 60 Minutes episode tonight was a case in point. MTG was on, and Leslie stahl started out by saying, “Your opponents say you’re dumb, racist, etc. “. She never really got to make her case, and everything was spun to be insane that anyone would support her views. I was wondering how they’d treat AOC. I didn’t have to wonder too long, they had Mayorkas, the head of Homeland Security on. If you never saw him in action answering questions in Congress, you’d think this guy was being considered for sainthood. What a sad joke 60 Minutes has become.
True journalism is dead. Reporting ON the news died decades ago. Now these blowdried airheads vie with each other to create their own brand of "news", pumping it into people's homes like a drug dealer selling crack.