What are your health / fitness goals? Accountability

Discussion in 'Survival of the Fittest' started by Alanaana, Mar 28, 2023.

  1. Farm Chores

    7 vote(s)
  2. Hiking

    0 vote(s)
  3. Walking

    7 vote(s)
  4. Strength Training

    3 vote(s)
  5. Swimming

    0 vote(s)
  6. Running

    3 vote(s)
  1. Alanaana

    Alanaana Monkey+++


    I know that everyone has different fitness and health goals and even these can change with time and progress.

    My current goals are fatloss and weightloss. I also want to feel healthy, strong, and fit and I don't want to spend a fortune doing it.

    My annual exam / full blood panel revealed that I'm pre-diabetic, low- vitamin D, and my blood pressure is a little high. Thankfully, all of my other levels are healthy and in good standing. My doctor recommended that I join a gym, eat a low-carb diet, and to lose weight.

    Thankfully, this happened around the time that I joined this forum and I have been feeling so inspired by all of you to try Keto and accomplish these goals. I'm currently on Day #43 of Keto and am trying to figure out a workout routine that works well.

    Sometimes I get a little extreme, like last week I ran over 10 miles 3 days in a row (fasted). I'm happy to know that I'm capable of running that much, but I want to stick with a routine that is sustainable and won't take all day.

    What are your tips and tricks for fat loss, weightloss, and better health?

    Also, what are you currently working towards? I would love to cheer you on throughout your journey too.

    I want to post here frequently to check in and stay accountable. I invite you to post here too. Please join me!
  2. jefferson

    jefferson Monkey

    Running is my favorite one, every day morning I wake up from bed and start my running workout for more than 6 kms. It helps me to keep my body strong and fit.
  3. Kamp Krap

    Kamp Krap Monkey++

    I can't even say how many miles I walk in a day or how many things lift just doing the farm work and keeping everything running. LOL A new Nurse at Docs office last visit, told me "You are in great shape, what gym do you work out at?" LOL the Gym of life and not wanting to starve or freeze out in the middle of nowhere. Doc has this new gizmo in the office that measures how much you can pull, push, lift etc. In addition to the treadmill ski pole thing that measures stamina and endurance and heart rate and BP etc. So far no one he has put on it has even came close to my strength. Including the weight lifters and gym fanatics. on the Stamina and Endurance a few have done better than me. I am a tank not a sports care :)
  4. Meat

    Meat Monkey+++

    I was a tad stocky for a few years, I’m down to 210 right now. I credit Jiu Jitsu mostly, 4 days a week at 5am. I’m running a bit but it’s a short run, a mile plus about 5 days a week. As I mentioned therapy was suggested after a rough rough August and September. (It’s quite a story I feel) Therapy for Pete’s sake! Jiu Jitsu was and is my therapy. Lol.
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2023
  5. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    This winter has been awful for my fitness. The winters in North Idaho are harsh but this winter was worse than normal, lots of snow and bitter cold. However, I hate gyms. Hate'em! Prior to Afghanistan I was a long-distance runner, normally putting in 40-50 miles a week, then 70+ when I was training for a marathon. It's the only time I really felt sane was when I was running that much, burned off stress as well as fat. Given my build and height (5'7") speed wasn't my forte but I had leather lungs and would kill those long-legged buggers in the hills. LOL! Afghanistan killed those days as lots of areas were still mined when I got there then when I went to other parts of the Stan's, they weren't very conducive to running for many reasons...like getting kidnapped or robbed or...

    Now, I haven't started running again due to age as I fear to start, turning 70 this Summer. However, I miss it and have given it thought. Like I said, I hate gyms and running on one of those treadmills isn't me. I got back stateside in 2015 and there has been so much work on the property that keeping in shape simply wasn't a problem. Amazing how many calories one burns clearing property and cutting trees, brush.

    Nevertheless, I did put on weight upon my return to the states because all of sudden all these yummy products were available in abundance that I hadn't had in years! LOL! However, I got my act together and lost that weight last Summer simply by stopping sugar and carbs and continuing to work the property. Life is strange here in that regard, you tend not to do much in the winter, besides plow/shovel snow, and work like hell in the Spring/Summer, basically making up for those winter months.

    So, staying in shape and keeping weight off during the winter is a problem here and the older I get the more my muscles atrophy during that time. I got a large project starting sooner here when weather finally stabilizes which will demand heavy labor, lots of it and in truth, I am looking forward to it as sick to death of sitting indoors. It's been a damn hard winter...

    Work keeps me fit during the good weather but I do need to find something to do during winter months, maybe hang a punching and body bag up in the garage or maybe I will try running again. Dunno. I guess I will think about it next Fall/Winter...
  6. Alanaana

    Alanaana Monkey+++

    @jefferson That is such an awesome routine and a great way to start your day! Once I got through the initial first few days, running felt incredible. I'll have to figure something out because the neighbor's pitbull chased me and that scared me. Haven't gone for a run since then.
  7. Alanaana

    Alanaana Monkey+++

    @Kamp Krap That's incredible! You are living proof that functional strength, farm work, building, and survival builds resilience. Even the simpler "easier tasks" end up being a killer workout. I love that everyone wants to know what your routine is. LOL. I've noticed that a lot of exercises are based off of farm tasks like the "farm carry." I'm just blown away whenever I see the guys move bales of hay. Those things are HEAVY!
    Being outside is so healthy and it's own meditation too! Keep doing what you're doing!
  8. Alanaana

    Alanaana Monkey+++

    @Meat Great job on making these huge lifestyle changes! I really respect the fact that you rise early and get it done! That takes dedication. Any and every amount of running counts!
    Some of the fittest and best fighters I know practice Jiu Jitsu. It's super intense, but such a practical skill set. I was going to take classes, but then Covid happened and then I didn't pursue it. BJ Penn lives on this island and has a gym here Lol, but there's another really good Jiu Jitsu school in town too. Grappling, floor work, and pins honestly scare me so that's probably why it would be good for me to learn more techniques.
    I'm sorry that you had such a rough August and September. I hope things have gotten better since then. Keep moving forward, growing stronger, and enjoying life. You got this!
    mechstdr, Gray Wolf and Meat like this.
  9. Alanaana

    Alanaana Monkey+++

    @Bandit99 Thank you so much for your service and the sacrifices you made. I'm so glad that you survived and made it home safely. Last night I was just talking with my bf about how Afghanistan's terrain must be so mountainous and treacherous. It is seriously dangerous mountain goat (mountain goats are bada$$) territory that must have been challenging and dangerous to traverse with or without heavy gear.

    It is incredible that you have been a long-distance runner. That takes another level of fortitude. I don't think you should feel bad about not running those long distance miles anymore because you still have bragging rights for life.

    Northern Idaho is absolutely majestic. I went to school in Spokane and spent my first Spring Break in Couer d'Alene. It felt like such a serene and peaceful place with so much natural beauty. I remember looking at the lake and secretly wondering if the Lock Ness monster would grace me with an appearance :ROFLMAO:. The windchill factor is insane. I'm originally from Western WA and was not prepared for the bitter cold during the winter. I'm sorry that this winter was a rough one and I hope that the ice is melting and the weather is improving.

    Great job on losing weight last summer! That's a HUGE win and that gives me hope because I'm currently doing keto and have broken up with sugar. Do the sweet cravings ever go away?

    I'm with you and I also hate gyms and am trying to figure out how to get into shape from home. I found a good YouTube channel with a strength training program that I'm following. I read a book about slow jogging. It was really inspiring to learn that you can still get lots of health benefits even from going slowly and it's more gentle on the joints than full on running. When I do go for jogs I really enjoy that slower pace.

    It's exciting that you're turning 70 this year. Do you have plans for your birthday? That one's worth celebrating! I'm cheering you on in your journey. Thank you for sharing your story!
  10. Zimmy

    Zimmy Wait, I'm not ready!

    As a big body guy with a life of hard millwright work behind me, when life slowed down I had to adjust my eating habits.

    I had already gotten rid of sweets, fried foods, most fast foods, colas, junk food, and over processed stuff. I didn't know where to turn when my belt line went sideways.

    I decided to do what they said in school back in the 70s. The old food pyramid for yall familiar with it. 10 servings of fruits and vegetables a day and enough of any protein to keep me from crying myself to sleep at night really minimized how many carbs by body craved. I'm down to about three to five homemade corn tortillas a week. Maybe a cauliflower crust (I like it better) pizza every other Friday and a big bad assed triple jalapeño cheeseburger on the first of the month when I feed my guys at work.

    My pre-diabetes went away and I lost 90 pounds. Blood pressure is fine with a minimum dose BP med that I should be able to get rid of soon. Cholesterol is in the high end of good. Liver is OK despite my big glass of Barbadian papa juice nightly.

    We cook almost everything we eat from scratch with the best quality food we can find.
  11. 3M-TA3

    3M-TA3 Cold Wet Monkey

    A year and a half ago I was basically the equivalent of a barn find wreck with plenty of rust. This was due to a bad reaction to the jab that left me hospitalized for a week and virtually unable to walk. A few months later I tripped coming down the stairs fracturing several bones in one leg and a foot while simultaneously tearing the meniscus of the same leg. So, basically the rusted out barn find got in a wreck shortly after they got the engine to turn over and take it on a test drive.

    My tools to rehab myself were thus pretty limited. It started small with incredible and epic journeys to the mail box almost 200 feet away. I gained and I had setbacks. Nutritional discipline was frequently forgotten. At the same time a pinched nerve that needs an operation to relieve has been turning my right arm to virtual stone.

    I'm now on a nutritional regimen that alternates Keto (carnivore with non starchy salad vegetables) and Carnivore. I also do fasting to the extent of one meal a day as a late lunch. The addition of a LOT of eggs appears to be helpful with the jab induced nerve damage to my legs (promotes the repair of the sheath that provides insulation to the nerves). I'm also dropping about 20 lbs per month, have no hunger, and no tired spells during the day. By removing plants that are high in oxalates and other inflammatory compounds I've also lessened a great deal of joint pain.

    Nutrition is my foundation, but I'm also working on reversing some atrophy to my leg muscles while I've had to scale back on walking. I do force myself to walk. Even though I qualify for handicapped parking I refuse to participate. Whatever parking lot I use for grocery and other store runs I park in the far reaches of the lot and then I walk. No damn fat cart rides, either, when I get inside. I push a cart for stability, but that's the only cheat I use. It's easy to lose a step and hell to get it back.

    My main exercise, except the mail, is that every hour I take a break from my telecommuting job to walk up and down the stairs or I do strength training for my arms with a nice heavy semi precision rifle. I use it like a light barbell and push it away from my chest and hold. The I arc it slowly above my head and hold. Next I slowly lower it to my chest, then repeat in reverse.

    Whether stairs or rifle I take from 5 to 10 minutes before getting back to work. I picked strength training in the poll, because without taking effort to strengthen my legs my ability to walk remains fairly limited.
  12. survivistal

    survivistal Monkey

    I defy gravity. Isn't that enough?
    mechstdr, Alanaana, Bandit99 and 2 others like this.
  13. Alanaana

    Alanaana Monkey+++

    @Zimmy Wow! It's amazing that you made all of these changes and got such great results. 90 lbs is incredible and I feel inspired to stay on track! I'm noticing that it's much more affordable to eat healthier and cook my own food. I'll have to learn how to make a low-carb cauliflower crust. That sounds so good.
    mechstdr, Gator 45/70 and Zimmy like this.
  14. Meat

    Meat Monkey+++

    After the third strike in a short period I had to chuckle, some sort of test. Now I’m right where I’m supposed to be. Meat always wins!!! Lol.
    mechstdr, Gator 45/70 and Alanaana like this.
  15. kckndrgn

    kckndrgn Monkey+++ Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    I had a bad winter as far as my fitness and health goes, well, not bad bad, but I added some weight that I lost last year and it has pissed me off. I did really great until the holidays, then went on a slow slide back to old habits and getting out of new ones. I stopped running/walking, ate more carbs and drank more alcohol.
    About a year and a half ago I had one of those "ah-ha" moments and I said I'm changing. I started daily walking, every morning with the sunrise, I loved it. Started eating more appropriate food cutting out almost all carbs and increasing my protein and fat. My weight was dropping, I felt great. That was through the end of last summer, then my weight loss stopped, and I got frustrated. I went from 250ish down to 205 and held there, but I wanted to get under 200.
    When weeks turned to months of no weight loss and not seeing any more changes in my body (I was taking monthly measurements), it killed me mentally. When the holidays hit I said I wanted to "enjoy myself". Well, I "only" put on about 15lbs, but I feel it. All my joints hurt again, emotionally I'm drained again, becoming more of an introvert again.
    Well, I've had it, again. Back to only eating when actually hungry, back to eating "real" food, back to drinking water, back to walking again (along with the occasional run).
    No gym for me, got enough crap around the home to toss around for some strength "training", doing some simple body weight exercises, and just forcing myself to crawl back out of my shell and be active, no matter what it takes.
  16. Wildbilly

    Wildbilly Monkey+++

    From 18-42 I was a runner, 10ks were the reason that I got up early on Saturday mornings! A couple of miles after work and an hour in the gym were how I recharged my batteries. Then about 22 years ago, my job changed, my gym closed, and it got harder and harder to work-out, until finally I stopped. I gained a lot of weight, and my health/fitness was not good! In 2019, I lost my job when the business closed, and I was out of work for about 4 months. While I was looking for a new job, I used my down time wisely...I got myself into shape. I walked 4 or 5 miles a day, swam a mile a day, and worked out with some weights that I had around the house. I also lost about 50 lbs., due mostly to not drinking soft drinks...when I was working, I would drink a 6-pk of Cokes a day! I even got a tan that summer.
    Finally, I found a job at Rural King, where I walk several miles a day, and then started swimming in an indoor pool. I even found a gym near where I work and started working out again! In April 2020 that all changed due to Covid, the indoor pool closed, and I stopped going to the gym. The gym was still open, but I know gym rats will not miss a work-out regardless of how sick they are.."BUT IT'S LEG DAY!" or "THE GUYS ARE DEPENDING ON ME!" Finally, the pool has re-opened and it's safe to return to the gym, but I find it nearly impossible to work-out. I know that if I get started that I would enjoy it, but getting started is the problem!
    mechstdr, Zimmy, Gator 45/70 and 2 others like this.
  17. Alanaana

    Alanaana Monkey+++

    Mystical, magical creatures definitely get a pass!
    survivistal and mechstdr like this.
  18. Alanaana

    Alanaana Monkey+++

    Core work and balance on slightly uneven ground. It's usually very challenging for me to slow down and sit still so inversions and balance work force me to slow down.

    I used to collapse into inversions and just learned how to engage core muscles to hold these positions. It's exciting to feel this kind of progress.

    Yesterday I did not feel like working out, but around 11 I decided to just get it done. I did a total body boot camp/ hiit style workout that took about 40 minutes.

    How are you moving today?

    Attached Files:

    mechstdr, Gator 45/70 and Meat like this.
  19. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    Just living a few more months, without any pain or issues, would be wonderful…
    mechstdr, Zimmy, Gator 45/70 and 3 others like this.
  20. Alanaana

    Alanaana Monkey+++

    @3M-TA3 I'm sorry that you were struck with back-to-back misfortune. It's scary that you had this reaction to the jab. I have heard some horror stories. It's very frustrating when we try to do the "right / responsible thing" and it backfires like this. I got two rounds of the jab when it first came out and was very skeptical, but wanting to trust the "science" behind it. I'm thankful that I didn't have a super adverse reaction, but I wouldn't do it again.

    Stairs are dangerous and your accident sounds like it was so painful. It's so easy to misstep or stumble. I'm so glad that you are healing and recovering. Through the years, I've learned that injuries and being overweight are so humbling and we find out who our true friends are through them, but it's also an opportunity to discover more deep rooted strength.

    I am also eating keto and trying IF. IF has been a little more challenging for me to stick with a consistent schedule, but I'm going to keep trying. Hearing your story and the way that your nutrition is helping you to heal and recover gives me hope.

    You mentioned that you have a telecommuting job and I learned from my own experience that working at a desk on a computer can be SO hard on the body. I was shocked by how much a sedentary lifestyle can weigh us down.

    It sounds like you have a really good routine. I'm also doing strength training. It helps me feel strong and take inventory of my joints, range of motion / mobility. I hope that you are feeling better and proud of the fact that you have built yourself back up after these major events in your life. I'm keeping you in my thoughts and prayers!
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2023
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