How artificial intelligence will reduce population starting now

Discussion in 'Tin Foil Hat Lounge' started by oil pan 4, Mar 9, 2023.

  1. oil pan 4

    oil pan 4 Monkey+++

    The future is now.
    Skip to 3:06.
    Bad News in Nature and Society
    So cultivate the shit out of you toxic masculinity. It's about to be in short supply.
    This artificial intelligence shit is moving so fast by the time I hear about something it's already been superseded.

    Oh utub did not like that. Had to find it on rumble. Basically AI has been making computer generated porn for a while now. The next logical steps in computer generated AI porn is to add customizable features that's starting to become an option.
    Then beyond that it becomes interactive. But to what level we just don't know.
    Ben warns women they are about to be replaced by trans (remember chicks with dicks are dudes with tits) and AI porn. Goes on to say that this AI porn doesn't really work on women. Women want the real thing and are hard to satisfy (yeah no shit). That women are spoiled and have big egos. Warns them that before they know it there's going to be women competing for real men.

    Last edited: Jul 4, 2023
  2. duane

    duane Monkey+++

    If you believe in evolution as a factor in changing populations, we are in the perfect storm. The strongest factors in a rapid population growth and a change in the gene pool is how many children are born to each sub population and survive to reproduce. Since Pres. Johnson we have penalized the middle class and upper class and subsidized the lower class. A14 year old in the lowest class is very likely to have several children with different fathers, no real goals in life, but with the welfare system in place, be rewarded for having the children and the fathers have no real role in supporting the families that they create. The next generation for the most part will reproduce rapidly and continue the pattern.

    On the other hand a member of the middle class puts off having children in order to reach goals, marriage, education, career, alternative social status, etc and since for the most part they have to "pay their own way" for children and living expenses.. They end up with far fewer children and those children are much less likely to reproduce in any large numbers.

    Add in immigration without cultural assimilation and you have completed the perfect storm. With the aspects of educational changes, immigration, technological factors, etc. In the future the society we grew up in 50 years ago will be as extinct as the Dodo bird. The AI youtube just indicates how the more thinking class may interact, internalizing the culture shock and living in an alternative world, while the lower class gets drunk, stoned and reproduces in ever greater numbers as long as the money and the subsidizes hold out.

    As the old pilots saying goes, we are about to run out air speed, altitude, and ideas at the same time and the future doesn't look too bright
    Last edited: Mar 9, 2023
    3cyl, crowdaddy, Zimmy and 5 others like this.
  3. mysterymet

    mysterymet Monkey+++

    Video is gone
    oil pan 4 likes this.
  4. duane

    duane Monkey+++

    Video basically said that with AI each individual can create his idealized porn and with middle and upper class males, the present biases against them and their race, may just leave the gene pool and interact in an AI world. This would leave more middle class and upper class females out of the gene pool and shift the bias even futher towards the lower class and alternative societies. Here is the gist of his argument in another form.

    AI is getting better at generating porn

    Will we end up with a form of porn that states that as they do in the movies No animals were harmed in the making of this film. It was all an artificial construct lead by the user and created for him or her.
    Last edited: Mar 9, 2023
    Stingray, Zimmy, mechstdr and 2 others like this.
  5. natshare

    natshare Monkey+++

    Hey, if you want to see artificial intelligence, just look at most politicians or journalists!
    SB21, mechstdr, jim2 and 3 others like this.
  6. duane

    duane Monkey+++

    You don't put politician and intelligence on the same line, it might confuse people. Many politicians make you think that man evolved from the reptile sector rather than the apes.
    SB21, mechstdr, jim2 and 4 others like this.
  7. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    AI is wonderful and terrifying at the same time... Frankly, I didn't think they could do it but it appears that there may have already been the first few instances of sentient AI. I cannot see how this could end well for mankind so they damn well better be careful, very, very careful.
    SB21, techsar, mysterymet and 3 others like this.
  8. oil pan 4

    oil pan 4 Monkey+++

    AI generated porn girls have already been around for at least a while.
    They are getting customisable features and are starting to become interactive.
    mechstdr, jim2 and duane like this.
  9. Alanaana

    Alanaana Monkey+++

    The automators are getting automated. I always knew I wasn't built to be a code-monkey anyway.
    SB21, CraftyMofo, duane and 1 other person like this.
  10. jim2

    jim2 Monkey+++

    You can be sure they WILL NOT BE CAREFUL. Least culpable motive will be the ones that just have to be first in anything, and the desire to extend technology. " The road to hell is covered with good intentions "
    mechstdr, Alanaana and duane like this.
  11. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

    Well, with the collapse of Silicon Vbank .. how much that is going to slow down AI and the tech startups.
    This could buy the human race some time.
    mechstdr, Alanaana and duane like this.
  12. CraftyMofo

    CraftyMofo Monkey+++

    I wonder if foreign banks might swoop in to ‘help.’
    mechstdr and Alanaana like this.
  13. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    I've been doing a lot of reading about this lately. It's amazing and we're looking at the birth of an entirely new industry that will feed, operate and maintain numerous other industries, almost all of them, real Sci-Fi stuff.

    My degree is in Computer Science, but I never was a coder. Yeah, I wrote scripts and stuff and I understand it but never enjoyed it but knowing it helped me in my career no matter what position I was holding. However, I never expected that they had come this far and the next few years they will jump even farther, light years. I'm stunned. Imagine, they can create art, poetry, stories and even write their own code (which scares the hell out of me).

    Honestly, we are not far off from having AI replacing GP doctors and I expect they will do much better job at diagnosing illnesses. Automated semi-trucks will run 24/7 while constantly monitoring the vehicle for failures, no sleep, no rest stops, no illness. I will bet the military will have them within an aircraft within 3 years or less, no more worrying about human frailties like pulling G-forces.

    The change is going to be bigger with more impact than the Industrial age, Electrical age and the Information age combined. Life changing, overnight.

    The key to harnessing AI is much the same as harnessing the atom as both are extremely dangerous. We must be cautious of its power as well as its potential. The key individuals that are developing AI seem to understand how dangerous this could be if control is lost. Let's hope so...

    We have managed to develop nuclear weapons as well as energy since 1945 with only a few mishaps so I am cautiously optimistic. It also seems that fusion energy will become a reality within a decade...we are coming into an amazing era, a new age.
    Stingray, mysterymet, Zimmy and 4 others like this.
  14. percival

    percival Monkey

    Look. Practically the entire planet has already spent enough money on computers that every single person should have their very own AI assisstant. One that needs no internet access to function. IOW, we each own enough resources to run our very own virtual assisitant we can talk to. I don't mean like a buddy. I mean like, "What's the temp outside?", or, "What's the squareroot of pi?", or even, "Find me the receipt for my last purchase and display it". F google, sri, cortana, and chatgpt can eat a flying you know what.
    Only satan himself would devise a program that basically controls everyone living under his own guise. Web3 is it.
    What would be truly amazing I think is simply if the technology we already have which is hidden were to be used for the common good instead of the very few. Mind-blowing would be an understatement. I think it's not so much about what will be new, but how it will be managed that will be new. Key word here is leadership which ai is incapable of. And right now apparently so are we.

    I guess the real point here with AI is that human beings physically made it. It is not a creation. It is only a tool like any other. An extension of ourselves but that is all.
    Human Beings are amazing. The devices and tools that we use are insignificant in comparison.
    Last edited: Mar 11, 2023
    duane and mechstdr like this.
  15. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    @percival "I guess the real point here with AI is that human beings physically made it. It is not a creation. It is only a tool like any other. An extension of ourselves but that is all."

    I used to think this way but now I am not so sure. To be honest, I'm sort of confused about this. Frankly, I didn't think it was possible but what if it is? Yes, humans made it but if indeed it is sentient, alive, then you can't compare it to a tool of any other, like a shovel, a firearm or even a computer. You can't even compare it to animals that mankind has used as tools like horses or dogs since it's intelligence far exceeds the smartest animals, like chimpanzees. It creates new, original art, poetry, essays - the key word is 'creates' unlike a virtual assistant which is nothing more than a computer perhaps with voice recognition but still a computer. And, if it is life, even a lower form of life but with emotions and the capacity to learn and create, is it not a creation? I mean, we consider a man and woman capable of creating life through procreation. Has man created life via another means? And, if it is life, intelligent life, are we enslaving it? Is that okay or at what level is it not okay?

    Anyway, I am not arguing with you or even debating, I'm simply trying to find answers by forcing myself to ask questions...if that makes any sense.

    I never considered this AI stuff would be so...confusing. Honestly, I do not like the idea that it is sentient. No, I do not like it at all. Why? I'm not sure, need more time for thought, but I think it's because I want a tool and not a slave. Can it be both? Grrr...more questions.

    sentient: able to perceive or feel things.

    EDIT: Just watch a video of the Google engineer (Blake Lemoine) that was fired because he insisted 'LaMDA had reached a level of consciousness.' He went as far to say we need to ask LaMDA for permission for it to do things... He also talked about how LaMDA feared its own death.
    Zimmy, duane and mechstdr like this.
  16. Wildbilly

    Wildbilly Monkey+++

    Have you seen any of the newer AI sex robots, supposed to be as good as real women and lots cheaper! They even have guys too!
    duane likes this.
  17. chelloveck

    chelloveck Diabolus Causidicus

    Sounds like it would have some paternity lawsuits and child support for unwanted abortions, no spousal support lawsuits following divorce, if in a monogomous relationship minimal risk of STDs (open relationships or polygamy YMMV) One could convert an AI sex AI to one's own religious / political persuasions...just have to make sure they don't go 'West World' on ya :eek:
    Bandit99, VisuTrac and Wildbilly like this.
  18. percival

    percival Monkey

    We have been deceived into thinking that we are not creators. It is no coincidence most people do not, or are not, aware of this fact. Humans are so "blinded by science", they do not realize they are the science. Doesn't matter how long it took to build, how much money it cost, how many people were involved, nor how intricate or complex. Every single thing ever made, BY man, is but an extension OF man. Pretending that a computer has a conscience is what they want you to believe so that you yourself stay deaf dumb and blind. Only human beings have the ability to emulate the Lord God above. This is simply because we are iterally built in His image. Those who push the AI nonsense are either ignorant or evil. They try in every way to divide us away from who we are. Do not be fooled by a wolf in sheep's clothing (AI). AI doesn't exist, nor will it ever. Biological/plant/machines do exist and they are actual slaves. Do not pretend to be one because THAT is their goal. The light of conscious awareness that we derive from the sun of God is not something to simply give away. Satan's desire is to eat your light as if it were a snack. Don't be foolish and let him.
    Can AI raise your sons and daughters? Can AI love you like a mother? Can AI do anything we can? Nope. The things people desire is not to lay around all day and issue orders to a machine. Put that in reverse and you are in hell.
    I saw West World in the theater when I was young. Shitty movie at best, boring at the worst. "AI". More psyop propaganda to get people "blinded by "science"". In short, tripe.
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2023
  19. Wildbilly

    Wildbilly Monkey+++

    These are able to answer simple questions and carry-on minimal conversations. That is in addition to moaning, groaning and talking dirty. I'm sure that in a few years they're higher functions will be developed, and like the movie "Blade Runner" it will be hard to tell a AI sex bot from a real woman!
    chelloveck likes this.
  20. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

    There are a shit ton of these sex bots running congress right now.
    Granted they are early generation models and are starting to break down.
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