Just checking in.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Kamp Krap, Mar 1, 2023.

  1. natshare

    natshare Monkey+++

    Good to hear your missus has turned the corner on her latest medical "adventure". My prayers and well wishes for you both!
  2. OldDude49

    OldDude49 Just n old guy

    prayers sent
  3. Kamp Krap

    Kamp Krap Monkey++

    Mrs Krap is back home and sleeping comfortably in her own bed this morning. LOL hell or high water she was not going to let them keep her a 3rd day and night :) Regular Doc the one that I use and that is my friend called me after we got home and had a chat. Advised me to check her BP, Blood Oxygen and Pulse every 3-4 hours and force her to drink at least a gallon of water and a couple of bottles of gatorade per day. His theory is that the Anti Puke Pills and One of her heart Medications are in conflict and contributing to the low Blood Pressure. He suggest stopping the Puke Pills since they are not working anyway. Oncologist on the other hand says stop taking the Heart medication. I think we will run with what Doc advises, said the Oncologist is a typical arrogant prick and should consult with the Cardiologist before recommending stopping a critical heart medication! Can't Give Doc enough credit in normal times and he gets A LOT of extra credit for helping us navigate this pancreatic cancer nightmare. Could not ask for a better Doctor or a friend for that matter. LOL He talks to me because he calls Mrs Krap a Highly resistant Patient, and he is not wrong :)

    So two more Chemo Sessions and the CT, PET and MRI Scans show the tumor has been reduced to about the side of a pea and the blood work is showing the Cancer Antigens/Markers are way down. Thee surgeon scheduled Mrs Krap for 6 weeks from now to remove the tumor and a smallish section of her pancreas head. Then follow up with 2-4 more chemo sessions to make sure every cancer cell spreading out from the tumor is dead. Long shitty road full of pot holes and spilled roofing nails here and there but I think we might finally be seeing the end of it out on the horizon. I sure hope so, this Chemo has kicked the hell out of her and beat her down pretty hard.
  4. oldawg

    oldawg Monkey+++

  5. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    You are very lucky that you caught it early… As for me, my diagnosis was very late and mine had metastasized thru ought the body already… So hospice for me, and only a short few months till the Grim Reaper shows up… Hope your wife gets to feeling better, soon….
    Dunerunner, Kamp Krap, SB21 and 3 others like this.
  6. Gator 45/70

    Gator 45/70 Monkey+++

    Dang it man, Fight it, Fight the hell out of it, We pray for you big time!
  7. mechstdr

    mechstdr patriotic grease monkey

    i'm with Gator 45/70, fight it, fight it, i understand it gets you down sometimes but hang in there i'm telling you! i'll keep you as well as KK & his Mrs. in our prayers.
  8. SB21

    SB21 Monkey+++

    Glad to hear some positive news on Mrs Krap ,, will continue the prayers for you both .

    And prayers for you as well Mr BT ,,
  9. Kamp Krap

    Kamp Krap Monkey++

    Hate to hear that about yours. Sadly with pancreatic cancer by the time it shows symptoms its to late :( Good fortune for Mrs Krap that the tumor is where it is and that it pushed the bile duct closed and made her turn a nasty shade of deep yellow. Would have much preferred the Gall Stone Plugging the bile duct up theory over the cancer reality. But it had just gotten into the lymph nodes at that point according to all of the scans. They called it stage 3 with a high probability of successful treatment. Still a long hard unpleasant road but I and she are very grateful that we are seeing some signs that we are getting to the end of that road. I won't ever say this around here but it has been real hard on her, over 5 Months she went from healthy and not looking old, to losing so much weight and worry that she looks like she has aged 15 years in that 6 Months. And so many ER Trips in that time for low this, high that, dehydration, the last one with the blood pressure so low the machine couldn't pick it up and they could just barely hear it with the steth had everyone worried. I just want this over and her to start getting better instead of seemingly getting worse week after week. They say the worse is just the chemo and bucket of drugs kicking her ass and that the cancer is getting better. It is just hard and it just sucks watching a strong healthy woman get to where she is right now.
    Dunerunner, mechstdr, SB21 and 2 others like this.
  10. OldDude49

    OldDude49 Just n old guy

    prayers sent...
  11. Kamp Krap

    Kamp Krap Monkey++

    And this morning just like that everything turned to Krap. Went for a CT Scan w/wo contrast and they did the kidney function blood work they do before every Ct scan w Contrast and Mrs Krap Failed the test and the oncologist told her to go home and we would try again in a few days. She might have lived a few more days or not if we followed that advice. I am no exspurt but I can read blood work numbers and hers were telling a very bad story. So instead we booked to Docs office and crashed in for a emergency visit. I asked do these number mean what I think they mean and he said GET HER TO THE ER NOW I WILL MEET YOU THERE, HER KIDNEYS ARE GONE unless it is one hell of a lab error.

    SO I am home after a very long day, Mrs Krap is mostly stabilized and resting in the hospital after a emergency dialysis. It was not a lab error. Somehow in 2 weeks time her kidneys went from healthy and functioning to totally non functional. I am pretty sure I heard doc in one of the ER offices ripping the Oncologist a new one. Doc says the Chemo is over Period! She won't survive another cycle with no kidney function. YEah I know I am not naive, the writing is on the wall and there just is not going to be a happy ending to this story now, short of a miracle. I will hope for that miracle until the end. Right now I am still in shock from the days events and processing it all as it sinks in. It will all hit me like a high balling freight train soon enough.
  12. Cruisin Sloth

    Cruisin Sloth Special & Slow

    Hang in there Sir.
  13. SB21

    SB21 Monkey+++

    So sorry to hear of this ,,, still sending prayers your way,, I hope the best for you both ,, :(:(
  14. Dunerunner

    Dunerunner Brewery Monkey Moderator

    Not good!!! Document everything and good on you for not just taking her home to die!

    Praying God for his mercy on your behalf,,,
  15. mechstdr

    mechstdr patriotic grease monkey

    i am so sorry to hear the news, prayers are still going out to you and her and hoping for the best.
  16. Wildbilly

    Wildbilly Monkey+++

    Damn, I'm sorry to hear this! Hang in there and our prayers are with both of you! I'm just getting caught up after a weather-related interruption in my internet service.
  17. Tempstar

    Tempstar Monkey+++

    None of us gets out alive, but knowing this does not make the pain any less. My thoughts and prayers are with you brother!
  18. Kamp Krap

    Kamp Krap Monkey++

    I am beyond annoyed with go home being the oncologist advice. That GFR Number being 4 should have been a get admitted and get those toxins out of the Body ASAP. No explanation of the numbers or why the scan couldn't be done, just the test numbers are abnormal and go home and we will try again in a few day. I have wondered all night how many people don't know what all of those abbreviations and numbers mean would have went home and not came back. I can say one thing with absolute certain conviction, the Oncology Department is done being the lead in this. Their retarded step brother DOC is now the lead and the oncologist are not going to do anything without Doc signing off on it. I had to invoke the power of attorney yesterday because mentally and cognitively Mrs Krap was so far gone from the toxin build up in her messing with her brain. Doc said if I had not brought her to him and we had not got her into the ICU ASAP she most like would not have been here for him to wake up at 5am this morning and talk to. He called me about a hour ago and said she did a 180 cognitively over night after the Dialysis. Says she is alert, and focused and thinking clearly this morning. Lots more IV fluids pumped in and the BP was back up in a good normal range. And the pain meds he is giving have her not in agony and resting comfortably. Told me not to come down to the hospital until around 1600 and he would come over to the hospital after the office closes. Said we need to have very serious discussion about what the plan is going to be going forward. Doesn't want me down bothering Mrs Krap because she needs to rest and not be disturbed anymore than absolutely needed through today. He did not say exactly what, just his battery of test on her yesterday found several very serious complications from the Chemo treatments that need to be addressed in the ICU. Did tell me to plan on her being in the ICU through at least Monday and then in a regular room for at least until Friday after next. Just says she has several very serious issues that we need to discuss in person this evening at the hospital not over the phone.

    I am going to try really hard to not let my mind wonder and speculate, it has been my experience that the mind creates worse demons than the real demons :) Hard to not head down there to see her this morning. There are very few people I completely trust and won't question....... much. Doc is at the top of that short list. So I am going to occupy myself today pounding a couple hundred T Post for the fence on the North End of the Lake and Ponds. T post pounding is a good way to pound out frustrations and anxieties :) Not looking forward to 2 weeks of Mrs Krap not being here. Not many days in the last 23 years that we do not eat breakfast and supper together and spend the evenings talking about everything under the sun and sometimes what is beyond the sun :) The thought of her not being here permanent is something I can't and won't even try to get my mind around at this point. I may have to eventually but not today.

    Right now I am just pissed off, that CT scan was supposed to be the one before the surgery and the 3/4 of the way through this shitty trip mile marker. Instead it turned every damned thing upside down and sideways again! I thank Gog I have a friend called Doc that I can barge into his office and him drop everything and cut through all of the hospital red tape and make things happen fast. LOL Mrs Krap does not like Doc as a Doctor he is too blunt, has very poor bedside manner and just calls it what it is without much sugar coating. In our brief conversation a few minutes ago, she has a whole new appreciation for Doc this morning....... And is going to make my Doc her Doctor :) LOL I hate to tell her but when I invoked the power of attorney yesterday I already made Doc her primary care physician :) When she was refusing the Dialysis because she didn't want it to take her to Lithuania, I figured she was mentally an cognitively impaired to the point that she could not make decisions for herself. And emergencies like that are why we have that power of attorney for each other. NOT something you ever want to have to invoke but something every couple with complete trust in each other should have.
  19. Kamp Krap

    Kamp Krap Monkey++

    This whole mess would be a lot easier for me IF IT WAS ME! I came to terms with my own mortality and dying a long time ago. I won't go easy but when it is my time, I am fine with moving on to the spirit world. Not so easy for me to come to terms and accept it with someone else.
  20. Homer Simpson

    Homer Simpson Monkey+++

    Prayers for the both of you.
    I have learned to never trust the modern medical industrial complex.
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