Let's talk about Ohio

Discussion in 'Tin Foil Hat Lounge' started by Minuteman, Feb 15, 2023.

  1. hot diggity

    hot diggity Monkey+++ Site Supporter+++

    You can inspect the wear on a babbit bearing every time you add oil.
    It ain't very high tech, but all the train derailments I remember as a kid were track related. R (37).
    I wonder if I own any stock from bearing manufacturers? Might be a good time to look.
    Cruisin Sloth and Gator 45/70 like this.
  2. oil pan 4

    oil pan 4 Monkey+++

    The bearings are made in china, of course.
    In my experience if you grease the bearing once in a while and use the correct grease, or even the wrong grease but stick with using the same wrong grease they tend to last longer than sealed.
    I say use FAG bearings and FAG grease. They are the best.
    Gator 45/70 likes this.
  3. Gator 45/70

    Gator 45/70 Monkey+++

    Okay question, RR officials are removing soil and chemicals from around ''The Spill''
    Where in the hell is this stuff going too for disposal?
    Tempstar likes this.
  4. Tempstar

    Tempstar Monkey+++

    I've seen this done, they will bring in an incinerator that looks like one of the machines on Gold Rush and burns the chemical out of the dirt. Of course this is done a few miles away so no one sees the second helping of burned chemicals in the air. Then the dirt will be spread and a layer of topsoil placed on top.
    Gator 45/70 likes this.
  5. Gator 45/70

    Gator 45/70 Monkey+++

    I'm seeing the number 7 tons of contaminated soil, that's not much like a dump truck load maybe?
  6. oil pan 4

    oil pan 4 Monkey+++

    Gator 45/70 likes this.
  7. Minuteman

    Minuteman Chaplain Moderator Founding Member

    Gator 45/70 likes this.
  8. Minuteman

    Minuteman Chaplain Moderator Founding Member

    Gator 45/70 and Seawolf1090 like this.
  9. Cruisin Sloth

    Cruisin Sloth Special & Slow

    This is the way the NWO is killing Canadians food growth ::


    This is a very important notification to everyone here on Vancouver Island, in BC, and in all of Canada and elsewhere, who objects to being sprayed with poison for a so-called "spongy moth invasion" (formerly known as "gypsy moth", but due to "gypsy" being considered an "ethnic slur" the govt. entomologists have changed it to "spongy moths" -- you just can't make this stuff up!) A quick Duck search shows that there are massive spray programmes planned for a large number of locations all over Canada, so find out if you are anywhere near a spray area, and send these in whether you are or not. This is yet another method the Wannabe Controllers are using to destroy our food and poison everything and everyone, and you only have to note that this is always billed as an "invasion", which is much like a "pandemic". In truth, WE are the invasive species they want to kill off, and this is the purpose of this massive assault on us and the entire natural environment. We MUST stop this insanity NOW.

    There are several areas they propose to spray on Vancouver Island, they are listed here:
    Spongy Moth News - Province of British Columbia
    They are Campbell River, Port Alberni, View Royal, Esquimalt, Belmont, and part of the city of Courtenay and also the beleaguered Dove Creek farming area that they are particularly keen to destroy. Maps are available on the link above, and i have attached the Courtenay notice from the paper with its maps. I imagine these spray notices were in other Black Press papers in the locations they plan to spray. This notice method is actually a sleight of hand way of notifying the public about what they intend to do without addressing the public directly, by publishing a permit application from the Min of Forests to the Min of Environment and Climate Change Strategy, when publication is not actually necessary between govt. ministries.

    Any medical dictionary will confirm that Bt is a human pathogen.” Bt and Btk are indistinguishable. There can be no doubt that this is a planned programme of genocide. If you check out the truly horrifying research I included in the NOL, there can be no other conclusion. We are severely under attack with intent to maim and kill, and we must do everything possible to ward it off. Please inform yourself and ACT NOW. And we MUST NOT let them give us that BS about only a small radius being effected, like they've tried to say about 5G. This toxic poison spreads EVERYWHERE by air and water, WE WILL ALL BE EFFECTED, and we have every right to defend ourselves!

    These spray programmes, which have gone on for decades but don't seem to have had an effect on the "invasive pest", have previously been done over a period of several weeks, but this year, here on the Island at least, they plan to spray for THREE MONTHS, April 1st thru June 30th! Think about it!!! That covers virtually ALL the pollination time of our fruit and vegetable crops!!! THIS IS PSYCHOPATHIC!!! This poison will be sprayed on every bit of foliage, trees, shrubs, the ground, the grass, into all water sources, farm crops, and our precious gardens. Considering they want to spray anything a gypsy moth caterpillar is likely to encounter, we are NOT talking about a light bit of spraying here and there, we're talking about a MASSIVE amount of toxic material meant to cover EVERYTHING. Truly, we are surrounded by pure evil psychopaths devoid of any conscience or emotions, who have no qualms whatsoever about destroying absolutely everything, apparently including their own families, kids, pets, friends..........this includes all those who work in the govt., all those who manufacture the poison, all those who carry out the actual spraying, it is truly unfathomable..... just like with 5G, all those in govt., all those carrying out the work, to assist in the genocide........

    "Government statistics show that over the past 20 years in British Columbia, 80 per cent of detected introductions of gypsy moth have died out without any control measures..... the MOF report concluded that gypsy moths pose only a minimal risk to BC trees and would likely not establish here.
    "This insect should be trapped or simply left alone."

    Btk was deemed safe for use in organic agriculture by the same govt. agencies that are currently trying to kill us all (FDA, USDA and Canadian equivalants). Their excuse is that it is a "natural" substance so therefore organic, you know, just like arsenic is. Here is the poison concoction they plan to use, even registered in "cabbage looper units"!!!!! Wake up folks, they are slapping you in the face with this BS!!
    "Foray® 48B is an aqueous suspension formulation of Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. kurstaki (Btk strain ABTS-351); with a potency of 10,600 Cabbage Looper Units [CLU] per milligram). (This is equivalent to 48 CLU per US gallon, or 12.7 CLU per liter.) Foray 48B was specifically developed to protect forests from harmful defoliation caused by destructive caterpillar pests. Btk is a unique, naturally occurring bacterium that affects only caterpillars and, because of the unique chemistry of the caterpillar’s gut, Foray 48B Btk is highly selective in its activity. It has minimal environmental impact and it will not harm other types of insects, fish, birds or mammals. Caterpillars must ingest Foray 48B for it to be effective."

    So do you REALLY believe that gypsy moth caterpillars are the ONLY lifeform that will ingest this toxin which is liberally glued on to EVERYTHING once it touches it? Btk works exactly the same way on all biology as glyphosate, by perforating all our bodily membranes including the gut wall, vascular system, and blood/brain barrier; and by their deceptive approval of it for organic use, they could then poison those of us trying to protect ourselves from the effects of roundup by eating organic food, by secretly poisoning us in the same way as roundup. Btk kills caterpillars by them ingesting it, and it perforates their guts so they can no longer digest anything and then within a couple of days they basically explode and die. The same thing happens to all the cateepillars of all other moths and butterflies, many who we depend on for pollination, especially since 5G radiation is killing our bees. And what about those species like birds who rely on caterpillars as a food source, particularly between April and July to feed their young? What happens when THEY ingest poisoned caterpillars, or there simply aren't any? Nature has carefully arranged synchronised cycles of nutritious food sources to be available at the time they are needed, eg. caterpillars at nesting times, along with sufficient predators for them if/when needed. All bees will be absorbing BTk every time they visit a flower that has been sprayed, they will carry it back to their hives and their young on pollen, and the hives themselves will have been sprayed too, along with their own bodies while out foraging. All the other insects and bugs and the soil and the entire habitat all all living creatures exist in will be coated in BTK. As will the ground your pets walk on. Any livestock outdoors will be sprayed as will all their grazing land, and all hay fields, and our own "organic" gardens we have worked hard to keep pure and safe. Whatever particles land on the ground will be washed into waterways, which will themselves be sprayed. According to their own intent, these Wannabe Controllers want to spray enough of this particular chemical for every gypsy moth caterpillar to be able to come in contact with it and ingest it, so we're not talking about a tiny hit-and-miss amount. The Btk content of the spray is supposed to be 2%, but what the other 98% is has never been revealed -- it could be ANYTHING, but i can guarantee, it is not HARMLESS!

    Needless to say, there are MANY MANY MANY serious problems with this maniacal proposal. Here is a list of some of them:
    1. None of us has been asked for, nor given our consent to being sprayed!!! As with everything else, they just assume we consent if we don't make a point of NOT
    2. Just as with covid (and bird flu etc.), the govt. has told us that there is a pandemic or invasion, but have provided no proof that it actually exists, we're just
    supposed to trust them and believe that there is a problem and accept their solutions (so how did that go with covid?)
    3. Just as with covid, where a fake PCR test was used, they have an equally fake "rapid test" to show there is a moth problem. (Keep in mind that the fake PCR test has
    been used to murder millions of healthy chickens -- eg. human food -- under the pretext of "testing positive".)
    4. They have revealed that the proposed spray, Foray 48B, contains 2% Btk, but have not revealed the other 98% of the ingredients!
    5. EVERY KIND OF POLLINATOR will be effected either first hand or second hand. Without pollinators, most of our crops will not produce anything.
    6. There is NO WAY that an aerial spray from a plane could stay within the boxed-off boundaries on these maps!!!!!! That stuff blows ALL OVER THE PLACE!! Thus all
    of us, whether directly in the spray area or not, will still be effected!
    7. Despite this moth supposedly being a pest for forestry, the spray areas are not forests, they are either heavily populated towns and cities, or the most prime
    farmland areas that produce food crops.
    (Are you getting the picture yet?)
    8. Hospitals are required to be warned so they know what is up if sick people come in, especially with respiratory problems, but i doubt if that has happened here or in
    any spray areas, cos they want us (and the hospitals) to think it's c-v.
    9. Take note that over the years some gypsy moth sprays elsewhere have been analysed and found to contain "tranquilizing agents" used "calm" populations into
    10. AND MOST IMPORTANTLY, there is a perfectly simple, cheap and easy remedy available for controlling these moths specifically, without effecting any other creature or aspect of nature -- pheromone traps. Each moth species has its own pheromone scent for attracting mates, and the traps use a scented lure to attract the male moths, where they become stuck to a non-toxic sticky paper inside the trap and are unable to breed. In Europe, these have been used very successfully for decades in apple and plum orchards for codling moths and plum moths, and also for pea moths. These non-toxic traps cost almost nothing, and could be issued to every household in the spray areas, and safely placed in public parks etc, at a tiny fraction of the price of the spray programme. These traps are even available at Home Depot in the U.S., but of course not here, cos we're not supposed to know about them. Anyone sending NOLs concerning gypsy moth spraying needs to use this information as the REMEDY that NOLs must provide, you will see it is included in the one i wrote.

    Notices of Liability TO SEND (you do NOT need to be in the spray area to send these, anyone can, and only your name is required!)

    We must let everyone involved in the spraying know that WE DO NOT CONSENT and that WE ARE HOLDING THEM LIABLE FOR ALL INJURIES, DAMAGES, LOSSES, HARM, and DEATHS that result from the spray program. I have attached a NOL that i wrote up with the names of the ministries involved already on it, which you can use, or you can make up your own. You can copy from the attachment (sent in odt and doc format so everyone should be able to open it) and paste it into an email and edit as you want. The email addresses for the seven addressees are below. You will see from the attached notice from the paper that it relates to one ministry (Forests) applying for a permit from another ministry (Environment and Climate Change Strategy), an interdepartmental process that they are not required to publish in a newspaper. However, as with the recent The Monarchy Owns B.C. proclamation, by publishing this document about the spray permit application in the papers, they are indirectly letting us know what they plan to do without directly asking for our consent. However, if we don't rebutt it, according to their sleazy way of thinking, they have let us know about it and assume that we consent. Thus WE MUST REBUTT IT!!!

    This is a very important notification to everyone here on Vancouver Island, in BC, and in all of Canada and elsewhere, who objects to being sprayedwith poison for a so-called "spongy moth invasion" (formerly known as "gypsy moth", but due to "gypsy" being considered an "ethnic slur" the govt. entomologists have changed it to "spongy moths" -- you just can't make this stuff up!) A quick Duck search shows that there are massive spray programmes planned for a large number of locations all over Canada, so find out if you are anywhere near a spray area, and send these in whether you are or not. This is yet another method the Wannabe Controllers are using to destroy our food and poison everything and everyone, and you only have to note that this is always billed as an "invasion", which is much like a "pandemic". In truth, WE are the invasive species they want to kill off, and this is the purpose of this massive assault on us and the entire natural environment. We MUST stop this insanity NOW.

    There are several areas they propose to spray on Vancouver Island, they are listed here:
    Spongy Moth News - Province of British Columbia
    They are Campbell River, Port Alberni, View Royal, Esquimalt, Belmont, and part of the city of Courtenay and also the beleagured Dove Creek farming area that they are particularly keen to destroy. Maps are available on the link above, and i have attached the Courtenay notice from the paper with its maps. I imagine these spray notices were in other Black Press papers in the locations they plan to spray. This notice method is actually a sleight of hand way of notifying the public about what they intend to do without addressing the public directly, by publishing a permit application from the Min of Forests to the Min of Environment and Climate Change Strategy, when publication is not actually necessary between govt. ministries.

    Any medical dictionary will confirm that Bt is a human pathogen.” Bt and Btk are indistinguishable. There can be no doubt that this is a planned programme of genocide. If you check out the truly horrifying research I included in the NOL, there can be no other conclusion. We are severely under attack with intent to maim and kill, and we must do everything possible to ward it off. Please inform yourself and ACT NOW. And we MUST NOT let them give us that BS about only a small radius being effected, like they've tried to say about 5G. This toxic poison spreads EVERYWHERE by air and water, WE WILL ALL BE EFFECTED, and we have every right to defend ourselves!

    These spray programmes, which have gone on for decades but don't seem to have had an effect on the "invasive pest", have previously been done over a period of several weeks, but this year, here on the Island at least, they plan to spray for THREE MONTHS, April 1st thru June 30th! Think about it!!! That covers virtually ALL the pollination time of our fruit and vegetable crops!!! THIS IS PSYCHOPATHIC!!! This poison will be sprayed on every bit of foliage, trees, shrubs, the ground, the grass, into all water sources, farm crops, and our precious gardens. Considering they want to spray anything a gypsy moth caterpillar is likely to encounter, we are NOT talking about a light bit of spraying here and there, we're talking about a MASSIVE amount of toxic material meant to cover EVERYTHING. Truly, we are surrounded by pure evil psychopaths devoid of any conscience or emotions, who have no qualms whatsoever about destroying absolutely everything, apparently including their own families, kids, pets, friends..........this includes all those who work in the govt., all those who manufacture the poison, all those who carry out the actual spraying, it is truly unfathomable..... just like with 5G, all those in govt., all those carrying out the work, to assist in the genocide........

    "Government statistics show that over the past 20 years in British Columbia, 80 per cent of detected introductions of gypsy moth have died out without any control measures..... the MOF report concluded that gypsy moths pose only a minimal risk to BC trees and would likely not establish here.
    "This insect should be trapped or simply left alone."

    Btk was deemed safe for use in organic agriculture by the same govt. agencies that are currently trying to kill us all (FDA, USDA and Canadian equivalants). Their excuse is that it is a "natural" substance so therefore organic, you know, just like arsenic is. Here is the poison concoction they plan to use, even registered in "cabbage looper units"!!!!! Wake up folks, they are slapping you in the face with this BS!!
    "Foray® 48B is an aqueous suspension formulation of Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. kurstaki (Btk strain ABTS-351); with a potency of 10,600 Cabbage Looper Units [CLU] per milligram). (This is equivalent to 48 CLU per US gallon, or 12.7 CLU per liter.) Foray 48B was specifically developed to protect forests from harmful defoliation caused by destructive caterpillar pests. Btk is a unique, naturally occurring bacterium that affects only caterpillars and, because of the unique chemistry of the caterpillar’s gut, Foray 48B Btk is highly selective in its activity. It has minimal environmental impact and it will not harm other types of insects, fish, birds or mammals. Caterpillars must ingest Foray 48B for it to be effective."

    So do you REALLY believe that gypsy moth caterpillars are the ONLY lifeform that will ingest this toxin which is liberally glued on to EVERYTHING once it touches it? Btk works exactly the same way on all biology as glyphosate, by perforating all our bodily membranes including the gut wall, vascular system, and blood/brain barrier; and by their deceptive approval of it for organic use, they could then poison those of us trying to protect ourselves from the effects of roundup by eating organic food, by secretly poisoning us in the same way as roundup. Btk kills caterpillars by them ingesting it, and it perforates their guts so they can no longer digest anything and then within a couple of days they basically explode and die. The same thing happens to all the cateepillars of all other moths and butterflies, many who we depend on for pollination, especially since 5G radiation is killing our bees. And what about those species like birds who rely on caterpillars as a food source, particularly between April and July to feed their young? What happens when THEY ingest poisoned caterpillars, or there simply aren't any? Nature has carefully arranged synchronised cycles of nutritious food sources to be available at the time they are needed, eg. caterpillars at nesting times, along with sufficient predators for them if/when needed. All bees will be absorbing BTk every time they visit a flower that has been sprayed, they will carry it back to their hives and their young on pollen, and the hives themselves will have been sprayed too, along with their own bodies while out foraging. All the other insects and bugs and the soil and the entire habitat all all living creatures exist in will be coated in BTK. As will the ground your pets walk on. Any livestock outdoors will be sprayed as will all their grazing land, and all hay fields, and our own "organic" gardens we have worked hard to keep pure and safe. Whatever particles land on the ground will be washed into waterways, which will themselves be sprayed. According to their own intent, these Wannabe Controllers want to spray enough of this particular chemical for every gypsy moth caterpillar to be able to come in contact with it and ingest it, so we're not talking about a tiny hit-and-miss amount. The Btk content of the spray is supposed to be 2%, but what the other 98% is has never been revealed -- it could be ANYTHING, but i can guarantee, it is not HARMLESS!

    Needless to say, there are MANY MANY MANY serious problems with this maniacal proposal. Here is a list of some of them:
    1. None of us has been asked for, nor given our consent to being sprayed!!! As with everything else, they just assume we consent if we don't make a point of NOT
    2. Just as with covid (and bird flu etc.), the govt. has told us that there is a pandemic or invasion, but have provided no proof that it actually exists, we're just
    supposed to trust them and believe that there is a problem and accept their solutions (so how did that go with covid?)
    3. Just as with covid, where a fake PCR test was used, they have an equally fake "rapid test" to show there is a moth problem. (Keep in mind that the fake PCR test has
    been used to murder millions of healthy chickens -- eg. human food -- under the pretext of "testing positive".)
    4. They have revealed that the proposed spray, Foray 48B, contains 2% Btk, but have not revealed the other 98% of the ingredients!
    5. EVERY KIND OF POLLINATOR will be effected either first hand or second hand. Without pollinators, most of our crops will not produce anything.
    6. There is NO WAY that an aerial spray from a plane could stay within the boxed-off boundaries on these maps!!!!!! That stuff blows ALL OVER THE PLACE!! Thus all
    of us, whether directly in the spray area or not, will still be effected!
    7. Despite this moth supposedly being a pest for forestry, the spray areas are not forests, they are either heavily populated towns and cities, or the most prime
    farmland areas that produce food crops.
    (Are you getting the picture yet?)
    8. Hospitals are required to be warned so they know what is up if sick people come in, especially with respiratory problems, but i doubt if that has happened here or in
    any spray areas, cos they want us (and the hospitals) to think it's c-v.
    9. Take note that over the years some gypsy moth sprays elsewhere have been analysed and found to contain "tranquilizing agents" used "calm" populations into
    10. AND MOST IMPORTANTLY, there is a perfectly simple, cheap and easy remedy available for controlling these moths specifically, without effecting any other creature or aspect of nature -- pheromone traps. Each moth species has its own pheromone scent for attracting mates, and the traps use a scented lure to attract the male moths, where they become stuck to a non-toxic sticky paper inside the trap and are unable to breed. In Europe, these have been used very successfully for decades in apple and plum orchards for codling moths and plum moths, and also for pea moths. These non-toxic traps cost almost nothing, and could be issued to every household in the spray areas, and safely placed in public parks etc, at a tiny fraction of the price of the spray programme. These traps are even available at Home Depot in the U.S., but of course not here, cos we're not supposed to know about them. Anyone sending NOLs concerning gypsy moth spraying needs to use this information as the REMEDY that NOLs must provide, you will see it is included in the one i wrote.

    Notices of Liability TO SEND (you do NOT need to be in the spray area to send these, anyone can, and only your name is required!)

    We must let everyone involved in the spraying know that WE DO NOT CONSENT and that WE ARE HOLDING THEM LIABLE FOR ALL INJURIES, DAMAGES, LOSSES, HARM, and DEATHS that result from the spray program. I have attached a NOL that i wrote up with the names of the ministries involved already on it, which you can use, or you can make up your own. You can copy from the attachment (sent in odt and doc format so everyone should be able to open it) and paste it into an email and edit as you want. The email addresses for the seven addressees are below. You will see from the attached notice from the paper that it relates to one ministry (Forests) applying for a permit from another ministry (Environment and Climate Change Strategy), an interdepartmental process that they are not required to publish in a newspaper. However, as with the recent The Monarchy Owns B.C. proclamation, by publishing this document about the spray permit application in the papers, they are indirectly letting us know what they plan to do without directly asking for our consent. However, if we don't rebutt it, according to their sleazy way of thinking, they have let us know about it and assume that we consent. Thus WE MUST REBUTT IT!!!
    Homer Simpson and Tempstar like this.
  10. Cruisin Sloth

    Cruisin Sloth Special & Slow

  11. hot diggity

    hot diggity Monkey+++ Site Supporter+++

  12. oil pan 4

    oil pan 4 Monkey+++

  13. oil pan 4

    oil pan 4 Monkey+++

    2023-02-22 14.32.54.
    It's only going to get worse.

    Something in the water maybe?
    Last edited: Feb 22, 2023
    Gator 45/70 likes this.
  14. Wildbilly

    Wildbilly Monkey+++

    There is a toxic waste dump in south Alabama...about 150 miles south of me and down hill!;)
    Gator 45/70 and Seawolf1090 like this.
  15. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

    Gator 45/70 likes this.
  16. Wildbilly

    Wildbilly Monkey+++

    This is a Toxic Waste Dump where they take the nasty stuff from Superfund Sites and bury it. It's in Emiel, Alabama!
    Gator 45/70 likes this.
  17. Wildbilly

    Wildbilly Monkey+++

    Saw on the news where President Trump (I still love the sound of that) visited East Palestine, Ohio to support the people and hand out relief supplies. Pete Buttigieg, who will visit tomorrow and 3 weeks AFTER the disaster, critized President Trump's visit, saying that only two kinds of people show up at disasters, #1-Those that can help, and #2-Those that want to appear to be helping. Buttigieg is neither! He must be a third category...he's not a square peg, or a round peg, he's a triangle!
    Gator 45/70 and hot diggity like this.
  18. hot diggity

    hot diggity Monkey+++ Site Supporter+++

  19. hot diggity

    hot diggity Monkey+++ Site Supporter+++

    Consider this. The town has been evacuated, water use has been minimal, due to the evacuation and an understandable reluctance to drink it. So the water still in the water tower before the derailment is probably still coming out of the tap. That's why the water tests are fine.

    Let's see some tests before and after the water reaches the treatment facility from the well.
  20. Cruisin Sloth

    Cruisin Sloth Special & Slow

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