Mine were Roxanne, Benelli, Riri, and Conchita. This was on Christmas Eve a few years ago. They would sit in my lap and let me sing lullabies.
I wonder if the animal rights and climate change people have any idea just how many billions of animals would die if their dreams of a future without food animals ever came to be? They must think that farmers and ranchers are going to continue to raise livestock after they have lost all monetary value,,,,well they aren't! Most animals will simply not be born, some will be killed, and some will be turned-out to fend for themselves. In short, animal rights carried to extremes will mean NO animals! The only places that you will find food animals will be in a zoo or park exhibit! The same goes for the anti-hunters, without taxes and fees paid by hunters, there would be NO wildlife! Most people, including your girlfriend, are unable to carry a thought through to its conclusion. PS I'm sure that your GF is a wonderful person otherwise.
Got no problem from above post ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ My sister/family thinks i'm a ````````````````whatever animal killer . I'm now by myself , as a stand alone MALE. Take your shots etc , and do NOT tell me how to conduct myself !! Sloth /
Oh, trust me, she's okay with the raising of animals for food, and hunting. She just doesn't want to THINK about where the meat comes from. Like the old saying goes, don't name your critters, if you intend to eat them. Once you name them, they go from being livestock, to being pets!
There is wisdom in not naming the critters. I still can't butcher birds without feeling sad yet. I have no problem with goats, sheep, rabbits, fish (or sea creatures), and even scary hogs with monstrous tusks, but I regret naming the birds early on. I want to hunt turkeys soon and started naming the invading roosters obnoxious things (it makes it easier to deal with them.) One guy was Turkey the Rooster another Noisy. Aim for the turkey (target practice) and get rid of the noise.
We had chickens a few years ago, they were aging out and a buddy wanted a flock, ready to go so they went to him. The coop got repurposed to a wood shed. The kids and wife, while they enjoyed the fresh eggs were hard get on board with helping with the daily chores. So I was doing everything and got frustrated with the lack of help, which is why the flock went away. Now the wife comes to me and says "we need chickens, daughter works at stockdales and can get the chicks with her discount". So no chicks yet as the store keeps selling out within 15 min of opening. Building a new coop and run this week/weekend (depending on the weather, supposed to rain most of the weekend). Starting off with 10 chicks, 5 Rhode Island and 5 Barred Rock (or whatever we can get that is all pullets). Our previous flock was all RIR, so I'm familiar with the breed. Can't wait for fresh eggs.... in 6 months LOL
I can relate to you because I ended up doing all of the quail chores and with 500 of them, the mulch material adds up quickly (even with daily scooping.) It's exciting that you're getting a new flock! It sounds like you'll have more help with the chores too and fresh eggs are the best!
Just be careful. Them chickens can be dangerous. Irish rooster with a violent past kills man with attack to the back of his leg, court says Irish rooster with a violent past kills man with attack to the back of his leg, court says
That's so true. They are ruthless dinosaurs and it's not good to have a bad apple in the flock. It can ruin the whole dynamic and piece. They are strong.
A buddy of mine had a rooster one time ,, said it was the meanest SOB he'd ever seen . He finally got tired of him ,, told his BIL he was gonna kill him ,, said he was tired of fighting the damned thing . His BIL said ,,, aww ,,, your a *uss ,,, I'll take him . About 2 weeks later ,, his BIL shot that rooster , put him in the crock pot ,, and said he was so damned tough you couldn't eat him ,, threw him in the trash .
@SB21 Haha! This is great! I named one of the wild chickens KFC and I call her "Kentucky Fried" for short. Even though that's kind of longer.