Has the government destroyed the American work ethic?

Discussion in 'General Survival and Preparedness' started by johnbb, Feb 15, 2023.

  1. johnbb

    johnbb Monkey+++

    During the great depression men road the rails looking for any kind of work--nothing was beneath them. FDR with his Social Security and Lyndon Johnson with his Great Society doled out all these social programs and a big segment of the population does not work today--refusing to work -living off the government tit. My son is having a house built and I shocked all the work is by Hispanics --framers, plumbing, electrical, concrete work all done by hispanics. I have to say they work their asses off. I'm old enough to remember these were jobs done by Americans white and black -my sons 20 years ago worked construction during the summer. I can remember taking any job for the summer while in high school. Is it just me that sees this. A very sad state of affairs.
  2. arleigh

    arleigh Goophy monkey

    There's no participation trophy in the real world.
    SB21, Seepalaces and techsar like this.
  3. duane

    duane Monkey+++

    Blame a lot of it on the education system. Most educators have the feeling that working with your hands is some how below them and instill the feeling in the students they teach. The old manual arts courses are mostly gone and even the shop classes today stress computers etc. That and passing students who do not do the work and are not given an incentive to work, has destroyed the concept of achieving some set goal in life. With no goals it is difficult to establish a work ethic and long term planning. It is even worse when a part of the population thinks such goals and setting them is part of so called white elitist system to dominate them

    The government in its Great Society programs, the safety net programs, the Supplemental Income programs, etc has made it possible for a good portion of the population to find a way to live without working and is constantly expanding those programs to buy more votes and get even more control.

    Everyone is pushed into going to college and some who do are not capable of doing the work and many don't apply themselves and take the easy way out and end up with degrees that are not salable in the market. Then they are too "educated" to work and not qualified for anything and scream to be bailed out of their debt and to be given a proper make believe job so that they can continue to slip thru life avoiding all work and all responsibility. The programs are there that allow many to do so and the emphasis is on expanding those programs until it all collapses.
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2023
    oldawg, Seepalaces and CraftyMofo like this.
  4. johnbb

    johnbb Monkey+++

    IMO we will never turn this around our to far gone - our way of life and culture has been subverted by diversity nonsense, government plantation (taken care if cradle to grave) no work expected (just for vote demoRAT). demonize those who achieve, promote mediocrity.
    Tempstar, Seepalaces and CraftyMofo like this.
  5. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    I assume when you say, "all the work is by Hispanics" what you are REALLY saying is "all the work is by illegal Immigrant Hispanics."
    Some will say this is wrong but... can we really blame these guys that are trying to earn a few bucks or can one truly blame the individual who is trying to save a few bucks by hiring them? No, I think not. What we CAN blame is a hopelessly corrupt and archaic immigration system and, none other than the President of the USA who is charged to protect the nation's borders.

    Also, I think the pendulum is starting to swing the other way when it comes to Education in many ways.
    First, many young people now see that education is pretty much a financial trap and they are not falling for it. Sure, if you can do the hard science degrees then you will see a payoff but the softer degrees - who needs them and they don't pay.

    Second, the trades pay just as much or more than even a good degree in a good field plus you make money while you are learning and have no financial debt at the end. That's a win, win and win again!

    Don't get me wrong, education is a good thing but what we have now is...pretty much a business and has nothing to do with educating young people. The US government should NOT be in the business of loaning people money for education UNLESS it is for fields needed by the nation, like medical doctors, scientists, engineers. That's it! Hell, if these universities want to fund these programs then more power to them but to use taxpayer money in this manner is wrong. Why should I pay taxes to put these people through university? And, then to have the loan forgiven?

    Someday soon, there will be a reckoning concerning our finances. These Social monies must stop because it hurts the individual as much as the taxpayer and that includes these federal educational loans and grants. This is a no brainer. It might have been a good idea but in practice it is lethal to the nation and its people.

    EDIT: When I lived overseas there were never any problem finding people that wanted to work doing anything! Why? Because there were no social safety nets and if you wanted to eat, sleep under a roof and have clothes on your back then you worked or you became a criminal and the criminal fate was so harsh that fewer than you think would follow its path.
  6. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

    Oh no, not destroyed.
    This was planned.
    We are being domesticated like the wolves who are now our lap dogs.
    Waiting on our masters to feed us and give us treats for being good boys.
    Keep us warm, pet us, sometimes ensure that our anal glands dont get infected.

    Yes, not all the wolves were able to be domesticated, but with how few are left, they can be culled if they become a nuisance.
    Dogs that bite their masters are usually put down as well.

    Yes, the domestication is going along swimmingly.
    jim2, Tempstar, Yard Dart and 2 others like this.
  7. johnbb

    johnbb Monkey+++

    I really don't know if thy are illegals or not I would hope the are here legally which I don't have a problem with. I agree the government should get out of the student loan scam. Speaking for myself I I took the GI bill and worked part time. I started college after the service so unlike these 18 year olds who go to party I went to get a degree. Mandatory 2 year military service IMO would do these pampered babies good only if the military went back to it's original intent and not this touchy feely crap they got now
    "Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day; show him how to catch fish, and you feed him for a lifetime." As always the government is the cause of dependency ---on the government
    Seepalaces and Bandit99 like this.
  8. Wildbilly

    Wildbilly Monkey+++

    Not necessarily illegal immigrants, remember that there are a lot of legal immigrants and their descendants. Also, don't forget that there were Spanish colonies in California and the southwest when Jamestown was founded in 1607. Hispanics, among others, still have a strong work ethic though, and there are lots of hard-working Whites, Blacks and Asians. Surprisingly, some of the people that support strong border enforcement are Hispanics that don't want a bunch of illegals taking their jobs. Four years ago, when ICE raided a number of chicken processing plants in the South, thousands of Whites and Blacks applied for the hundreds of jobs that had formerly been held by illegals. There is still a strong work ethic in this country, and if given a chance most people will work!
    Seepalaces, CraftyMofo and Bandit99 like this.
  9. sasquatch91

    sasquatch91 Monkey+++

    Me and my uncle were talking about this earlier today. Hard to find good help any more. Inflations killing the working class, pay raises aint enough. Those drawing from the government dont want to work, they make more than me working 40 a week.
  10. Wildbilly

    Wildbilly Monkey+++

    Working isn't just about how much money you earn, but a lot of other intangibles also. I'm a support associate at Rural King, which means that I might be asked to do almost any job in the store, and that keeps it interesting! I make right at $14.00 an hour and work 40 hours per week, and at the end of my workday I go home. In my previous job I worked 80+ hours per week for about the same money...and I did that for 25 years! It was killing me! At this point in my life, I prefer being labor to management because I sleep better at night and my health is better too! Also, most of my co-workers are younger that me and that keeps me on my toes, as does interacting with customers. I recently turned 65 and plan to keep working as long as my health allows. I'm a workaholic and I admit it!
    We have a lot of employees that hire on and work for a few days, weeks, or months, and then they are gone...sometimes it isn't even worth the effort to learn their names. Some go to different or better jobs, some have family or health problems, and some don't have a good work ethic (aka lazy)! Fortunately, we have a group of core employees that are good workers and have been on the job for a while, and occasionally we add to that group.
    Recently I attended a surprise birthday party for a cousin that retired early. They were able to lure her to the party site by telling her that there was going to be a Friends Trivia Contest. Apparently, that is a thing! Last year she was a career woman and now her days are filled with Friends Trivia. So sad! That is why I'm gonna work until the day before the funeral! Without work most people wouldn't go to bed, get up, bathe, or put on clean clothes!
    CraftyMofo and Yard Dart like this.
  11. Tempstar

    Tempstar Monkey+++

    It is planned and implemented by our government. Remember when Biden was running for President and said the minimum wage should be $15.00 an hour? Why would they want that? Why effectively double the pay for many people? Increased tax revenue from payroll taxes!

    Why is inflation so bad, and why does the government not do more to lower it? Increased tax revenue from sales tax!

    Why did fuel prices spike and remain double what they were pre-Biden? Increased tax revenue fro fuel fuel tax!

    Why are unemployment numbers down now under the Biden economy? Simply, the system only measures the metrics of jobs filled, not the massive percentage of the working class working two jobs thus skewing the normal 1 person-1 job standard assumption. As a quick example, our little hardware store has the owner and his wife as the only full time employees, everyone else works there part time as a second job. This helps the owners as they are not required to meet all of the gubmint regulations for full time employees, but destroys the accuracy of the jobs report.

    Why is it so hard to get people to work? Another example: Most of the positions at the national company I work for demands a college degree, but only pays around $32k a year in our market. They sign a two year contract and all, and to reinforce that, ALL leave after that two years either for a larger market or a different career that pays more. It is a shame watching kids throw away a college degree and their dream because the economy has been turned around by government greed. The after effect is that these people with these degrees are now entering a different sector of the workforce, usually one they have no experience in, starting them at the bottom of the pay scale once again. Now we have people who need to work but aren't trained for the jobs that are available that pay well, so they end up as disgruntled minimum wage workers whose only loyalty rests on whatever job is paying more. if that "job" happens to be unemployment benefits, then that's where they go.

    As far as Hispanic or non-citizen workers, they have always been a part of the agriculture and construction trades as
    long as I can remember. I know many on a personal level and they are decent people. Most send the majority of their wages "home" and are building empires there for their families and their own retirement.
    Cruisin Sloth and CraftyMofo like this.
  12. johnbb

    johnbb Monkey+++

    Most send the majority of their wages "home" and are building empires there for their families and their own retirement.

    This is another problem. Money taken out of our economy is money lost it does not circulate in our economy buying goods and paying wages -----51.6 billion dollars annually sent to Mexico alone.
    Cruisin Sloth and CraftyMofo like this.
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