The Secret Speech of General Chi Haotian, ~2003

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Bandit99, Feb 14, 2023.

  1. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    Thankfully, I never heard of this speech before. I say this because it scares the hell out of me. @Dont posted this in the chat box this morning. I think what is scary is this is 20 years old, but everything is tracking perfectly just as they planned those 20 years ago, perfect and scary, especially if we tie what we know about the Covid virus...and what about these balloons? I have no idea if this 'speech' is true but... We better wake up and damn quick because they not only don't mean to take our country, but our lives and they will take it via biological weapons, and I am not just talking about our military but all of us - period. Read it all because it gets worse and worse....

    I spent most of my adult life outside the USA so I missed many things not having access to them or simply because I was too damn busy and much of the time I wasn't in the best of locations so, I am sorry if you have read this before and I am wasting your time. My intent is to ensure that everyone here actually has seen it and had an opportunity to read it in full...cause like I said, it gets worse and worse.

    The Secret Speech of General Chi Haotian – J.R. Nyquist Blog (
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2023
    Dont and Ura-Ki like this.
  2. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    I been saying it all along, CHINA will take us out with Bio-Chem weapons, and these balloons missing their "Payloads" is proof of something happening NOW! Three ( At least) carried a payload, and yet that package was missing when the balloons were shot down, and combined with our benevolent gov not telling us what if anything was recovered is also very scary! CHina has waited until we had a weak president, and it's obvious he doesn't have control of the military or Intelligence divisions, so,..............
    I expect these are the last days of peace and freedom here in the good Ol' U.S. of A! Ruck Up folks!
    3M-TA3, Dont, crowdaddy and 1 other person like this.
  3. DKR

    DKR Raconteur of the first stripe

    Way prior to this speech - RAH warned of a war with China - one using biowarfare. The novel Starship Troopers has the American Empire at war with China for 150 years....

    If you imagine we have been at (proxy) war with China since at least 1950... puts us @72 years right now.

    The Old Soviet doesn't count it is no longer in exitance. If you look at us ay war with "Communism" then that started in 1918 - so now we have been at it 104 years.....
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2023
    Ura-Ki likes this.
  4. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    I've no idea if this 'speech' is true but I am not real happy with how things are lining up with what I know to be true like the recent Covid pandemic (coincidence, test run, etc.), a President that seems to be controlled by China, a conflict in Eastern Europe with a major power holding our attention and resources, an island that China has sworn to return to its control and now these balloons which are hard to track by radar that most seem to have no purpose yet the government will not tell us what they were carrying because they don't want us to know, they don't know, or our Chinese own President won't let them tell us...Oh! Let us not forget about our Chinese own President blowing up a pipeline ensuring we would have to fight on two fronts if it came to blows...
    Ura-Ki likes this.
  5. Kamp Krap

    Kamp Krap Monkey++

    There is a whole lot not adding up here..... Or there is a whole lot adding up if you look at it from a less than civilized perspective.
  6. Altoidfishfins

    Altoidfishfins Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    FWIW I believe Covid was in development stages as a bio-weapon when it slipped away from the Wuhan lab before they were able to perfect it.

    It killed a lot of their own people as a result. But since they knew they were going to have an economy crippling pandemic, they quickly sent many of their infected people all over the world to "spread the love" so that they would not be alone in their economic setbacks. The word "ruthless" is used often in the speech for good reason.

    That doesn't mean they've stopped working on the "improvements." In fact now they have a lot more data with which to work.

    Just my [2c]
  7. Kamp Krap

    Kamp Krap Monkey++

    I found Covid to be a great learning experience. Something to watch closely and observe and be very wary of as a unknown threat in the early days. It was something that could be tracked as it spread. We were able to learn just how fast the supply chain would break down. We saw just how quickly the herd would follow where directed. We learned just how much power people would happily surrender without question. We learned that most of our Governments from Local to POTUS and all of the agencies in between are as power hungry and corrupted as suspected. We learned that our highest ranking Medical Officials are for sale to the highest bidder and have their own agendas, that involve following the Dollar far more than following the science. We learned that mask were equally as effective as putting lace underwear over your face. We learned that 6 feet or 600 feet made no difference. We learned that never in my home leftist would make runs on buying every gun they could get their hands on. We learned that people would line up for vaccines that were neither safe or effective and made the vaccinated host for the virus to grow, mutate and spread. We learned a few months ago that the CDC made a subtle yet important change to their language, people no long died FROM covid but died WITH Covid. We learned that China probably did manipulate the virus and that it probably did escape from the Wuhan Lab, and that WE were in part funding the gain of function research at the Wuhan lab via our tax dollars.

    The Government learned a lot over the last few years as well, like just how stupid the American People really are and how easily they can be manipulated into compliance with anything if packaged correctly and sold hard.
  8. Dont

    Dont Just another old gray Jarhead Monkey

    China has never been our friend. Ever!
    Yes, they have had greedy designs on our natural resources for a very long time.
    Will they take it through conquest? Greed supports greed and America will be handed over to them, only to be followed by the great purging.

    Understand, the fed is not on our side. Matter of fact, they will be part of the handing over. Question is, are there any left in the Mil that will stand against this happening? Is this still the same Mil of our era?

    Is this speech a fake? In today's? World who can say. But it sure gets one to thinking.
    Homer Simpson and Bandit99 like this.
  9. Dont

    Dont Just another old gray Jarhead Monkey

    By the way. Two points for further consideration.

    There has been an increase in the numbers of Chinese nationals being intercepted at our boarders, attempting to "infiltrate" into our country.

    We are at war, but with who?

    Thread by @LarrySchweikart on Thread Reader App
  10. CraftyMofo

    CraftyMofo Monkey+++

    No idea why they need to break into the country. There are everywhere in businesses and schools in this area.
    Kamp Krap and johnbb like this.
  11. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    KK, you quantified it perfectly and you can bet your last nickel, that both governments, USA and China, watched and learned. The worse thing is China knew WHAT happened and WHEN yet would not tell the world any specifics. Now, it is all it never happened. they released, either by accident or purposely, a genetically modified virus onto the world with incalculable consequences which well never know the full results. Hell, I still have issues since Covid that will not go away. And yet, we still trade with them, buy their crap, allow them to purchase land within our country... They are not the sick and insane ones - we are.
    Kamp Krap likes this.
  12. johnbb

    johnbb Monkey+++

    Scary stuff and unfortunately true the Chinese have not existed for centuries by playing the short game. They see the west as spoiled and weak and expect instant results. The Chinese will make a move when it is to their advantage. In the mean time they will prob our defenses, educate their citizens in our universities, buy up as much of America they can. And the time will come when China calls in the 1.7 trillion dollars in debt we owe them.
    Kamp Krap likes this.
  13. Dont

    Dont Just another old gray Jarhead Monkey

    Going to war with Shine-on would sure take care of that 1.7 trillion dept..
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