Bug out plan

Discussion in 'General Survival and Preparedness' started by fl4848, Feb 9, 2023.

  1. fl4848

    fl4848 Monkey+

    Mike Adams painted a picture yesterday that seems like a likely outcome after the China balloon fiasco.

    1. China launches another balloon. This time the balloon has a pay load on it. The pay load is deployed in the upper atmosphere and causes an EMP which takes out all electronics. Cell phones no longer work. Cars no longer work. Electricity grid goes down. Any electric device... even your toaster... no longer works. We're back to the stone ages. We can't get food to grocery stores because the trucks don't work. Police can't defend anyone because their cars don't work and even if they did, they couldn't defend everyone because mass chaos has just erupted.

    2. When that happens, people freak out. They start robbing grocery stores. When the grocery stores are empty, the population transforms into gangs of wolves. They start robbing surrounding homes for food. Then they move out to the suburbs and start robbing homes there.

    3. China lets the mass chaos in the USA go on for about 6 - 8 months. The USA will be weakened significantly by this point through the mass chaos. Food supplies will be spent. There will be no more food coming to the starving masses. Ammunition will be spent from mass violence. People will be tired morally and physically from the onslaught against their neighbors. The time is ripe for China to launch an invasion.

    4. China's army lands on the shores of California and start ripping through the country. They have a million man army. The US army is ordered to stand down because of the corrupt government officials who have been paid off by China. Corrupt government officials have been promised a place of royalty in the next world, once this one crashes. Little do they realize that they will be the first ones to be killed because the Chinese hate traitors.

    5. Without the US military being deployed against this invasion, China easily takes over the US. There is some resistance from individual civilians with guns, but they are now match for the professional million man army of China. They deploy drones, biological weapons, robotic soldiers, tanks, and masses of physical soldiers across America.

    6. Beforehand, Russia and China met. They made an agreement that Russia gets to conquer Europe while China gets to conquer America, which is Canada, USA, South America. So that means NATO will not be coming to our rescue. As a matter of fact, NATO facilitated this agreement between Russia and China.

    That scenario sounds like the perfect storm to create a one world government. Unfortunately, with what we've been seeing over the past couple of years, it seems like they are well on their way to putting this plan into action.

    I'm a bit like deer-in-headlights at this point. I'd like to put together a Bug Out Plan for getting out of dodge, at least when the EMP attack occurs, and the zombie masses start killing each other. It would be good to be in a rural setting with a sparse population.

    I live in central Massachusetts, which is an awful location due to high population density. If you were in my situation, what would your bug-out plan look like? Where would you escape to?

    Would you purchase a rural property somewhere? Would you put up a house? Would you buy a property that already has a house? Would you just find a piece of land in the woods and build a fort? Would you build a bunker?

    I'm like a deer in headlights. I'm not sure what the best path is to take. If I knew the best path, I would take action towards completing the goal.

    I keep going back to purchasing land in Vermont, New Hampshire or Maine and either building something or purchasing a pre-existing house.
  2. Illini Warrior

    Illini Warrior Illini Warrior

    what's going to happen is China will start their attack on Taiwan - Biden will give lip service but refuse to take any action - Japan will back their vow to defend with actual action >>>> Biden will declare neutrality and start a major withdrawl from the Asian Rim - the next Prez will have another WW2 situation of fighting across the Pacific and defending Australia from invasion .....
  3. oldawg

    oldawg Monkey+++

    Sounds right EXCEPT for #4,5,and 6. First of all #6. screw Nato, they have been nothing but a drag on our people and resources since it's inception. Let them stand or fall on their own. #4 and 5, I remember the Viet Cong in person and the Mujahideen by the news and study of their tactics. Many other guerrilla groups come to mind. Even as the uniformed military has gained technology and knowledge so have we as citizens. Even if our military allowed the Chinese to make landfall their last soldiers standing die before they can even write to tell their mothers good bye. The last two decades of internal strife and six decades of proxy and brushfire wars has made us the most formidable citizen militia in numbers of veterans, equipment, knowledge, and experience the modern world has ever seen. An invasion by a foreign military would see a unification of our different factions against them. Add in that even though the military leaders might obey a stand down order the majority of the rank and file just ain't gonna stand around and let us civies have all the fun. They have all the really fun toys and that would be the excuse to go all "god of war" and if all else fails we send in the Cajun Navy with their bass boats and 30-30s on a Saturday. You ever deal with a Cajun who had to work overtime on a Saturday night?? Peace before noon Sunday.
  4. 3M-TA3

    3M-TA3 Cold Wet Monkey

    I'm always amazed that these experts choose to ignore the findings of the EMP Commission where they systematically tested the results of an EMP on just about everything. The cliff notes are the power grid and communications will be toast and almost everything else, like your car, will work just fine. They always also seem to ignore that .mil and a whole lot of .gov (like DHS) are protected from EMP.

    China may employ that tactic at some point, but right now they depend on us as a customer to keep their economy moving. When we become a very small consumer of theirs is when it would become a potential for an attack.

    Yes, China has a huge army, but they don't have the resources to get them here. Get back to me on this when they complete building thousands of troop transport ships and the associated landing craft. Also remember that .mil literally has years of food and supplies and that very few of these ships would make it halfway across the Pacific.

    OK, so China does a sneaky EMP that's quickly and easily traced back to them. Does anybody think there won't be a retaliation from us that would cripple them? Really? Really? Nobody thinks this would not trigger MAD?

    EMP's are great scenarios for survival FICTION. Hell, I'm even reading one of them now and that's where unrealistic poetic license is valid.

    The only people who would consider an EMP attack ignoring or perhaps even immune to retaliation are nutter Islamic jihadists or North Korea. In one case they don't care about the literal fallout and in the other sending North Korea back to the stone age would go unnoticed in 99% of the country.
  5. 3M-TA3

    3M-TA3 Cold Wet Monkey

    China's plans to marginalize us and exert political and economic control over us are working. All they need is to be patient and they will eventually win. At some point they will be able to take Taiwan with barely a whimper from us. At most our retaliation will be an stern apology from whoever is the Secretary of State at the time.

    Their real weapon is fentanyl. To them it's poetic justice to use addiction to opiate drugs against the West, when that was how Great Britain, then the leader of the West, used opium to keep them in chains. It's too sweet a punishment for them to discard.
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2023
  6. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

    I'm going to keep on keeping on.
    I don't think that any country wants another world war.
    Now i could see regional conflicts like China, Japan, Taiwan. And things getting more interesting in the Ukraine conflict.
    But an actual attack on the US proper? Even with Biden in office, that might not be a winning plan.

    We are all heading into the toilet morally and economically.
    I predict that the US will be the last out of the bowl.
  7. BlueDuck

    BlueDuck Monkey+++

    Glad more people are starting to wake up. Probably too little, too late for most. No guarantee for even the most prepared, but their odds are better. I believe I am about as ready as I can be. I woke up and started seriously preparing 30 years ago. One step at a time and it never ends. Hope for the best and prepare for the worst.
  8. fl4848

    fl4848 Monkey+

    Yes, I'm trying to pull myself up by my bootstraps on this.

    Problem is not that I'm lazy. I'll get stuff done.

    Problem is, I don't know what to do. I think I'd benefit from having a list of stories of what other people have done. Maybe I should go back and watch Doomsday Preppers again to see what people did. Although 80% of the episodes, if I remember correctly, were hogwash.

    Other problem is, I don't have a million bucks to drop on this. Would need to take slow, incremental steps.

    I suspect that the Satanists planning this out are trying to mirror Nazi Germany. We are just at the 100 year mark. They like to time things to lunar calendars and such. They probably said to themselves, "In 100 years, the NAZIs will rise again. This time we'll take the world" followed by an evil laugh. Wha-ha-ha.

    Well, we're just about at the 100 year mark now. I think NAZIs in Germany started taking Jews to the camps in the mid 1930s. So we'd be looking at 2030 for them to start hauling folks off to the FEMA camps. I'd say we have 7 years to get prepped before this starts happening in America.

    In any case, I'm stuck in Massachusetts. I have family here. I have to make due with what I've got. Perhaps buying rural land in NH or Maine or VT makes sense. I don't have a lot of money. I could take out a mortgage. I should probably roll up my sleeves and start digging into properties. Not sure how far up I should go. The farther up, the less population, and the safer you are. But, in a SHTF scenario, the further up you are, the less likely you are to make it up there. Also, the further up you are, the longer you have to go to work on the property, and prep it. Realistically, I'd probably need to go up there every other weekend to make headway on it.

    There's probably some properties up there of failed prepper attempts up for sale. Kind of like buying someone else's business. Maybe I should look for something like that. Buy someone else's 50% progress. Problem with this is (1) you're buying all of their F*ck ups, and fixing them. (2) in a SHTF scenario, they might decide to come back and claim their work, put a bullet in your head, and take over where you left off. If they put a lot of sweat equity into the property, they probably feel like they still own it, no matter how much money you put on the table for it. I can't blame them for that feeling either. I'd probably feel the same way.

    I need to start doing something. Just start doing something. Baby steps. Just have a lack of direction about what that something should be. If it was an obvious path forward, you bet I'd be doing it yesterday. The path is not obvious though. Dang.
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2023
  9. fl4848

    fl4848 Monkey+

    mechstdr and Seepalaces like this.
  10. Gator 45/70

    Gator 45/70 Monkey+++

    Stuck in Massachusetts? Hogwash pard-Nah, What you need is a motor/sailor
    SHTF? Load up and take a right turn Clyde, Head south off the coast.
    Million and 1 spots to lay up in for a night or 2 along the coast.
    Catch you're own food along the way. Don't forget to armor up the engine bay, fuel tanks and cockpit area!
  11. oldawg

    oldawg Monkey+++

    Like many here I've been at this a LONG time and been through many setbacks and burnouts since the '70s. So first off you're letting yourself be overwhelmed by the perception of the utopian idea of preps for all things. Ain't possible for anyone to have that. You prep for a 4 hour power outage and before you know it you're making a plan to hijack Elon's starship to evade an alien invasion! Even Elon's billions leave him stuck here with the rest of us dirt people until he gets that rocket powered bugout vehicle done. So just back up, sit down, lean back and enjoy a wobble pop or two, and relax. Pick just one target but make it an easy one and forget the hundred year cycle. That's conjecture and trying to pin down a date is just going to make your head hurt. You don't have the land yet but you can put back a little each month while you do a calm search for a place that fits a REASONABLE objective. Very few of us are going to reach the level of our very own Mount Weather so if you make a few Sunday road trips to check out areas and prices you're not going to fall fatally behind schedule. Meanwhile figure out what you need (versus wants) to build your weekend getaway/teotwawki hide. Heck, whole families moved to the west to start their lives over from scratch with just what they could fit in one conestoga wagon which was the u-haul of the day. Again just relax and do just one thing today, tomorrow one more small step and so on. You'll get there all the same. And for petes' sake take the time to stop and smell some roses, or beer an BBQ. You won't get it done anyway if you dither yourself into a grave from stroking out. Just this old mans opinion from looking back. Dang! I let my coffee get cold, now what? Oh wait, more is on the fire and I see Track Of The Wolf has my needed percussion lockworks back in stock.
  12. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    I think Mike Adams has been reading or writing too much Doomsday Fiction...

    First, they will not allow any more balloons to come over America or even Canada - not because Biden wouldn't love to allow them, since China owns him, but because politically it is too embarrassing.

    Second, this balloon was ALL about Taiwan... I think the balloon main three purposes were: 1. obtaining better targeting data on American nuclear facilities (IMINT, ELINT and SIGINT, if it goes nuclear they now have what they need...does make you wonder about their satellite assets as must not be as good as we think). 2. Embarrassing America (which they accomplished) and 3. to lay the groundwork to shoot down any of our recce flights in the Taiwan Strait/China Sea even though they are in international waters. We have been warned by their latest statement that they will deal with future incidents in the same manner. This also plays right along with their big up of forces and preparation.

    Third, as stated, I think this balloon was all about Taiwan as all the cards are falling perfectly for invasion: Russia's massive Spring offensive, weak President which also the Chinese control, NATO stretched to its limit supporting Ukraine, and America stretched to its financial limit due to Biden's spending policies...which probably are part of the Chinese plan. Everything is damn near perfect for the Chinese to sally forth and reclaim Taiwan via force if necessary. There is still risk and that is the US NAVY; however, most people don't realize that the strait is so narrow land base anti-ship rockets and aircraft will be a very effective counter. How effective is the big question, the big risk...

    Fourth, but let's get serious, Biden will NOT support Taiwan no matter what he says publicly. Biden is finished no matter what so what does he care of the fallout of sitting on his hands - he doesn't. He has come to the end of his career and usefulness and the Chinese certainly know this which is why the balloon happened now and perhaps even their attempt concerning Taiwan.

    On a side note, if the Chinese were to try and invade the USA, the US Navy would eat them alive. Their logistic tail would be thousands of miles long and impossible to maintain with their ships, equipment and supplies being sunk faster than they could replace them. This is one of the inherent strengths of the United States, an ocean on both sides..."The Americans are a very lucky people. They're bordered to the north and south by weak neighbors, and to the east and west by fish. - Bismarck

    Anyway, not to worry...take @oldawg advice and do what you can, when you can and pray it's enough. That is all a person can do, that's what we all do.
    mysterymet, 3M-TA3, mechstdr and 4 others like this.
  13. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    I have been thinking a lot about this Ballon thing… First thing, How was China supposed to get the recorded Data collected by the instruments hung from the Ballon? Second thing, if the Chinese had a Sat Uplink as part of the Electronic Package on the Ballon, now the USA has scored all the frequencies and modulation types, by reverse engineering the UpLink Transmitter.. Now that would be an Intelligence Coup de Grau for the US, since it would cost the Chinese a pile, of intel to change over to a new system, and now the US can eavesdrop on all the Ballons presently floating around the planet by the chinese…
    mysterymet, 3M-TA3, Yard Dart and 4 others like this.
  14. Seepalaces

    Seepalaces Monkey+++

    It's important for me to say that my husband is the brains in our team, I'm the brawn. Having said that, I've had several friends who have asked for first steps from us. My suggestion to anyone starting out would be to make a plan to get through 30 days with no outside intervention. Start with 30 assuming you will stay in place. We know there is going to be a large earthquake near our area in the next 50 years, so I suggested my nearby family get three flats of soup in cans per person in your home. That way you know you have a single reasonable meal daily for 30 days. That's not optimal, but it is a start. Also, you can give the soup to a local shelter every year and replace it for very little cash outlay. My suggestion is to build around that. Ok, now you have soup for 30 days, what about breakfast? Possibly pancake mix or oatmeal? How are you going to heat these things? You can eat canned soup unheated, but, blech. So a cheap camp stove is an easy decision and power outages happen all the time, so it's a good idea to get a camp stove. Does this make sense? It's really just making a plan, taking a first step, then working through what works for your specific situation.
  15. Seepalaces

    Seepalaces Monkey+++

    This was exactly my question. Nothing about this makes sense. What could China possibly get with a balloon that they can't get with their corps of hackers?
    mechstdr and Gator 45/70 like this.
  16. mechstdr

    mechstdr patriotic grease monkey

    To quote a hero, ( i know i'm old) "I am what i am and thats all that i am" I've been buying cheap and stacking deep, is it enough? do not know! will we survive to see the other side of the coming "troubles"? I still don't know! but a quote from a movie says it all for me "never give up! never surrender!" ;):sneaky:
  17. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

    I think the best bugout plan is to already be bugged out.
    If one thinks that they may need to evacuate their current situation at some point in the future.
    best plan is to leave now.
    I basically work 40 miles away from the city and it's problems.
    10 miles surburban, 15 miles mcMansions, then 15 miles of woods and corn fields.
    Am i far enough away. Probably not but i've got a good buffer to buy some time if need be.
    So, I've got this place and another bout 600 miles north and west that i could escape to but it's more of a hell, if shits bad, I'll just stay here on 'vacation shack' hundred+ of miles from a city/town with more than 25k people in it.

    I'd prefer to be at the vacation shack but you know .. life. It's a plan but not likely to get there if not already there if shit really got bad in a hurry.

    That said, it probably won't get bad in a hurry but have contingencies for that.
    Humans can endure all kinds of suffering before they snap.

    Anyway. I wouldn't want to live in any city/town/burb that has buildings higher than 3 stories let alone live on the outskirts of them either.
    mechstdr, Seepalaces and Gator 45/70 like this.
  18. 3M-TA3

    3M-TA3 Cold Wet Monkey

    What were we missing when the balloon had everyone's attention for several days? Fakepeachment #1 had everybody missing the big virus story coming out of Asia in November 2019.

    A ridiculous distraction always seems to hide something significant to keep it going unnoticed.
  19. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

  20. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    Seeplaces, They could and did get a lot, a lot more than their satellites could give them, obviously or they wouldn't have done it. Those satellites sit around 18,000 miles out while the balloon was only 60,000 feet (~11 miles). Specifically, we won't ever know but guessing I would bet it was to do with ground penetrating radar and super good imagery so they could fine tune their target package specifically for the nuclear sites. That's just my guess but it fits and they would have to be a good reason, such as this, to risk the fallout of it...but who are we kidding. There really wasn't any fallout nor risk, not with Biden at the helm. Personally, I would also bet their satellite packages are nowhere near as capable as ours meaning imagery, signal and electronic gather packages.

    So, to ensure things don't go nuclear when and if they invade Taiwan - well - those Yankees dogs now know that we have excellent data to tie to our Hypersonic missiles so they will not even consider a nuclear option and risk retaliation. They are just checking boxes in preparation.

    BTP, they were definitely transmitting back via a satellite, no matter what they or the USA government tells us - that's a no brainer. Yes, we would now have the freqs and modulation type they are using but I would bet we had them already. Of course, they encrypt everything but freqs and modulations types are finite so...unless they're using some whacko Chinese only modulation scheme which is possible but even so, I think we could crack that... All the satellites systems I worked on were fairly easy to change frequencies and etc. to a certain degree. You would have to change modems and up/down converters settings, maybe I am forgetting something as been about 10 years, but not much else and of course these settings were limited to design of the band you were using, which the entire terminal was designed for. Some of the terminals were indeed Quad bands but most were not with lots of military using X-band (totally saturated and I think now is specifically reserved for special operations) C-band (was rare but used at times) and believe it or not, Ku-band were used at times but most of military has shifted to Ka-band and last I heard they had 6 new (I think that's the number) satellites up that covered the entire world.

    Anyway, I feel certain we know exactly where their satellites are and what frequencies they are using but, in all honesty, I cannot think of anything we might actually gain via intelligence from shooting down that balloon - obviously something - but I sure can't think of it. Also, the Chinese knew exactly what they were doing and knew there was a HUGE chance of it getting shot down, so they knew exactly what they were losing...which I bet wasn't much. In truth, this is a MASSIVE intelligence coup for them, a huge win and someone is getting a promotion over there.
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